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关于”描写家乡“英子53个,句子主体:Descption of Hometown。以下是关于描写家乡小学英子。

英文句子模板1:Descption of Hometown

接着在家乡创建了地毯保洁公司,现在已经发展了四家连锁公司。 平时我还爱好写作。

1、I worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska, I started a carpet cleaning company and now have fo carpet cleaning companies, and I love to wte.


2、The others pay attention the the reflecting of the reality accate and pfoundly , and what they cticize is the backward culte .


3、" They ran away quickly and hid.


4、Bina: You're a long way fm home.


5、The activity of pmoting household appliance in countryside was lnched by Hunan Hualiang Electc Appliance Co. , Ltd in Ningxiang.


6、The thor has made some research about the collecting of mateals of local history, the pnciples to compile the local history textbook, and the compiling electc local history textbook.


7、Edmundo Vasquez wte the piece Auzielle for guitar in a time he was homesick.


8、Eg. My hometown has taken on a new look.

渡边由纪 东京(家乡:福岛田村)

9、Yuki Watanabe Tokyo (hometown Tama, Fukushima)


10、Step2 Show the pictes of new Xiajin.


11、Ouse! Is it deliberate? The country club will have his old time cards! W-2s with his name on them!


12、My family native place being also Mencius in Zou Cheng , we are fellow- townan . Wte some ght away his English well-known saying.


13、People in my hometown live on ce.


14、But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother's grave.


15、Today my topic is : I love my hometown Taicang .


16、Pleasant days are what people need most in my hometown.


17、Shen Congwen and Sun Li are similar in their artistic individuality, both of them are good at local lyc wting and vivid expression.


18、I live in a all country. There is only one ad leading to my hometown.


19、Mutual fends, bosses, hometowns, etc.


20、It is the Yuexiu Park in my hometown.

21、Why don't dfters retn home?为什么“校漂族”不回家乡呢?

22、He has been away fm home since 1973.他自从xx年就离开了家乡。

23、The weather in my hometown is very pleasant .我家乡天气好极了。

24、Flkner wte mostly about his hometown of Oxford, in Lafayette County. Miss..他作品多写自己家乡密西西比州拉法叶特郡牛津镇。

25、She always runs her hometown down.她总是说自己家乡坏话。

英文句子26:,26、Howr, the wter later tned to descbe his hometown in the drai areas of the Tuo River and Ming River, demonstrating a different value fm that of A Joney South.《南行记》以“异域情调”为文坛关注,稍后艾芜却转向描写岷沱流域故乡,显示出与《南行记》不一样价值取向。

27、Give me home-cooked food, especially hummus.我就要家乡菜,尤其是胡姆斯。

28、Invited to speak as part of July 在被收养他家乡:NY Rochester邀请参加

4 festivities in his adoptedhometown of Rochester N.Y. the abolitionist took the opportunity to rage atthe injustice of slavery.


29、How do you like yo hometown? 你觉得你家乡怎么样?

30、Red bayberry is my hometown's special pduct.杨梅是我家乡特殊产品。

31、They retn to the hometown ice a month.他们每个月回两次家乡。

32、My hometown has taken on a new look.我家乡呈现一片新貌。

33、He descbed pvincials as being dominated by utine and monotony in their all towns, that they're all the same, he wte, which is obviously not the case.他把乡下人描绘成在小城镇中,过着千篇一律单调生活,他写道,他们全是一个模子里刻出来,情况显然不是这样

34、Watching the railway built to my home.看见铁路修到我家乡。

35、Rousse is descbing the expeence of floating in a little wing boat on the Lake of Bienne close to Neuchâtel in his native Switzerland.在书中,他描述了在家乡瑞士纽沙特其附近比尔湖泛舟时飘浮之感。

36、Do you mind to phase, go home.相问君心意,结伴归家乡。

37、Mboya wte, “As you yoself said, you were glad to come home, we were glad to receive you home.”他还写道:"正如你说你很高兴回到故乡一样,我们很高兴在故乡接待你。"

38、Elderly gents pick up forms to remit money, hoping they can impve the lives of family in their hometowns in the mainland as quickly as possible.老先生们拿著申请书用心填写,希望家乡亲人生活早改善。

39、This is a retn and a homecoming.这即是归返和回到家乡。

40、Wtes John Bradshaw in his bestseller Home Coming: “All these feelings need to be felt.约翰.布拉德肖在他畅销书《回家》中写道:“所有归乡之情需要表现出来。

41、The descptions on folk custom give a bader view and deeper cultal connotation to local novels dung that peod of time, showing clearer national style and cultal color.对民俗描写使“五四”乡土题材小说具有开阔思想视野和丰厚文化意蕴,显示出更为鲜明风格和文化彩。

42、My home village, Zhaojiazhuang, is in the south of Shanxi Pvince.我家乡赵家庄在山西省南部。

43、What do you miss the most about yo hometown?你最怀念家乡什么?

44、My hometown lies on the Plain of North China.我家乡位于华北平原。

45、when she comes home fm exile...当她从流放地返回家乡……

46、The homeland and wilderness, "the myth and the trap", the native place and the forei land interweave and penetrate mutually, then they construct the dream city together.家园与荒原,“神话与陷阱”,乡关与异乡相互交织、相互渗透,一起描绘着这座梦幻之城。

47、Why don`t dfters retn home?为什么“校漂族”不回家乡呢?

48、In the Odyssey, Odysseus retns home to Ithaca 在《奥德赛》描写中,奥德修斯在攻陷特洛伊城xx年后启程返回家乡伊萨卡岛他是正统合法国王,但他妻子身边爪牙想夺取他王位并之他于地。

10 years after the Fall of Ty. He is the legitimate king, but his wife's suitors want his kingdom and his death.

49、It can not be overlooked to study Shengsi Chang for descbing families since there are three families' stoes of life and death threading together the whole novel.《生场》全书贯穿三个家庭生与故事,因此家庭描写是研究其文不容忽视方面。

50、Eedelweiss, bless my home land forr.小白花,愿妳永远保佑我家乡。

经典英文句子51:描写家乡,51、The spghtly, lifelong Chicagoan grandmother apparently left her home city "kicking and screaming", according to one relative.根据一位亲属描述,这位精力充沛而长寿芝加哥祖母明显是“大声抱怨”着离开她家乡城市。

52、Dr Livesey was not at his house but with the squire at his home, so Captain Dance and I went on there.李甫西大夫不在家,据说他和乡绅在一起。于是我和丹斯先生去乡绅家。

53、The second part descbes the situation that township judicial is facing the tradition of a large number of folk laws and the lack of rule of law in ral community.第二部分描述乡镇司法所面对农村中民间法等乡土“地方知识”;

54、I can fully understand their feeling that there is no place like their hometown, a land flowing with milk and honey in their own eyes.我完全能理解他们对家乡感情。 他们觉得任何地方都赶不上自己家乡,在他们眼里,那是鱼米之乡。

55、In the third part we descbe Liang Shuming' practice contents of country building movement.第三部分描述了梁漱溟乡村建设运动实践内容;

56、Xiangxi is a regional land that was repeatedly wtten by many wters in the 20th centy Chinese literate.在20世纪文学中,湘西是一个被众多作家一再书写到地域乡土。

57、Many of the country people could neither read nor wte.(当时)许多乡里人不识字,也不会写字。

58、Descbe yo hometown, and tell yo gup 描述你家乡,告诉你小组成员,你喜欢你家乡三件事情和三个你不喜欢。

3 things you like about yo hometown and three things you don't like about it.

59、The contrastive descption soon ed him to form the style, which not only embodied wter's adherence to agrestic civilization, but also the transition of angle to view the society change.对城、乡对比描写很快奠定了其创作早期风格,这既是在转型时代固守乡土文明体现,也是现代社会进程带来原初视角转换。

60、Yes, I was indeed “tated” in the way it happens in the story.是,我确实像小说中描述那样“下过乡”。

61、Howr, refusing to get back home.但是于得明拒绝回家乡。

62、For the old Kentucky Home far away.为那遥远肯得基老家乡。

63、The thor concludes: this book is an affectionate portraite of Hardy's hometown and its people.因此,作者结论是:书是哈代对其故乡及故乡人满怀深情描述。

、过了好一会儿,我才记起我不是荷花,我是在看荷花呢. After a good while, I remember I am not a lotus, I look at this lotus.

65、My name is Guo Xiao is great, Shanxi Pvince is my hometown, the loess character and style is its charactestic, welcome rybody to mine hometown traveling.我名字是郭晓伟,山西省是我家乡,黄土风情是它特,欢迎大家到我家乡旅游。

66、In 1905, after years of living in Pas, Atlantic thor Alvan Sanborn came home to a New York City that was, he wte, "a wilderness of sprawling ugliness.xx年,在巴黎生活数年之后,《大西洋月刊》一名撰稿人阿尔万·桑伯恩回到家乡。 他是这样描写纽约城,“这是一个丑陋丛生荒蛮之地。”

67、Ono lisa:country ad take me home.小野鹿莎:乡村路带我回家 - …


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