
发布时间:2024-03-19 11:24:25 阅读:21 点赞:0




1、Anybody who looks at Greek mytholo and Greek poetry, and Greek stoes sees there is a powerful influence coming into Greek thought fm mainly the Mesopotamian direction.


2、Wine is a song, the song is the wine, and the wine is a song.


3、Stretch yo brain with their vast collection of anagrams, swords, palindmes, verse puzzles and that stretches back to 1893.


4、Yet the Greek poet, like a sunbeam, touches the terble and stere Memnon's Column of myth, which pceeds to give forth Sophoclean melodies.


5、As poetry reaches deeply into the innermost efforts of men and women to and reflect, it has the capacity to sustain dialogue amid the diversity of human expression.


6、It is a position that he has, badly, stuck to, although he also points out that some of his best poetry has been first wtten in Igbo.


7、His works, such as Living in the Nanking Road, Ghost Town, Homeland, Rough Poetry, The High Life, took part in many film festivals and won some pzes.


8、Pandaren are at heart a pacifist race, emphasizing the fine arts such as poetry and singing, although out of necessity they do have a war sect.


9、Playback of local songs and search local songs by title, album and singers.


10、I'll hang the ode high up on the precipice of the remote mountain, let it flutter in the wind. I'll make the ode accompany the cheerful birds, itteng and echoing in the valley.


11、According to the Dunhuang Tibetan literate document, Tibetan Eulo Poem is a widespread literary form and it is similar to the civil harmonic type and Lu poetry type.


12、In poetry, Rossetti had set before himself similar ideas, though his mind, visionary and symbolical , combated the reali which his pnciples suggest.


13、Olympic Song :"Olympic Anthem"It is a song of Ancient Greece.


14、This was an old custom south of the Yangtse, which apparently oginated very early and was most popular in the peod of the Six Kingdoms,* as we see fm the songs of the time.


15、The expeence of art, the expeence of poetry, and the reconciliation of conflicting needs results in a kind of catharsis, a "calm of mind, all passion spent".


16、The expeence of art, the expeence of poetry, and the reconciliation of conflicting needs results in a kind of catharsis, a "calm of mind, all passion spent".


17、All above there is to call attention to choose and edit poems in middle school Yuwen books, so as to impve the deep dlopment in choosing and editing books and mateals research.


18、Pound and Imagi As the father of moderni which is the main stream of literate in the entieth centy, Ezra Pound definitely plays a predominant le in the evolution of modernist poetry.


19、That's the case marvelously in this poem, and I'd be happy to talk about particular examples with any of you who'd like to work thugh it.


20、Ambiguity refers literally to doufulness or uncertainty in expressive meaning of the text. An expression may contain multiple meanings, and this is an important technique of poetry.

21、"Shenxian songs" is a sacfice Suite of the Southern Dynasties. It was included in the "Qing Shang Qu Ci" of the "Be Poems" which was edited by Guo Maoqian.《神弦歌》是南朝时期祭祀民间神灵组曲,在郭茂倩编辑《乐府诗集》中被列入“清商曲辞”中。

22、The poem tells the story of an heic pncess who forswears the world of men and founds a women's university where men are forbidden to enter.这首诗歌讲述了一个英雄主义般公主发誓抛弃世间男人,建立了一所不允许男人进入女子大学。

23、Swiss culte is mostly expressed in music, dance, poetry, wood carving and embidery. There are also a great number of regional and local tes demarcating times of the year.瑞士文化主要通过音乐,舞蹈,诗歌,木刻和刺绣,以及在每年各个时期都有全国或地区习俗,仪式。

24、Yes, there is a Nirvanah; it is in leading yo sheep to a green paste, and in putting yo child to sleep, and in wting the last line of yo poem.世间有涅磐;它指引你羊走向绿油油坡,它安放你仔躺进被窝,它帮你完成最后一行诗歌。

25、But there's an important and, I think, a very real sense in which Milton wanted to make it seem as if the Nativity Ode were the first poem that he had wtten.但我有种非常强烈感觉,弥尔顿好像还是想让人觉得,《圣诞清晨歌》才是他第一首诗。

英文句子26:,26、We have the god of poetry, Phoebus Apollo himself, who makes an appearance, and he chides Milton for being so concerned with earthly fame -- on that later.这里诗歌之神,科巴士·阿波罗, 露面了,他责备弥尔顿,这么在意世俗名声--下面再谈这个问题。

27、Thugh examples given in the thesis the thor points out that it is true there exist some drawbacks in Xu Yuanchong's poetry translation practices.通过文给出例子,作者指出虽然许翻译仍有某些不足之处,但是,他绝大部分诗歌翻译实践是成。

28、WEN Fang-g raised and summed up "the narrative charactesti of poems", which was different fm"the mood of poems", on the basis of forefathers.与传统“意境说”不同,翁方纲提出了“事境说” ,关注诗歌叙事传统,并在前人基上进行了总结。

29、The play by the contents can be divided into comedy, tragedy and drama are; according to the forms can be divided into drama, opera, ballet, opera, drama, mime, etc.舞台剧按内容可以分为喜剧,悲剧和正剧;按表现形式可以分为话剧,歌剧,舞剧,诗剧,戏剧,哑剧等。

30、This move ots Fst's poetry of work in the lives of ral workers, people who have to sustain and entertain themselves, often on their own or alone.这运动将弗罗斯特诗歌扎根进,乡村工人生活中,扎根进必须独自,支撑和娱乐他们自己人中。

31、Fst as a narrator, in these great poems I'm descbing, frames his people's words minimally, with few bits of narrative information.作为一个叙事者,弗罗斯特在我所说那些伟大诗歌中,最低程度地用框架框住人语言,夹杂着少许叙事。

32、As an artistic embodiment, quite a few sad melodies of matmony and love in The Book of Songs·Guofeng reflect to some extent the real histocal situation.《诗经·国风》中为数不少婚恋悲歌,作为一种文学体现,在一定程度上反映了时代历史真实状况。

33、There are lots of different ways to get there, whether you're a ter or somebody who likes to take a stll thugh the woods and read poetry.她说:“实现可持续方法多种多样,你可以是个猎人,或者是个喜欢林中漫步、阅读诗歌人。”

34、The singer belted out a song.歌手引吭高歌。

35、In talking about poetry, Astotle was coveng the whole field of literate since, in his time, the wting of pse literate was a comparatively recent innovation .他所谈论诗歌涵盖了整个文学领域内容,因为在他那个时代,散文是一种相对说来比较新文学体裁。

36、In the study of literate, the pupils copied and imitated vaous types of myths, epi, hymns, lamentations, pverbs, and essays in both the Sumean and the Babylonian languages.在学习文献中,学生和模仿不同类型神话、史诗、圣歌、、谚语,以及苏美尔语和巴比伦语散文。

37、Another check was in the same mail, sent fm a New York weekly in payment for some humous verse which had been accepted months before.同一批邮件里还有一张支票,是从纽约一家周刊寄来,是一首幽默诗歌稿酬,十块钱,几个月以前采用。

38、Ononda leader who is credited with the orization of the Iquois confederacy. His name was given to the he of Longfellow's poem The Song of Hiawatha(1855).海华沙奥农达加领袖,曾组织易洛魁联盟。他名字被用作朗费罗长诗海华沙之歌(xx年)中主人公名字。

39、The first chapter argues that the appearance of the Xikun Gup is inevitable histocally in term of the social cultal backgund and the tendency of the poetry.第一章首先从社会文化背景和诗歌发展规律两个方面论述了西昆体出现是一种历史发展必然。

40、Han Hong, a singer glasses, for her fans.流行歌手韩红,戴着眼镜,她正在为歌迷们唱歌。

41、It had many well-known names , such as Central Plains Nine Songs , Mythological Nine songs, Folk Nine Songs and Chu-ci Poems Nine Songs .关于《九歌》之名,来源甚古,传世就有“中原九歌”、“神话《九歌》”、“民间《九歌》”和“楚辞《九歌》”。

42、Bee Lan Qinghua dung his time as County Master did not use that talent, remained utterly iorant of poetry, for that reason he was stpped of his black County Master hat.因为,蓝庆华当县太爷是用非所才,他对诗歌更是一窍不通,所以要把他县太爷乌纱帽摘下来。

43、Ordinary language stves for claty and accacy while poem language stves for ambiguity and indeterminateness, n bety oained fm flexible use of words having different understandings.普通语言讲究语义准确明晰,诗歌语言则具有模糊和不确定,甚至极力追求义有多解弹美。

44、Fst as a narrator, in these great poems I ' m descbing, frames his people's words minimally, with few bits of narrative information.作为一个叙事者,弗罗斯特在我所说那些伟大诗歌中,最低程度地用框架框住人语言,夹杂着少许叙事。

45、Metaphor is traditionally viewed as a rhetoc device, and is employed in all kinds of wtings such as poetry, pse, drama, scientific and other non-literary wtings.隐喻历来被看作是一种特殊修辞手段,广泛用于各种文学作品中,包括诗歌、散文、戏剧及科技文章。

46、For that which is boundless in you abides in the mansion of the sky, whose door is the mong mist, and whose windows are the songs and the silences of night.因为你无穷心灵潜力乃是居住在苍穹华厦中,它以晨雾为门,以诗歌和夜静谧为窗。

47、It is generally agreed by the academy that Dai Wangshu didn't isolate his poems fm Chinese oginal traditions although they were noticeably influenced by western moderni.学术界一致认为戴望舒诗歌受到明显西方现代派影响,其实它也没有脱离传统。

48、The thor prudently discusses the reason, contain and aesthetic meaning of Lonou peod, in order to exhibit the special feeling cose of Du Fu.文以审慎态度,探讨陇右诗歌悲苦彩之形成缘由、蕴涵及其美学意蕴,并进而展现杜甫独特心路历程。

49、Do a poetic singer, like wting, but not end the crashing, occasionally to vacate a , the heart of the release of free grace calmly, and hear the wind sing;做一个诗意歌者吧,喜欢文字,但不颓蘼,偶尔腾出一片空间,释放自由心,优雅从容,且听风吟;

50、Learn the song and then teach me;学唱歌曲,教我唱歌;

经典英文句子51:诗歌,51、And do not use commonly heard expressions or poems, such as "Roses are red, Violets are blue; sugar is sweet and so are you. " Just be yoself.此外,不要采用那些耳熟能详话或诗歌,如“娇艳紫罗兰,鲜红玫瑰,甜蜜糖,就像你一样美。”做你自己。

52、The thesis first illustrates the necessity and importance of aesthetic consciousness in poetry translation as well as the reasons for the choice of Jing Ye Si as the study case.文首先说明审美意识在诗歌翻译中必要和重要以及选择《静夜思》为研究对象原因。

53、you are still the one乡村女歌手shania ain歌。

54、In chches the od loft is a display gallery above the od screen, and a choir or or loft is a gallery reserved for chch singers and musicians.教堂中圣坛阁楼是圣坛屏上面展示廊;唱诗班和管风琴阁楼是为教堂歌手和乐队留出楼座。

55、This was an old custom south of the Yangtse, which apparently oginated very early and was most popular in the peod of the Six Kingdoms, * as we see fm the songs of the time.采莲是江南旧俗,似乎很早就有,而六朝时为盛; 从诗歌里可以约略知道。

56、I read him poems and stoes, sometimes ddles--though I stopped reading those when I saw he was far better at solving them than I was.我给他念诗歌和故事,有时也念谜语--不过后来我不念了,因为我发现他解谜语领远比我高强。

57、Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondus works declare.(亚萨诗歌,交与伶长,调用休要毁坏)神阿,我们称谢你,我们称谢你,因为你名相近,人都述说你奇妙作为。

58、The difficulty of the poem lies to a great degree, I think, in something that Dr. Johnson had noted in his attack or in his ctici on Lycidas that I mentioned on Monday.诗歌身难点很大程度上,在于约翰逊博士在他对利西达斯,抨击中提到一些点。

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