
发布时间:2023-04-13 17:37:22 阅读:73 点赞:0

关于”学好“英子45个,句子主体:learn well。以下是关于学好专业英子。

英文句子模板1:learn well


1、A good cytopathologist must first be a great histopathologist.

通过门课程学习,可为进一步学好《 中药学》、 中药鉴定学》、 中药化学》等相关专业课打下良好理论基。

2、Also, the science will pvide the fundamental backgund required for learning such coses as T Chemistry, T, and T Identification.


3、Is Ann good at math?


4、In pmary schools last semester, I will make time, learn , try to good, ry subject to be a good student.

新生入学伊饱即开始尊师重课堂活动,能给老师课堂好、 学生学好创造良好气氛。

5、Iraq be full admission of respecting teachers teachers can teach and students can learn to a good atmosphere.


6、Iraq be full admission of respecting teachers, teachers can teach and students can learn to a good atmosphere.


7、Are you doing well in math class?


8、He was a good student, particularly at maths and English and also played basketball and was very good.


9、Jing Ouyang is a good student with a good academic performance.


10、Impetuous students cannot learn English well; neither can slow-witted students. Only those industous and art students can hae a better command of English.

那你最好学一学—— 你学了吗?

11、Then you'd better learn - hadn't you?


12、Student a student B: good morning!


13、Impetuous students cannot learn English well; neither can slow-witted students. Only those industous and art students can have a better command of English.


14、I've nr given it up and I will go on learning English.


15、Hray! No -it's science.


16、so that the student can learn better.


17、So that the prepared students can the less prepared students.


18、We do well in college so we can get hired by a good company (or get into a good graduate school).


19、I have a dream, Reference to a good university and my English is not good science, I hope to be able to learn English.


20、I did well in English but badly in maths.

21、And that's the kind of great students that we have at Pnceton and we'll continue to draw fm.这就是普林斯顿大学,培养好学生,我们还会录取更多这样好学生。

22、Well done, though, class.做得好,同学们。

23、You cannot open a book without learning something.学好千不足,学坏一时有余。

24、Do you have any plans to siificantly impve yo English in the near fute?有没有近期计划?把英文好好学一学?

25、Youare good students.你们是好学生。

英文句子26:,26、And I've also been good at Math and Science in the past,而且我过去数学和科学都学得很好。

27、She did in English math.她英语学得比数学好。

28、We need to prepare o children to read and succeed in school with impved Head Star and early childhood dlopment pgrams.我们需要改善学前教育和早期儿童发展计划,让学生作好准备,学好文化,学业有成。

29、Their aim is to pvide students with education that funnels them into the very best universities.学校目标是要给学生提供最好教育以使他们进入最好大学。

30、Three good student?三好学生怎么翻?

31、I like my students to study English well.我希望我学生学好英语。

32、When I entered high school I was an A-student, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes.我进中学时候是一个好学生,只是好景不长。

33、Hello!Every clasate!各位同学,你们好。

34、Three studies have not understand place, should actively ask ask teachers and clasates, to be a good student enquiry.三学习上有不懂得地方,要积极请教老师和问同学,要做一个勤学好问好学生。

35、Student: Thank you Mr. Carl Icahn: Okay, all ght Student: Hi, Mr. Icahn. How are you?学生:谢谢,卡尔·伊坎先生:好,学生:嗨,伊坎先生,你好?

36、The good dlopment of students' psycholo is also ful for ideological morals lesson teaching and makes this subject be better to serve student.学生心理良好发展也有助于思想品德课教学,使这门学科更好为学生服务。

37、He learns very well both in Physi and Chemistry.他物理和化学都学得很好。

38、He won scholarship ry year becse of his wonderful academic performance.他学习成绩很好,每学年都能拿到学校奖学金。

39、What's , it can impve the students' integrating skills.让学生好问、善问,继而乐学、善学,提高了学生综合能力。

40、The idea is to get better prepared students to explain things to the less well-prepared students.我们想让准备更好同学,给没准备好同学讲解。

41、Armidale is good to study in, and I have learned many pfessional and communication skills at UNE .阿米德尔是学习好地方,我在新英格兰大学学到了好多专业和交流技能。

42、I am above the rest of the class in mathemati.訿 数学比班上其他同学学得好。

43、" outdated as it happens has a moralistic gentleman ad to pass, say to his student: "You are listening well, they o this is to be in discose on an academic subject!过时正好有个道学先生路过,便对他学生说:“你们好好听着,他们两个这是在讲学呢!”

44、HI, I am a student of nanjing medical university.大家好!我是一名大学医学生。

45、Learn young,learn fair.为学趁年青,既学须学好。

46、A: Do you have any plans to siificantly impve yo English in the near fute?安:有没有近期计划? 把英文好好学一学?

47、Ihave a good command of comr, as well as English, due to my industousness.由于勤奋好学,在学好英语同时,计算机能力也不错。

48、They are 3—good students in this term .他们是学期三好学生。

49、This can be a reference for PE teachers to handle teacher-student relations and set up a good study atmosphere and impve teaching quality.为体育教师在教学过程中更好地处理好师生关系,营适良好学习氛围和提高教学质量提供一个参考。

50、I have a command of comr, as well as English, due to my industousness .由于勤奋好学,在学好英语同时,计算机能力也不错。

经典英文句子51:学好,51、Keep yo hand down, you're an SOM student.好了,你是学院学生吧

52、Tom is doing well in all his lessons, and so he is.汤姆各门课都学得好,他确实学得好。

53、He is good at English.他英语学得好。

54、He spassed me in maths.他数学比我学得好。

55、Becse the nsing pgram at USF is really good,因为这个学校护理学很好,

56、I was honored as a" Three Virtues" in university serval times.我在大学里有好几次被评为“三好学生”。


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