
发布时间:2022-04-29 11:41:00 阅读:210 点赞:0

关于”唐诗“英子3个,句子主体:Tang Poetry。以下是关于唐诗专升英子。

英文句子模板1:Tang Poetry

1、The view of the "poeticized Tang Dynasty" is great theoretical implication, which facilitates us to reevaluate the poetry of the late Tang Dynasty. “诗唐”说有巨大理论启示意义,其一就是促使我们重新评估晚唐诗。

2、Thugh such poems, something about the scholars marage in Tang and Song Dynasties, and about the creation of such poems can be learned. 透过“悼亡”诗词 ,可以窥视到唐宋文人们婚姻状况、唐宋“悼亡”诗词创作情况 ;

3、The Song Poetry was another climax after the Tang Poetry in the history of the Chinese poetry. 宋诗是诗歌史上继唐诗之后又一高峰。

4、The chivalus poems were quite floushing in the Tang Dynasty, especially in its early peod. 侠义诗在唐代十分繁荣,尤其是初盛唐时期。

5、I think I am going to read one poem fm Tang Dynasty ry day. “熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”。

6、He not only inheted the poetry style of middle Tang Dynasty, but also exploited the style of Late-Tang, so his position can not be iored. 项斯诗歌有对中唐诗风继承,也有对晚唐诗歌开拓,在晚唐诗坛上地位是不容忽视。

7、Collections of exchange of poems almost cover one third of all poem collections in Tang Dynasty. 唱和是唐代诗人创作重要形式之一,唱和集几乎占唐代诗歌总集三分之一。

8、Born in Henan, he made pminent contbutions to the transition of the poetic styles fm the early Tang Dynasty to the floushing peod of it. 在由初唐诗风到盛唐诗风转变过程中,刘希夷做出了杰出成就。

9、With the efforts of translators both at home and abad, Tang poems, including Li Shanin's, are able to be spread in the West. 通过国内外诸多名家翻译,唐诗,如晚唐诗人李商隐诗歌,在西方得到了广泛传播;

10、Thus, the study of reception of Tang poetry should focus on classi. 一部"唐诗接受史"实质是一部"唐诗经典接受史"。

11、There have existed a large number of poems with "heart-bken" themes in the middle and late Tang Dynasty. 中晚唐诗人具有不同于初唐和盛唐诗人敏感。

12、Li Hua is a poet of Tang China, whose poetical composition contains three categoes namely miscellaneous poems, histocal poems and ly. 唐代诗人李华诗歌创作包括杂诗、咏史诗和抒情诗三类。

13、The Buddhi not only influenced the creation and theoretical dlopment of the poetry of the Tang Dynasty widely and pfoundly, but infiltrated it's people's moral quality. 禅宗广泛而深远地影响了唐诗创作和唐诗理论发展,并深深地渗透于唐人人格精神之中。

14、The poems of Tang and Song Dynasty are o wonderful works in the history of Chinese poem. 唐宋诗是诗歌史上两朵奇葩,但有明一代“诗必盛唐”强大呼声将宋诗淹没了二百多年。

15、His poems have generally been accepted as History of poetry since the Tang Dynasty. 自唐以来,他诗就被公认为“诗史”。

16、The research of Tang poeti in Yuan dynasty is mainly about the reception of Tang Dynasty poems, the core of which is the dlopment and deviation of Tang poeti at that time. 元代唐诗学研究,即研究元代唐诗接受状况,其核心是研究元人唐诗观念流变。

17、Employing the temperament Tang poetry as his ctical ctea, he worships Tang poetry, despises Song poetry and affirms Ming poetry. 他以唐诗情质作为诗歌批评标准,崇尚唐诗,轻视宋诗,肯定明诗。

18、The inn poems in the Tang Dynasty is charactezed by their outstanding vulgazation, which is a good window observing the vulgazation of the poems in the Tang Dynasty. 唐代馆驿诗带有鲜明俗化特征,是观察唐诗俗化极好窗口。

19、Shen Qianyun was an important poet dung the floung poetry age in Tang Dynasty. 沈千运是盛唐诗坛上一位重要诗人。

20、Huang Tao was famous, in late Tang Dynasty, for his great number of poems and their influence to the literary world. 晚唐诗人黄滔诗作繁富而且影响较大,是研究晚唐语音重要语料。

21、Han, Tang Dynasty poet, the great Romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty, who was later known as the "Poetry". 汉族,唐朝诗人,我国唐代伟大浪漫主义诗人,被后人尊称为“诗仙”。

22、Later Tang body, Xikun, body and Bai, body dung the early Song dynasty, all of these sytles come fm Tang, especially the later tang have a big effect on them. 唐诗是诗歌史上不可逾越高峰,宋初晚唐体、西昆体、白体均由唐而来,尤其是中晚唐对它影响最大。

23、There are Tang poems rywhere. 这里到处都是唐诗啊。

24、Tang Dynasty is a peod of great pspety in which plenty of fntier fortress poems were wtten. 唐代是边塞诗发展极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量边塞诗作。

25、Tang Poetic creation counts much for the dlopment of Tang poeti, but the aspects were not always well-coordinated in pgress. 唐诗学发展与唐诗创作关系极为密切,但两者并不总是同步。


26、The merchants poem of the Tang Dynasty is what poet of the Tang Dynasty wtes reflect the merchants image and merchants life poem. 唐代商贾诗就是唐代诗人所作反映商贾形象和商贾生活诗作。

27、Li Bai, Li He, and Li Shang-yin are the distinguished representatives of poems in the Tang Dynasty. 盛唐李白、中唐李贺、晚唐李商隐是唐代诗歌不同时期杰出代表。

28、Li He, Du Mu and Li Shanin, the late Tang overlapping time poets, the poetry creation mainly fm Tang Xianzong to Tang Xuanzong the time, have been thugh six dynasties. 李贺、杜牧与李商隐,中晚唐交叉时期诗人,诗歌创作主要在唐宪宗至唐宣宗时期,历经六朝,他们是中晚唐诗坛上比较特别三位诗人。

29、The Tang Dynasty child poem is a Tang Dynastypoetry important constituent. 唐代儿童诗是唐代诗歌一个重要组成部分。

30、Read Tang poetry 300 will not make poetry can alsochant. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。

31、The intduction offers a pandect on palace poets and palace poems in early Tang peod. 引言部分总论初唐宫廷诗和宫廷诗人。

32、The Collection of 300 Tang Poems will be repnted next month. 《唐诗三百首诗集》将于下月再版。

33、Tang poems are gems of Chinese culte. 唐诗是文化瑰宝。

34、Good one, "Tong Yan San poem"! Sugar out of people's thoughts! 好一首“唐人诗”诗!说出了糖人心声!

35、Tang Danhong, born in 15, now living in Chengdu, has published Selected Poems of Tang Danhong. 唐丹鸿,xx年生,现居成都。出版诗集有《唐丹鸿诗选》等。

36、Under his spices, Huzhou poetry will not go beyond the limitations of the local poetry, has a nationwide impact, but also become an important part in the Poetry Forum. 在他主持下,湖州诗会不单超越了地方诗会局限,而且还成为了连接盛唐、中唐诗坛重要环节。

37、There are about 300 "Jitang" verses in the scpt of "Peony Pavilion" concerning than 120 poets of Tang Dynasty. 《牡丹亭》剧作共有“集唐”诗近三百句,涉及唐代诗人一百二十多人。

38、Culte is in central position to Tang Poetry translation. 质言之,文化是考察诗歌意蕴和英译唐诗核心。

39、The accepting to Tang Poems in the wting in Liao Dynasty, mainly shows in o aspects:one is of the type applying, the Liao Poems straightly inhet Tang Poems, nearly have all kinds of Tang Poems; 辽代诗歌创作中唐诗接受,主要体现在两个维面:一是在体裁运用上,辽诗直承唐而下,几乎唐代各种体裁诗皆备;

40、The ancient poetry reached its peak in terms of poetry, creation in tang dynasty the creation of poetry's. 从唐朝诗歌创造看,唐代是古代诗歌艺术高峰,唐诗意境创造也是一个跨时代超越。

41、His poems are considered to be" A great reform to Tang Poetry". 他诗歌被后人评价为“唐诗之一大变”。

42、Whose poetry is it? 这唐寅诗集,是谁?

43、Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi wte a poem, "A Song of Unending Sorw" about this story. 唐朝诗人白居易有一首唐诗叫《长恨歌》, 写就是这个故事。

44、Cao song left later generations than 100 poems. 唐代诗人曹松创作甚丰,留给后人一百多首诗歌。

45、Secondly, the Song Fntier Poems'inhetance and dlopment of the Tang Fntier Poems. 宋代边塞诗词对唐代边塞诗继承与发展。

46、Du Mu's mentality is a typical model of the poets' in the late Tang Dynasty. 诗人杜牧心态堪称晚唐诗人典型。

47、The thor of this poem is the famous Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu. 这首诗作者,是唐代著名诗人杜甫。

48、Poet Cao Tang in late Tang Dynasty was famous as his poem Immortals. His poems are sad but excellent, narrative and oginal and set up a new banner besides Li Bai and Du Fu. 晚唐诗人曹唐,以《游仙诗》最为著名,其作品凄艳优美,叙事强,构思新奇,在除小李、杜之外晚唐诗坛别树一帜。

49、Thanks to his efforts, Wang's quatrains became noted for their grace and delicacy, thus distinguishing the Song poems fm their Tang counterparts, which they were greatly indeed to. 王安石绝句以婉丽精工著称,师法晚唐诗又有所新变,在继承唐诗同时也显现出了宋诗自身特质。

50、"The phenomena of floushing Tang Dynasty" and "juvenile ener" generalize the essence of floushing Tang and make it clear how Tang poetry mantici oginated. 以“盛唐气象”与“少年精神”传神、准确地概括了盛唐诗歌神髓;理清了唐诗浪漫主义渊源发展脉络;


51、The poem and dance of Tang dynasty reached the summit in dlopment of poems and dances in China. 唐诗与唐舞都是诗歌与舞蹈发展高峰。

52、Thughout the whole Tang dynasty, "li" is the pminent perceptual charactestic of poetic bety, and is also attached great emphasis in the poetic theoes. “丽”是唐诗美突出感表征,在初唐、盛唐、中唐、晚唐诗歌中都有突出体现,唐代诗学理论自觉地对这种“丽”质进行了理把握;

53、Tang Qiu was an active poet in the late Tang dynasty. 唐求,晚唐活跃于诗坛蜀中诗人。

54、The foth chapter selects the o types of poems with educational function: family education poem and apho poem. 第四章则分论了唐诗中两种具有教育作用诗歌:家训诗和格言诗。

55、Wte down the poem of 'Yong Chong Yang' ? 唐代诗人《咏重阳》诗是什么?

56、Poems about partdges are part of poems about birds in Tang and Song Dynasity, as well as part of poems about flowers and birds literate . 唐宋鹧鸪诗词是唐宋禽鸟诗词一部分,也是花鸟文学一部分。

57、In addition, Tao Yuanming's poetry also has an impact on this school. 此外,苏词还以唐诗为中介接受了陶诗影响。

58、His theoretical monograph of poetry Bi Zha Hua Liang remarkably benefits people in the later ages. 唐初诗人上官仪创作实绩使他成为唐诗律化先驱,他诗歌理论专著《笔札华梁》也沾溉后世。

59、In fact, Wen's influences on poetry at the end of the Tang dynasty and Five Dynasties spassed Li greatly. 事实上,温庭筠诗名雄霸晚唐,他人生遭际和倔强个在唐末产生共鸣,温诗对唐末五代诗歌影响远在李商隐之上。

60、In artistic style, Tang poetry is majestic, and Song poetry is graceful and restrained. 三是艺术风格不同,唐诗雄浑,而宋诗婉丽。

61、The second chapter is "Late-Tang-Dynasty Poetic Form and Constitution of its Poetry Image". 第二章“晚唐体与晚唐体诗歌意象构成”。

62、Tang poetry didn't gw synchnically with Tang novels but the latter contained large quantities of Tang poems. 唐诗与唐人小说发展并不同步,但唐人小说中拥有大量诗歌。

63、Music is an important subject of Tang Poetry, and almost all famous poets in Tang Dynasty wte chant poems with different styles. 音乐是唐诗重要题材,几乎唐代所有著名诗人都写有过咏乐诗。而不同诗人咏乐诗又体现出不同风格。

、The poem The Yellow Crane Tower by Cuihao is the best work red as the No 1 among the poems in Tang Dynasty . 崔颢《黄鹤楼》是唐七律诗中最杰出作品,被誉为“唐人七律诗第一”。

65、In particular, Tang Dynasty poetry is regarded as the acme of this genre, represented by the poets Li Bai and Du Fu. 唐诗在古代诗歌史上发展到了最高峰,李白、杜甫是唐朝最伟大诗人;

66、The Thving and pspeus Tang Dynasty's economy, society and culte gave birth to the floung poetry and the unique spectacle of the pspeus Tang Dynasty. 盛唐时期经济、社会、文化育了繁荣盛唐诗歌和诗歌中独特盛唐气象。

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