
发布时间:2023-06-30 03:37:09 阅读:58 点赞:0

关于”正能量“英子58个,句子主体:positive ener。以下是关于正能量专业英子。

英文句子模板1:positive ener


1、Work is coming out.


2、Land animals raised for food make up a staggeng 20% of the entire land animal biomass of the earth. We are eating o planet to death.


3、You may call upon us to anchor salt water in yo field and discharge the positive ions that an upward moving ener that es ungunded -ness.


4、But, there are few brands in possession of pfessional timbre and excellent quality.


5、As can be seen, StngBuilder performance remained constant thughout exercise.


6、Most pcessed breads and cereals contain little fiber, the caloe-free component of plant foods that fills you up, not out.


7、You're not going crazy you're just Shmbra moving into the new ener.


8、The caloc content of leaf and stolon increased while that of inflorescence decreased with the sing of QAP.


9、x so this momentum is positive and this momentum is negative, the total momentum will nr change.


10、The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or ener into a all enough volume, as happens when a massive star collapses.


11、Different fm the ght of sentencing judges, it is psecutoal power. Sentencing pposal functions to keep efficiency and justice and regulates the judges'discretion.


12、While "people obviously like the kudos of having dreds of fends" the reality was that their social circle was unlikely to be bigger than anybody else's.


13、(slide-"Since it is quantum-mechanical, it predicts pbabilities (some of which can be near-certainties) for fute nts, given past ones.

在黄土中生长能忍受土壤最低含水量为 能够在黄土、细沙土、建筑渣土中正常生长;

14、Its shade tolerance, dught tolerance and water saving capacity was very high and could ende

4.1% moiste content in yellow soil,

3.2% moiste content in sandy soil.




15、Earth is shifting its polar axis and rrsing its polar charges to operate in aliment with the new ll of ener vibration.


16、The result indicates that the beang capacity of rails have been impved highly. The effect of normalizing treatment on railhead and rail bottom angle is excellent than manually operation.


17、Fltfinding expends so much negative ener that nothing is left over for positive action.


18、Sofare desi realizes functions of flow characic correction, tomatic ze setting, span setting, alarm, flt diaosis and field display;


19、Ener and time are quickening, much is happening on yo expanding Earth as you prepare for the 2012 Ascension.

现实中:作为推进器使用一种能源,正常物质必然会与反物质粒子接触,并且被前者消灭,转变成一种纯能量。 “这是人类所知道最强大能量反应。”

20、The Science: As a soce of ener for ppulsion, you can't top matter and antimatter particles coming into contact and annihilating each other.

21、The effect of dosage of initiator and BA, temperate and time on graft copolymezation was investigated by orthogonal desi.用正交设计方法探讨了引发剂用量、丙烯酸丁酯用量、温度和时间对产物能影响;

22、Ener can be resrected and reconstituted just as one resrects the cellular structe of the form.正是当你重建身体细胞结构之时,能量可以被恢复并重建。

23、Now, yo temptation is to keep the first answer bee you know ener is not going to be negative.你肯定想保留正根,因为你知道能量不会是负值

24、Healthy skin can be achid thugh pper diet and by dnking plenty of water.健康漂亮皮肤能通过正确饮食和喝大量水来养成。

25、On the other hand, the thesis compares heat consumption and synthesis correction factor with ener-saving and non ener-saving bulling.文还对节能建筑、不节能建筑耗热量及综合修正系数进行了比较。

英文句子26:,26、It is yo soce that synthesizes the field, and therefore must be present for this exercise.合成你能量场正是你源头,因此必须在练习中到场。

27、The oentation ener err will be fther eliminated by the second direction correction using direct wave information.第二步是在第一步校正基上,利用直达波进行第二次方位校正,进一步消除方位能量误差。

28、The results demonstrate that HFOV can maintain normal gas exchange. The effectiveness of HFOV correlates predominately with the amount of tidal volume and the rate of frequency, especially the former.结果表明:HFOV能维持正常气体交换能,其效能明显受潮气量大小和频率高低影响,以潮气量作用更为突出。

29、The effect of NCO/OH molar ratio, the fed amount of DMPA, ethylene diamine , n - butanol and storage peod on pperties of emulsion and film was studied.研究了NCO/OH 摩尔比、 DMPA引入量、 乙二胺用量、封端荆正丁醇用量和存放时间对涂饰剂及膜能影响。

30、If his theory works, then at low energies it should look like general relativity.如果他理论正确,那么在低能量下它看起来像广义相对论。

31、The on-site results indicate that ener meter's neutral point virtual connection has a great effect on PT secondary voltage dp.基于对称分量法,对电能表中点虚接后电压互感器二次压降进行了分析,得出了正确接线前后计量误差变化量。

32、After the potassium supply corrected with AEPQ, the responses of cps yield to potassium supply were really reflected.以后效钾量校正对各季作物当季实际供钾量,进而正确地反映了各季作物产量与供钾量之间关系;

33、It is the occipital chakra that governs and directs the ener flow of the dream of the Bodhisattva.正是枕骨脉,管辖并引导着菩萨级别梦想能量流。

34、All solid-state gem machine core(enhanced)ener larger instrument performance, long-lasting stability, and truly reduce customer costs.全固态宝石机蕊(增强型)能量更大,仪器能恒久稳定,真正降低客户成。

35、Just as forced stelization isn't the answer for human population contl, it's not the solution for dogs.正如绝育手术不能控制人口过量增长,这种残忍手术同样不能解决狗口问题。

36、Army scientists are carrying out research into nuclear isomers for atomic power soces whose output can be tned up or tned off at will.军事科学家们正在通过试验寻找能随意开启或关闭核同质异能素释放能量方法。

37、The attenuation correction coefficient influences correction quantity and correctable thickness.衰减订正系数影响订正量大小和可订正厚度。

38、Plus the quantum Hall effect.正量霍耳效应。

39、It pvides ze caloes and has a clean, sweet, sugar-like taste with no undesirable taste characic.其能量值几乎为0且甜味纯正,清新且没有不愉快风味。

40、If you don't have that many basic Ener cards in yo discard pile, put all of them into yo hand.如果你弃牌堆里基能量卡数目小于你掷出正面数目,把弃牌堆内所有基能量卡全部都加到你手牌里。

41、Those who are ascending are releasing en mass their thought-form that s war, and in so doing, the energetic harm ceases .提升者们正大量地释放他们导致战争思想形态,这样做,能量伤害停止。

42、Embrace this creative power within, which attracted to you the life that you now expeence.拥抱这内在创造能量,它吸引来了你现在正在经历生活。

43、Long-wavelen static correction is a low-frequency correction due to the amount of construction.其中长波长静校正量是由构造引起低频校正量。

44、The discrete relaxation time spectrum is calculated fm the store modulus and the loss modulus which are got fm the dynamic frequency .将动态频率扫描实验储能模量和耗能模量数据,用线、正则、非线最小二乘法拟合材料离散松弛时间谱。

45、The outputs of creamery are increasing.产量正在增长。

46、The oil-filled equipment insulating oil quality has the very big relations with the normal operation.充油设备绝缘油质量与其能否正常运行有着很大关系。

47、As n Feynman once wte, “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechani.”正如 Feynman曾说,“我敢打赌,没有人能完全弄明白量子物理学。”

48、"I wish I could, and be done with it," said I, trying not to be scy.'真能这样倒是不错,正好把它作个了结,'我说,尽量不冲撞她。

49、That allows people who live in the mountains to function with less oxygen in their blood.这使得居住于山区人们在血液中含氧量较少情况下也能够正常地发挥能。

50、With negligible amount of computation and few known keystream bytes, S1 and S2 can be bken completely. Fther, simulation results show that S3 cannot work correctly.只需少量密文字节和可以忽略计算量就能够完全破解S1和S2。模拟实验结果表明,S3不能正确工作。

经典英文句子51:正能量,51、The great stren of history in a free society is its capacity for self-correction.历史在一个自由社会最大力量是它自我改正能力。

52、Quality commitment: 'DADING' DD60E27-4W LED ener-saving lamps of high quality, 质量承诺:'DADING' DD60E27-4W高品质LED 节能灯、正常使用下xx年内发现质量问题、可免费保修。

3 years under normal use and found quality pblems, free warranty.

53、There has a sial positive correlation beeen the content of full B and full K.水溶态硼含量与全硼含量有显著正相关,和硅酸盐结合态硼含量也有显著正相关;

54、There was a siificant positive correlation beeen the accumulated nitgen amount at elongation stage and applied N before sowing.拔节期氮积累量与基肥施氮量呈极显著正相关,拔节-开花期与总施氮量及追肥施氮量呈极显著正相关。

55、Methods:Fat mass, lean mass and BMD at posteanteor spine and hip were meased by dual-ener X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 919 healthy postmenopsal women.方法用双能X线吸收骨密度仪测量919例健康绝经后女脂肪量、瘦组织量及正位腰椎和髋部BMD。

56、The apppate biogenic amines are beneficial to normal physiolo function of human body, but over absorption of which would have undesirable physiological effects on human beings.适量生物胺有助于人体正常生理能,过量则会引起不良生理反应。

57、Afterwards, we ted to understand this situation, so we could rectify things with the masses.此后,我们尽量熟悉形势,这样我们就能矫正群众中错误东西。

58、The increasing accumulation of the aesthetic consciousness constitutes the real ogin of ener for the creation inner dve.审美意识不断积累构成创作内驱力真正能量来源。

59、Some antipton annihilations pduce a shower of positns, which in tn pduce 511-keV gamma rays, o of which may be detected.有些反质子消灭会放出大量正子,进而产生能量为511keVγ线,两者都可以侦测到。

60、Extremely light weight (as usual);极轻重量(正常);

61、A massive new airport is under construction with to handle ws of international jets.一个能容纳大量国际航班新大型机场正在建设。

62、The ener consumption of the beam pumping unit is pportional to the coefficient of load fluctuation CLF.游梁式油机耗能量与载荷波动系数CLF成正比。

63、The steel output is jumping.钢产量正在猛增。

、There was a positive relationship beeen soil water diffusivity and gravel capacity, but a negative relationship beeen soil vapozation and gravel capacity.而土壤水分蒸发能力与砾石含量呈负相关,土壤水分扩散率则与砾石含量呈正相关。

65、The Radial ener cve of linear element antenna array is formed by non-decaying, slow-decaying and fast-decaying distance.实验结果表明,在相同轴线距离处,线元阵列天线轴线能量与单元天线轴线能量之比正比于天线阵列阵元数平方;

66、Just as an famous scholars McLuhan saying goes "A new hybd power and ener release by media convergence, as huge as nuclear ener release by the atomic fission and nuclear fusion".正如麦克卢汉所言,“媒介杂交释放出新力量和能量,像原子裂变和聚变要释放核能一样巨大。”

67、Only in it, can the consciousness fm the questions and the wisdom of the thoughts be collected, and the alienation and traditional presse that suppressed us be really exposed out.只有在艺术方法中,才能真正集结问题意识和思维智慧,才能真正揭示那些我们异化力量和习惯势力。

68、Conclusion:GLPs can impve the glucose tolerance in normal and diabetic mice induced by Alloxan.结论:灵芝多糖能改善正常和四氧嘧啶糖病小鼠糖耐量。

69、This one is a lifesaver of sorts, with the compiler deducing the pper type for a vaable fm its initializer expression.编译器能够根据变量初始化器(initializer)表达式推导出正确变量类型,这个特可以节省时间。

70、Just like ener cannot be d, or destyed, we can’t magically make o financial or envinmental des disappear.正象能量不可能凭空产生或消失,我们不能魔术般让自己对金融和环境欠债凭空消失。

71、In India, where power is unreliable, Panasonic is dloping air-conditioners that operate with little ener.在印度,电量不可。 松下正在一种耗能低空调。

72、Do not use dnk and other food which is advertised with the "high-ener" alternative food meals.不要用 饮料和广告宣传“高能量” 食品替代正餐。

73、Papers wtten to persuade bng all of that power to bear including the considerable ener unleashed by imagination and fresh thinking.论说文正是用来展现心智力量,包括由想象力与崭新思维释放强大能量。

74、G. K. Chesterton observed that true contentment requires the power to get the most out of any situation.根据查特顿观察所得,真正满足,需要有能力在任何境况下仍能尽量从中得益;

75、It can enhance the measung accacy by correcting offset fm heave, ll, and pitch of vessel.姿态传感器能够改正或消除船载仪器由于船体垂荡、横摇和纵摇引起测量误差,大大提高测量精度。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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