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关于”搞笑短句“英子57个,句子主体:Funny short sentences.。以下是关于搞笑短句xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:Funny short sentences.


1、This is so meant to be!


2、She ted to be funny, but the punch line didn't make any body lgh.


3、This of cose made ry body lgh; and Elinor ted to lgh too. But the effort was painful.


4、Gerld was a lean, tall youth with sun streaks in his hair and lghing blue-green eyes.


5、Life is too short. So, ile while you still have teeth!


6、Edelstein: I didn't balk, bee I thought it was hilaous. I knew the wters were like, "Well, how about this?!


7、We should not just set o eyes on short-term interests, but should instead be far-sighted.

Always ile while you still have teeth!——人一生何其短暂,趁你牙齿都还健在,能笑就多笑吧!

8、Life's too short…


9、Life is short. Just ile as much as you can with the advantage of yo bght teeth.


10、"Hey match-stick head, " "I'd rather be dead than red" and "Where did you get that hair?" are just some of the cute comments we get to hear on a daily basis.

足够发人深省语言和愉快主线造就了奥斯汀 鲍尔斯搞笑间谍形象。

11、Full of double-entendres and hilaous one-liners, Austin Powers is a fine spy spoof.


12、P.S.: we got these spoof paintings by email and do not know who actually did them.


13、In this hilaous call-to-action video, Jim Parsons plays 30 characters, showing how it'"Up2" all of them and ryone should stand up to end cancer.


14、EXAMPLE: My favote movie actor is a klutzy comedian who tns seous nts into wildly humous catastphes.


15、But he patted me on the shoulder and played a joke with me.


16、Silly silly so I leaned against the windows, put the words to think of most of the day, but finally did not come up with it herself!

卡尔和爱德华在讨论是土葬还是火葬。 很多人觉得这个对话很搞笑。

17、Carl and Edward were talking about being bed or cremated, which sounded funny to many people.


18、Sha of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neosciences in Bangalore, India, won an IgNobel pze for their research into nose-picking.


19、I mean he's pbably going to have followers than me bee he's just so funny.


20、If you would like to die, pleottom tell me!

21、His tn in The Departed is another example of Baldwin playing his youthful, aggressive persona for lghs.在无间道风云中则转变成为一个在年轻时代雄心勃勃搞笑人物。

22、Gerld was a lean tall youth with sun streaks in his hair and lghing blue-green eyes.杰罗德是个清瘦搞个年轻人,头涪有着头条,蓝绿眼睛满是笑意。

23、But research shows that bsts of lightheartedness, whether fm a ile shared with a colleague or a funny clip on YouTube, actually e people to think clearly and creatively.但研究表明无论是和同事谈笑,还是在Youtube看到一个搞笑短片,这种轻松情绪是会帮助人们更清晰,更有创造思考。

24、The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.嘲笑者用长袜和短裤上结击打存货。

25、Strangely -- or should we say comically -- enough, the story was denied by the comedian shortly after.奇怪是——或许我们该说喜剧是——这位搞笑艺人稍后又否认了此事。

英文句子26:,26、Carl and Edward was talking about being bed or cremated, which sounded funny to many people.卡尔和爱德华在讨论是土葬还是火葬。很多人觉得这个对话很搞笑。

27、Che is not free either bee she will him get the loan.谢丽尔也没空儿,她要帮他搞那笔短期贷款。

28、The Celti have a human mascot known for his hoodie and his half-baked excuses for spying on his enemies.凯尔特人队有一个用各种搞笑借口去侦查敌人吉祥物。

29、When you become funny aund women, they only like you as the dorky best fend!当你幽默搞笑面对时,她们仅仅把你当成一个古怪愚蠢而已!

30、Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意时

31、At first, he wanted only a few words with Polina, just to see if he could elicit a ile.刚开始时候,他只是想和她说几句话,冲他笑一笑。

32、Sometimes I play to depend on, I'll hit the gund bounce the ball to the mother, so funny!有时候我会耍赖,我会把打到地上弹起球打到那边去了,好搞笑啊。

33、Fm Lubitsch thugh the Farrelly hers, the funniest guys in the om were behind the camera;从卢比西奇发现法拉利兄弟开始,房间里这些搞笑家伙就在摄影机后面;

34、Inically, one of Pang Tong's words have changed sral human destiny.可笑是,庞统一句话却改变了几个人命运。

35、Beeen me and my her funny things or Manche, appears fm now on the point of his good!我和弟弟之间搞笑事情还是蛮多,看来从现在开始该对他好点了!

36、There are many oginal or n funny-shaped memoals, including butterfly-shaped, skeleton-shaped and piano-shaped ones.他们墓碑充满创意,有甚至很搞笑,有蝴蝶形、骷髅形、钢琴形等等。

37、They were both on the point of being angry, when a joke made both of them lgh.当他们两人正要发火时候,一句玩笑令他们都笑了起来。

38、In the comedy feate, Destructioni and Carnivalization are the most important technichques to make diences lgh .这种被称为“搞笑”片喜剧,在追求喜剧效果时有着鲜明商业化和自觉特点。

39、In this hilaous call-to-action video, Jim Parsons plays 30 characters, showing how it’“Up2” all of them and ryone should stand up to end cancer.在这个搞笑公益呼吁类短片中,吉姆·帕森斯共扮演了30个不同角,这想表达“由你”精神,每个人都应该为结束癌症而做出自己努力。

40、Like the other Nobels, the Ig Nobel's commi can take its time4) to make an award.和其他诺贝尔奖一样,搞笑诺贝尔奖评审委员会评奖并不在乎时间早晚。

41、My joke bught down the house. 我笑话引起哄堂大笑 他很会说简短而令人 捧腹笑话。

5. He's good at telling one-liners. ;



42、The barber lghed and told the rest of the people to wait. "Let him go first, it'll only take five minutes."老板笑起来,对其他人说:“理光头优先吧,五分钟就搞定了。”

43、The funniest thing is : the players don; t n care who is the leader: Yao or Tmac or Both.最搞笑事情是:球员根不在乎谁是领袖:姚或者麦或者两者都是。

44、Whishing you a fute filled with success and joy of seeing yo dreams come true. 恭喜你毕业了。

45、Jessica thought I was hilaous, but something in my expression kept her fm lobbing a snowball at me herself.杰西卡认为我很搞笑,但看了我表情后,她放弃了扔我个雪球念头。

46、Dung her bef time as chief executive Marjoe just about ran the company into the gund.在短暂首席执行官任期中,马乔里几乎把公司搞砸了。

47、Be funny. Kind-spited humor can douse a hot argument, head off a fight, and tn the drudgery of household responsibilities and planning into something witty, art, and hilaous .让自己变得搞笑一点:善意开开玩笑可以平息争吵,让家务这件苦差事变成一件诙谐、滑稽事情。

48、Gudo iled. 'Everything in this life is impermanent' he explained.Gudo笑道:“世事无常,人生短暂。

49、You pbably want people to think you’re funny, art, nice, or geneus — something along those lines ght?你也许希望人们能认为您搞笑、聪明、友好、或慷慨—伴随这些正义感?

50、Even if ctilage home, enjoying the KangXiLai BF such as "funny, also please remember with leopard grain n clothing short skirt, set off need warm little girl pe."就算宅在家,等BF一起享受《康熙来了》搞笑,也请记得用豹纹连衣短裙,映衬需要温暖小女孩纯真。

经典英文句子51:搞笑短句,51、Just Jobs here, weang shorts and an impish gn.只是工作,穿着短裤和一个顽皮笑容。

52、For the rest of us, this was high entertainment, but o fearless leader was not amused.这对我们其他人来说简直太搞笑了,但我们无所畏惧却乐不起来。

53、A funny golf competition in the office using a cup, a ruler, a golf ball and three thumacks.一场搞笑办公室高尔夫比赛,有纸杯、直尺、高尔夫球和图钉就够了。

54、Look up 只要看上20个个人征婚广告你就会发现想要男人是什么样。幽默搞笑!

20 personal ads and you'll know what women want a man to be.

55、He said something silly and the other boys pounced on it at once.他说了句傻话,马上遭到了其他男孩嘲笑。

56、The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.嘲笑者用长袜和短袜上结鼓打存货。

57、I greatly enjoyed the facetious speculation about the corned beef-loving otters fm Bstol, though.不过我倒是挺喜欢那个关于书里有“来自布里斯托尔爱吃腌牛肉水濑”搞笑猜测。

58、I played a practical joke at Bill's birthday party and we all had a good lgh at Bill's expense.在比尔生宴会上,我给比尔搞了个恶作剧,大家捧腹大笑。

59、"The modern Web 当代Web2.0空间不再只跟猫咪搞笑或者口水博客有关,“Wales说道。”

2.0 is not about funny cat videos any or about angry ranting blogs, " Wales explained.

60、Thee hilaously bad photo-edits saw S skycket to Internet fame, but it also attracted the attention of a geneus entreprene.西弗这些搞笑照片在网上迅速蹿红,也吸引了一个慷慨企业家。 缥。

61、"This was a fun artist concept to dlop bee it was so wildly different fm o usual work," Pyle says.“这是一张搞笑艺术概念图,和我们以前创作作品完全不同,”派尔说。

62、As John slipped on the banana skin and fell over, those mischievous boys lghed their heads off.当约翰踩到香蕉皮滑倒时候,那几个搞恶作剧男孩放声大笑。

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