dwindle是什么意思 dwindle的中文翻译、读音、例句

发布时间:2023-02-26 12:37:51 阅读:225 点赞:0



1. 衰落

例句:They cannot dwindle fast enough.

翻译:它们缩减速度还远远不够。 。


2. 减少

例句:The iiF expects that flows will dwindle to a paltry $165 billion this year.

翻译:国际金融协会(IIF)预计,今年私人资净流入将减少到区区1650以美金。 。


3. 变小

例句:Crassus does seem to dwindle in the mind, but--

翻译:确实是让我胆量 变得比较大。


4. 减少、变小

例句:As in the Oligocene before it, grasslands continued to expand and forests to dwindle in extent.






1. Crassus does seem to dwindle in the mind, but--

翻译:确实是让我胆量 变得比较大。

2. As in the Oligocene before it, grasslands continued to expand and forests to dwindle in extent.


3. AS PUBLiC p in Tehran seems to dwindle, at any rate on the streets, many Arab leaders are quietly exhaling a sigh of relief.


4. O imagination might shnk; o hearts might dwindle, and o humanness might wither if we stay for too long inside o cultal cocoons.

翻译:我们想象力可能会枯竭。 我们心可能会逐渐萎缩。 而如果我们在自己文化中 长期作茧自缚, 那我们人可能会枯萎。。

5. As the sun's influence continues to dwindle here in the north, the cold pushes south into Arctic lands.

翻译:随着太阳在北部势力减 严寒向南侵入北极地区。

6. As trees gw taller and taller, the supply of these vital fluids begins to dwindle.

翻译:随着树越来越高, 这种生命之液也越来越少。 。

7. Worse is to come. The iiF expects that flows will dwindle to a paltry $165 billion this year.


8. Like many former industal cities, Trenton has seen its economic base dwindle dramatically since the end of World War ii.


9. i will not concede for a moment that old pvileges should not dwindle.

翻译:我当然不会承认旧权不该被缩减。 。

10. in the opener, the dome matealizes and the residents of Chesters Mill struggle to svive as resoces rapidly dwindle and panic sets in.

翻译:在揭幕战中,体现了该厂圆顶和斗争为资源迅速减少,惊慌失措居民生存。 。

11. if we fell gloous, with a bit of a floish, we would have a respectable end and not dwindle away at some... nameless, paltry, second-Sunday-after such and such.

翻译:如果我们能漂漂亮亮,有点再结束, 那我们也算有个完美结局。 If we fell gloous, with a bit of a floish, we would have a respectable end 而不是就那么不了了之。。

12. Yo army continues to dwindle.


13. i’d like to dedicate this one to all the women in South Afca -- those women who refused to dwindle in the midst of apartheid.

翻译:我想把这首歌献给所有南非女—— 那些拒绝在种族隔离暴力前低头女 。

14. Since the 19th centy, beekeepers have reported occasional mass disappearances, giving them eniatic names like disappeang disease, spng dwindle disease and tumn collapse.

翻译:从19世纪开始, 养蜂人发现时而会有大量蜜蜂消失, 因此赋予了它们一些神奇名字 比如“消失疾病”、’“春天会减少疾病”, 以及”秋天衰减“。 (这三个名字为译者直译。在这种疾病未规范前,因为各地均有这种疾病发生但叫法不同,最后统一了标准,称之为蜂群崩坏综合症) 。

15. O imagination might shnk; o hearts might dwindle, and o humanness might wither if we stay for too long inside o cultal cocoons.

翻译:我们想象力可能会枯竭。 我们心可能会逐渐萎缩。 而如果我们在自己文化中 长期作茧自缚, 那我们人可能会枯萎。 。



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