
发布时间:2023-12-11 07:33:20 阅读:47 点赞:0




1、The last thing she told me was to take care of my hers and sisters and to set an example.


2、Yo wife will be back in a week or o and rything will be ght as rain again.

艾莉森:你好,我是来这儿洗头。 特拉维斯:好。

3、Travis: OK, all done.


4、So, she decided, since what happened in the fute good bad not clear, you live in the present moment, thing on the examine oneself, feeling no shame.

5、She felt it her duty to take good care of them. 居里博士吩咐我好好照顾你。

6、154.Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse. ◎知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。


7、So Nina's preferences are Player 1's preferences here.


8、Buy best and famous stone, Please to Jinda!


9、Hungtse Lake is an excellent setting and also a great crab farm, constantly pducing an abundance of high quality crabs.


10、Before I thought that will spread many skin care fsts to the skin to be very certainly useful, now thought that so long as the mood good, will rest well, eats good, the skin will be natally good.

好主意。多一束康乃馨会更好。 。

11、Ann: Good idea. And a bunch of carnation will be better…

好歌,很好歌手,好玩音乐片:) :) 谢谢你,给我带来微笑, 5个星!

12、Good song, great singer, funny music video. :) :) Thanks for bnging a ile on my face. :D

5 stars!


13、SP-1 modified tapioca starch shows cationic nate, it has good stability, good liquidity and good film- founding ability.


14、Champions of Law: the champions of the men is lying, the champions of women is fanciful.


15、it’s a bypduct of a life well lived.


16、China sincerely hopes that South Sudan and Sudan can be good neighbors, good partners and good hers forr.


17、Good, OK and attenuant py blood, very ful to health.


18、Coffee can be good for you - the stnger, the better.


19、I only want it to be a very good one. The best.


20、Good morning, Michael.How are you this morning?

21、Those who eat best and dnk best often do worst.只图吃好穿好,学坏常常免不了。

22、Make yoself at the party. I'll be ght with you.你先在派对上好好玩,我马上到。

23、They prefer an A to a B+, they prefer a B+ to a B-, and they prefer a B- to a C.他们觉得A就是比B+要好,B+比B-好,B-也比C好

24、Yes , she's good at Chinese , maths and science .好,她语文、数学和自然科学学得很好。

25、But before the research, it feels good to feel good.暂不说研究,感觉好就是感觉好。

英文句子26:,26、I find lessons well-worth the time and tuble.我觉得这些课程值得好好学一下。

27、We have just come off the ranch; had a good rest and good New Year's with some fends.我们刚刚离开牧场,好好休息了一下,跟一些朋友过了个好年。

28、Have a good rest and then you'll feel better. I'm feeling n worse. Nothing seous, I hope.好好休息,你就会好起来。 我感觉更糟糕了。 我希望不严重。

29、Er, a best braggadocio is also a 'best'.额,最好吹牛大王也算是个最好。

30、It is important to have a good solution. The issues are complex and need to be discussed.想出一个很好解决方案很重要.问题太复杂,需要好好讨论.

31、And you can get a good view of St. Pl's fm the top of the Monument.不过你要是想从最好角度看圣保罗大教堂,你就得好好做准备。

32、Great team, great actors, great story, hope you guys get to see it soon.非常好班底﹐非常好演员﹐非常好故事﹐希望大家能够早点看到。

33、Best Buy Company has its own business concept that we called it "3 Best", Best Pce, Best Brand and Best Service.骏业公司拥有身营商概念,我们称之为「三个最好」,即是最好价钱、最好品牌和最好服务。

34、He's better today but he isn't really well yet.他今天好点儿了,可是还没有全好。

35、Certainly, sir. But o special meal is nice this week.好,先生。但是周特餐非常好。

36、I looked at, and good gas and amused , forgive it.我看了,又好气又好笑,原谅了它。

37、Okay. Good. I see Daniel down here has got this nailed.好,很好,丹尼尔已经掌握了

38、S~ are good, and ~ are bad, and others are indifferent.有好,有坏,也有不好不坏。

39、Dving License, employee's card and dirver will be vefied when picking up the goods in factory.要求安排车况良好货车,素质良好、服务态度良好司机运送;

40、Pale ink is better than the most retentive memory.暗淡墨水比最好记忆好多了。

41、Carly: Wow! It's so dark and stormy today.卡莉: 哇!今天外面好暗,而且风雨好大。

42、Well, you've been treating them for years, but I ced them both in a week.你治疗他们好多年都没治好,我用了一个礼拜就把他们都治好了。

43、Gerry Conlon: Look, you are not going to die alght? If you do, se I can look after Ma alght.瞧,你不会,好么?倘使你了,我一定会好好照望。

44、OK, OK, my o clr apprentices. And first, I'd like to impart my forte skill to you!好,好,我两位好徒弟!首先,我想传授你们我一项拿手绝活。

45、The anxiety of girls, he is a father no very thin ask, must await to retn to 100 one inside mountain, let the wife annotate ugg boots convince her well.女孩儿家心事,他当爹不好细问,只好等回到百里山,让妻子好好开导她了。

46、Would that for but one day I could serve You worthily !巴不得我能好好事奉祢一天。

47、Is--okay. One,o. This is not--okay,three.好,一个,两个,看上去他不太,好,三个。

48、Now I can compete with o Xibe fends.可以好好跟锡伯族朋友们比一比。

49、Give the tablecloth a good shake before putting it away.桌布收起来之前要好好抖一抖。

50、Her good habits bode well for her fute.她好习惯预示她将来会有好前途。

经典英文句子51:好,51、Bob:That's a great suggestion, and I'll make se the rankingstei am and I discuss this !相当好建议,我保证我和我团队会好好商酌一下这个题目!

52、But just seems like no time and no mood to sit down and tidy up myself here. what am I thinking? What I want to do?只是好像好久没时间和心情坐下来好好理一下自己。自己到底在想什么?想什么?

53、It was nice(charactestically thoughtful) ( than kind) of you。 承蒙好意(特别关心)(十二分好意)…

54、Make se the parcel's correctly tied up before you post it.包裹寄出之前要捆得好好。

55、One man’s meat is another man’s poison。 对一个好事对另外人并不是好事。

56、A good degree can be an open sesame to a good job.好学历是好工作敲门砖。

57、Will you be so good as to stand guard?请你站在这儿给我望望风好不好?

58、Is that good or bad, or something in beeen?这是好事还是坏事还是不好不坏?

59、It happened sral times this week, so maybe it's a good si.他笑着说,“这种情况在这周内发生了好几次,所以弄不好这是一个好兆头。”

60、Let me see, Hm. In case we can't get the contract ready by then, we'll.好吧,我们各方面都好像是谈到了。我们在几天内就把合同准备好。

61、OK, I know one or o very good tea shops.好,我知道一两家好茶叶店。

62、You're going to pay really good attention to all the details of the pecope.好好留意,选段细节。

63、Gerry Conlon: Look, you are not going to die alght? If you do, se I can look after Ma alght.瞧,你不会,好么?如果你了,我一定会好好照顾。

、It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better… while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hos much .世人好象被分成了好人和坏人。好人睡得塌实…但坏人好象更享受清醒时候。

65、Is it good de? Of cose it bloody is!这算好债吗?当然啦,好得没话说了!

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