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关于”有意义短句“英子39个,句子主体:meaningful short sentences。以下是关于有意义短句xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:meaningful short sentences


1、Some siificative conclusions were oained.


2、Walter Benjamin's theory of mimesis and language pves to be especially ful in bnging out the siificance and power of the mythic in Wu's short stoes.


3、People will nr know the transiency and difficulty of life until they step in the real world.


4、I have argued fther that we can view utterances as siificant, and as synonymous or hetenymous with one another, without countenancing a realm of entities called meanings.

5、Great hopes make great man. 远大希望,造就伟大人物。


6、We need to assist existing institutions to perform effectively. When they come up short, we must seek meaningful changes and dlop alternative mechanis.

其它意义也是如此,就省下一个排比句了! 所以每当自己感觉很快乐、很激动、很澎湃时刻就可以多留点心,也许这就是你愿意一直停留状态,也许那就是“意义”之所在。

7、So whenr you feel you are happy, excited and thlled, stay there and keep recording it, the meaning might just be nd.


8、Therefore, the study of cheating pblems in MMOG has siificant academic meaning and actual meaning.


9、And ifthe sentence were meaningless it’s hard to see how it could be true—which itclearly is.


10、The distance beeen handle of malleus and stapes, the dia_meter of manubum mallei are important to the desi of psthesis.


11、The parallel work of ry branch engineeng on the watercose renovating engineeng has importance siificance for saving invest and shortening time for a pject.


12、Schumann might seen the obvious 19th-centy example, but many of his miniates are really fraents of larger works, and only make complete sense in sequence.

13、Well begun is half done. 好开端是成一半。


14、As one important soce of solving shortage of the water resoces pblem for irgation, the slight saline water is widely concerned.


15、Measement implies that the thing being meased is meaningful.


16、In other words, something of siificance has happened, Mr. Jones, and that is language, ght?


17、According to model-dependent reali, it is pointless to ask whether a model is real, only whether it agrees with observation.

18、Look before you leap. First think, then act. 三思而后行。


19、This obfuscation tool removes all comments and replaces meaningful object names like those on the ght in the example below with the much shorter (but much cryptic) ones on the left.


20、They were in Iceland working on a short film and photographic pject, documenting the histoc herding of the pzed Icelandic horse.

21、Automatic identification of hierarchy and semantic relations in Chinese compound sentences is a siificant and challenging research pject in field of Chinese information pcessing.汉语复句层次关系自动识别是中文处理中很有意义而极具一项课题。

22、There were actually deaths in the screening gup, but the differences were too all to be statistically siificant; in other words, it was a wash.实际上在筛选组里有更多人亡,但差异太小,没有太多统计学意义,换句话说,它可以忽略不计。

23、With regard to ontolo, benevolence embodies such value as humani, awareness of equality, and voluntaness.在体论意义上,“仁”具有人道主义、平等意识、人自觉之价值。

24、All ads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

25、Note that this feate is defined at the syntactical ll, but implemented at compile time.注意这个能是定义在句法层次上,但是是在编译时实现。

英文句子26:,26、It is siificant to do research into the legal consciousness of citizens.研究市民法律意识是有意义。

27、Studying its disadvantage is of practical guiding siificance for book and information department to make pper use of …研究其劣势特点,对于图书部门,搞好电子资源利用,扬长避短,同样具有非常现实指导意义。

28、His gift for epigram is, indeed, such as to make us long for an occasional stretch of leisely commonplace.他对警句天赋,确实让我们从平凡中领悟到不平凡意义。

29、The definition of "language" should be: ready-made speech formed by words, comparatively fixed in structe, short in format, with integral or ctioning siificance.“语”应是:由词构成,结构相对固定,形式比较短小,意义具有整体或警示现成话。

30、Early to bed and early to se makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. 早睡早起,富裕、聪明、身体好。

31、The incidence rate of MACE of tifiban gup(替罗非班组患者短期MACE发生率为

11.3%) was siificantly lower than that of contl gup(26.7%), the difference was statistically siificant(P<0.05).


32、Monthly rainfall forecast is one of the short-term climate prediction operations, It is important for disaster prntion to impve the quality of forecast.月降水量是短期气候业务之一,提高质量对防抗具有重要意义。

33、And this method has some practical siificances.具有一定实际意义。

34、This is the meaning of whosor trusteth in the Lord [spitual laws of the subconscious mind] happy is he.这就是下面这句话含义——“谁笃信上帝,谁就是幸福”(潜意识精神法则)。

35、The intduction of short-term financing bills is of great importance to the dlopment of China's monetary and bond .企业短期融资券推出对我国货币市场和债券市场发展具有重要意义。

36、Note that we have split the three kernel definition statements into multiple lines for readability.注意,为了便于阅读,我们已将三个内核定义分割为多个行。

37、The meanin. g of life can be grasped in a mom. e. nt.生命意义可以在一瞬间捉住-一个经常被我们忽略短暂瞬间…

38、The meaning of life can be grasped in a moment. A moment so bef it often evades o perception.生命意义可以在一瞬间抓住一个经常被我们忽略短暂瞬间。

39、Impossible to answer also.这也是没有意义,无法回答。

40、Function ORDFILT2 expected its first input argument, A, to be o-dimensional.这句话地意义是函数ORDFILT2 地第一个输入参数A应该是2维地!

41、It’s a very positive thing.这是一件有积极意义事。

42、Thee len of life is not important, as long as you live happily, do something meaningful in yo lifetime, then it is enough.生命之长短殊不重要,只要你活得快乐,在有生之年做些有意义事,便已足够。 。

43、It is nr too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚。

44、" The mance of the Three Kingdoms " in fige on each side of its state, long or short.《》中人物各具其态,有长有短。

45、If core files are truncated bee the ulimit is set too low, it is nearly impossible to extract meaningful information fm them.如果内核文件因为 ulimit 设置过低而被截短,则几乎不可能从它们提取有意义。

46、A vast majoty of quees to search engines are short and under-specified and users may have completely different intentions for the same query.搜索引擎上大多数查询是短小且意义不明确,即使输入相同查询词用户也可能有完全不同搜索意图。

47、The most of them are partial synonyms termed as near synonyms which are similar or little different in meaning.英语中有着丰富多彩同义词,但绝大多数同义词是部分同义词,或称为在意义上有同有异近义词。

48、Great theoretic and realistic siificance lies in putting forward the economic paten of comprehensive .“综合市场经济模式”提出,具有一定理论意义和显著现实意义。

49、No results of enine, meaningless.没有结果纠缠,毫无意义。

50、Keep just the parts of Scrum that make sense in a aller gup: daily standups, short spnts, reviews, retspectives, visible pject bndowns.保持Scrum中在小团队中有意义部份:每站立会议、短迭代、检讨、回顾、Bndown

经典英文句子51:有意义短句,51、It is of great siificance to investigate and impve the detection method of stator winding inter-tn short circuit flt in induction motors.定子绕组匝间短路是异步电动机常见故障之一,因此研究其检测方法具有重要意义。

52、Objective To investigate the clinical siificance beeen thoracic infections and the replacing time of one-off water seal bottle.目探讨胸腔感染与一次水封瓶更换时间长短临床意义。

53、The technique conduce to decrease time due to installing headgear occupy shaft alone and cut construction time of whole mine.工艺对减免井架施工占井工期、缩短整个矿井建设工期有一定意义。

54、Contains a word or phrase for which the thor or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or itali.作者或叙述者使用字句在意义上另有所指表现,例如讽刺所使用引号或斜体标示。

55、The question is, dose the father's words telling a tth that at least one of them have mud on their forehead make sense under this situation?问,在这种情况下,老爸说“你们之中至少有一个人头上有泥巴”这句话又没有意义?如果有,是什么?

56、These results are of practical siificance for the diaoses and numecal prediction of weather pcesses, especially of short-medium range rainstorm pcesses.这些结果不仅对中短期天气过程诊断分析而且对数值预报都具有一定实用意义。

57、They also have special meanings.它们还有特殊象征意义。

58、The study of semantic sequence widens the scope of phraseological study and enches the research on extended units of meaning.语义序列研究可拓宽语料库短语学研究范围,丰富扩展意义单位研究。

59、What kind of social and economic changes do you think this policy will bng?您觉得这一政策将会有什么样经济和社会意义? 请将您短信发至106580007835(免费),中英文皆可。

60、The practice pved: the implementation of this class cose has the theoretical and practical siificance.实践证明:班课程实施具有一定理论意义和实践意义。

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