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关于”基成分“英子32个,句子主体:Basic Ingredients。以下是关于基成分初三英子。

英文句子模板1:Basic Ingredients


1、The basic idea of the mining algothm is to generate concrent branch pattern fm ugh concrent branch pattern. Bottom-up method is adopted in the pcess of pattern generating.


2、It’s still part of the fundamental laws of nate n in that part of the universe.


3、Daylighting, or generally lighting, is one of the fundamental components of architecte.


4、Based on intducing the basic pnciple of DFH, the pcess of frequency hopping is modeled as a homogeneous Markov chain.


5、It is a sell-reliance and self-support economy with little commercial nate.


6、The desi theory consists of architecte conspectus, basic elements, basic knowledge, and steps of the desi and conformation structe.


7、Firstly, the basic pnciple of the vib-acoustography is discussed.


8、Composition of the goods, other pyrlic , aminoglycoside and corticosteid aller banned drugs.


9、The heap is split into fixed size regions and the separation beeen the o generations is basically logical.

其中大部分是微格式人员所称基微格式(elemental micformats),基微格式就是完全在某个元素内部构造而成微格式。

10、Most of these are what micformats desiers call elemental micformats, which are those constructed entirely within an element.

JXInsight Pbes(探测器)提供了基于活动成核算方案,根据资源消耗情况将成分摊到应用、服务和组件。

11、JXInsight Pbes pvide the activity-based costing solution to assi costs to applications, s and components based on resoce consumption.

发明还提供生物合成簇 分离基因及其相应蛋白。

12、The invention also pvides isolated genes of the biosynthetic cluster and their corresponding pteins.


13、The biennial rhizome of D. zingiberensis is composed of three parts: the pederm, the gund tissue and the vascular bundle.


14、But it does mean that this decentralization is an essential part of who they thought they were.


15、This thesis consists of sral parts as follows:Chapter one defines the basic concepts of this thesis and discusses the connotation of publicity and the publicity pnciple.


16、The plant hydlyzed-enzyme catalyses naphthyl acetate hydlyzed reaction, which pduces acetic acid.


17、Chemistry is a very important part of elementary education, so the dlopment of chemistry school-based cculum has become one of the spotlights.


18、The pmary distbution of labor income is the basic component of the redistbution of national income.


19、How Glucosamine & Chonditin Sulfate Work:Glucosamine is a basic building block for cartilage, synovial fluid and other connective tissue.


20、Discrete semiconductor devices and integrated circuits - Partie 5-2 : optoelectnic devices - Essential ratings and charactesti.


21、So via the discount rate, gwth is fundamentally built into finance.因此,通过折现率,增长基上就成为金融固有一部分。

22、Twenty of these "letters" correspond to amino acids, the building blocks for pteins.其中

12 个 “字母” 对应于氨基酸,它是蛋白质基成分。

23、If parts of the cost of the tax are paid out of the bonus pool, we would seek to globalise it.如果税收部分成要由红利基金支付,我们会设法让全球各地分摊。

24、So basically it’s cutting his potential costs -- the employer’s potential costs for pviding yo bther with health insance, it’s cutting it by a third.这样它就基上没有了潜在成——你弟弟老板为他提供健康保险潜在成,少了三分之

25、Services become the pmary conceptual elements that are mad, intduced, dloped, that are assied a budget, an owner.服务成了最基用于、引入、概念元素,也是用于计划、分配任务基元素。

英文句子26:,26、The dissertation can be divided into o parts. The rationale of Maetotelluc sounding will be befly intduced in part one.文可以分成两个部分,前半部分比较简要地介绍了大地电磁测深法基原理。

27、The fundamental knowledge about ingredients, classification and performance evaluation of greases is intduced.介绍了润滑脂组成、分类和能评价基知识。

28、The basic formulation is disclosed, and the influence of post-acid change to the taste is also discussed.讨论了基配方成分, 后酸变化对口感影响。

29、The thesis consists of o parts:The first part is the study of micwave-assisted oxidation of internal alkynes to 论文由两部分内容组成:第一部分是微波促进DMSO/I_2氧化二芳基乙炔成1,2-二芳基乙二酮研究。

1,2-diadiketones with DMSO/I_2.

30、The mental patient thinks the cement is the elementary element of the ornament.人认为水泥是装饰品基成分.

31、This fund is this year tenable head bond fund, up to the 29th of the month, realizes 该基金是今年成立首只债券基金,截至月29,实现

5.43% incomes, this time to draw bonus for the first time.


32、Cost estimates are generally disaggregated into apppate functional or resoce based pject categoes.成估算通常被分解到基于项目范畴能或资源上。

33、The Fo Cardinal Pnciples are the precepts for governing the country, and an essential element of the s basic line in the elementary stage of sociali.四项基原则作为立国之,是党在初级阶段基路线重要组成部分。

34、The foaming ptein in malt, bitter substances in hops, and CO2 are the essential factors to dlop beer foam.麦芽中起泡蛋白、酒花苦味成分、CO2是构成啤酒泡沫基因素。

35、To allow for distbution to aller health facilities on site, the quantities of drugs and medical supplies in the Basic Unit has been divided into 考虑到向当地较小医疗点分发,基配制药物与医疗用品被分成10份相同基配制,每份可供1000人使用。

10 identical Basic Units for

1,000 persons each.

36、The results indicated that crude ptein and crude sugar contents of ded octopus were 62.7% and 结果表明:章鱼基成分中粗蛋白和粗总糖含量分别为62.7%和

6.2%, respectively;


37、There is no final examination, but the cose does count toward undergrads' A.不设期末考试,但这门课成绩将会计入科生基点分成绩中。

38、What's , the amino acids are similar to those found on certain types of meteotes. Which suggests that the basic constituents of life could be widespread in the universe.更重要是,在某些陨石上也存在相似氨基酸,这就是说这些构成生命基成分在宇宙中广泛分布。

39、The result showed that the soybean cake could be used as component of medium.结果表明:黄豆饼粉为培养基基成分,用来生产脂肪酶。

40、Plates, sheets, coils of polyisobutylene with man-made felt.聚异丁烯为基成分附有人造毛毡板,片,卷材。

41、The expression was down-regulated with enamel and dentin matx formation being up- regulated.随后其表达随细胞分化成熟和牙釉质、牙质基质形成进展而逐渐下降。

42、It was the sort of quantity you could easily ma by eating a lot of tomato-based meals.你可以通过吃许多以番茄为基成分基膳食来达到所需要数量。

43、Basic pnciple , constitution and classification for biosensors based on acetylcholinesterase are intduced.介绍了乙酰胆碱酯酶生物传感器基原理,组成与分类。

44、E. sudra individuals attracted each other and the individual gup was basic component in its distbution.桃一点斑叶蝉个体间相互吸引,分布基成分为个体群。

45、Fm a distance, these building blocks look very similar, so ry piece of DNA you look at has the same overall shape—the famous Watson-Cck Double Helix.从远处看,这些基成分看上去极为相似,因此 DNA 每一部分基形状都是相同 — 著名沃森克里克双螺旋结构。

46、The RGBE format basically uses a 4th component known as the shared exponent (E).RGBE 形式基上使用第4个称为被分享解释者组成部分(E)。

47、basic concepts in hozontal partitioning / sharding水平分区/分片基概念

48、Results Physical pperties of the dusts were nearly the same, while the chemical composition was not.结果矿物尘粒物理组成基一致,化学成分各不相同;

49、On the basis of intducing the basic pnciples of DFH, the pcess of frequency hopping is modeled as the homogeneous Markov chain.文在介绍差分跳频基原理基上,将差分跳频频率跳变过程建模成齐次马尔可夫链。

50、In Part 第

1, I concentrated on the basi of code generation.

1 部分重点放在代码生成基原理上。

经典英文句子51:基成分,51、Analysis of the cses why business neorks comes into being could be resort back to basic viewpoints about the nate of the firms fm the resoce-based view.从基于资源观理论出发,商务网络成因问题分析可以追溯到基于资源观理论对于企业源基观点。

52、Part Two: Pbe the theory basis of student loan, which include human capital theory, education equity theory and cost -shang theory.第二部分:阐述了助学贷款理论基,包括人力资理论、教育公平理论和高等教育成分担理论。

53、The following sections will intduce some of the fundamental patterns that form the foundation of the pattern language for SOA/SOI.下面部分将介绍一些构成 SOA/SOI 模式语言基基模式。

54、This text realizes Optimal Linear Combination method basing on recoition confidence.文实现了基于分类器判决可度估计最优线集成方法。

55、So basically we bke up the functionality of the radio into functional gups,所以我们基上就把广播能分成了能组。

56、TM is a fundamental part of modern comr aided translation (CAT) tools.TM 是现代计算机辅助翻译(CAT)工具基组成部分。

57、The first part is the general descption of the international and domestic achiments of the studies on Szymanowski, followed by the narration of the intention for this wting.文共分三个部分:第一部分综述了国内外对席曼诺夫斯基研究成果,并阐述了文写作意图。

58、Most will do a bit of basic work for deferred compensation.大部分律师会有偿帮你完成一些基工作。

59、Location theory is one of basic parts of economic geography.区位理论是现代经济地理学基理论重要组成部分。

60、Cost- based, which is also called cost-plus .以成为基,又称为成加成。

61、The mechani of membrane formation and the change of PVDF crystallinity were discussed.对该方法成膜机理进行了理论分析,与实验结果基吻合…

62、China's stock has changed dramatically since the non- tradable share reform in 2006.xx年股权分置改革基完成后,股市有了巨大变化。

63、The second is the community envinment research theoes, it constituted the textual theoes foundation;第二部分是社区环境研究理论,它构成了文理论基;

、Conclusion This study pvides a expemental basis for fther separation and pufication of anticoagulating active components fm Bombyx Batryticatus.结论 研究为僵蚕抗凝活成分进一步分离纯化提供了实验基。

65、Auto-body panel is basic constituted part of bodywork, its quality distinctly influences the capability of whole car.覆盖件是车身基组成部分,其质量优劣对整车能影响十分明显。

66、Crent theoes pvided o chief explanations for firm existence, firm boundaes and inter-firm linkages: the transaction-cost theory and the resoce-based theory.文分析并购与联盟活动适用边界基是交易成理论与资源基理论。

67、There are basically o kinds of chemical changes that can occ; tissue matter can be built, or it can be bken down.基上可分为两类化学反应:合成或分解组织细胞。


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