
发布时间:2023-05-23 15:58:00 阅读:74 点赞:0




1、Only dou can distinguish pphets fm mania.


2、Legitimate and only son of great Caesar!


3、The past is o definition, we may stve which could be the reason to escape it, or escape what is bad in it. But we will escape only by adding something better to it.


4、The city's only one-stop shop for Qing Dynasty-era goose-egg powders and whitening creams opened last su mmer and be wooing shoppers unconvinced by expensive imported moistizers.


5、His first (and only) pduction car with the three-seat configation was the McLaren F1 fm the late 1990s, which hit 240 mph and cost upward of $2 million.


6、Humboldt s rationali and its siificance;


7、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.

尽管 黛朵 是著《斯坦》成名,但是她幷不喜欢饶舌音乐,恰恰相反,她音乐非常柔软、宁静,每首歌都会向你讲述一个唯美故事。

8、Although Dido was famous for Stan, she doesn't like Hipa, instead, her music is very soft, peaceful, ry song will tell you a nice story.


9、The 500-year-old map, d by German monk Martin Waldseemuller, is the only known sviving copy and was pchased for $10 million in 2003.


10、Samadhi is the only stable unchanging Reality.


11、The pposal is a great guiding pnciple based on histocal mateali and its creative application in the construction.


12、Their only servant was a young orphan girl.

“对于许多分钟,”持续了后者,“我唯一感悟 - 我唯一感觉 - 是黑暗和虚无,亡意识。

13、'For many minutes, ' continued the latter, 'my sole sentiment--my sole feeling--was that of darkness and nonentity, with the consciousness of death.


14、But why this health scare in particular?

Seebohm CAaline, Btish wter 艰难之路,唯勇者行.

15、When the going gets tough, the tough get going.


16、He is very good at telling dry jokes.


17、She has attended in an advanced study in Tsinghua University Fine Arts Academy Oil Painting. Many of her works have joined national oil painting exhibition and been pzed.


18、This standard deepens and dlops practice standard, breaks thugh the only standard of belonging to mateali or capitali, deepens people's understanding about mateali history theory.


19、The only issue is the streaky shooting.


20、Whether it is Hegel's ideali or Engels' mateali, they all converge at a common point: the resolution of conflict.

21、He really thinks he has a monopoly on the truth.他真以为唯有他明事理。

22、That is the only way I can relax.这是我可以放松唯一途径。

23、Wilt thou give up that only pvilege?你难道要放弃那唯一特权吗?

24、Practice is the sole cteon for judging truth.实践是检验真理唯一标准。

25、The attbutes add up to make TOWIE's Laen Goodger the image of the nation's ideal woman, with her 'average' fige, bwn hair and blue eyes.劳伦•古杰综合了所有完美特质,凭借等身材、褐头发和蓝眼睛被真人秀“埃塞克斯是唯一生活”评为全国理想女形象。

英文句子26:,26、In FY2000 IFC made an initial investment of US$23.5 million for a minoty position in New China Life Insance Co. (NCL), the only pvate insance company in China.在2000财年中,国际金融公司向新华人寿保险公司投资了


27、I have an idea, that only can free us fm the world in disgust, n if is the chaos, people still continue to betiful things out.我有一种想法,觉得唯一能使我们从对这个世界嫌恶中解脱出来,就是纵使世事纷乱,人们依然不断创造出来美事物。

28、Chomsky's rationali and its charactesti.乔姆斯基唯理主义思想及其特点。

29、becse you are the only choice yo father has left.你是你父皇唯一选择。

30、Hillary and Nor were not the only ones trying to reach the top. But on this tp, they were the only ones that did.希拉里与诺盖并非唯一试图攻顶人,但在这趟旅程中,他们是唯一成两位。

31、This is the only major Luan Theater .这是全国唯一专业乱弹剧团。

32、This seems to be their big qualification.这似乎是当运将唯一条件。

33、Susan Calvin: Thats ght. You are unique.苏珊。加尔文:是,你是唯一无二。

34、sometimes goodbye is the only way.有时候说再见是唯一一条路。

35、The miserable have no other medicine but only hope.希望是不幸者唯一良方。

36、Only true emptiness will not pesh.森罗万象终归坏,唯有真空才不灭。

37、We can only be sensitive only if we are tender;唯其柔软,我们才能敏感;

38、But sometimes, going undergund isthe only option.但有时,转入地下是唯一选择。

39、Should central banks have a single inflation-fighting mandate, as the ECB does, or dual goals of pce stability and full employment, like the Fed?各国央行是否应该以对抗通胀为唯一目标,一如欧洲央行作法,或者是有物价稳定和充分就业双重目标,就像美联储一样?

40、When the going gets tough, the tough get going.Seebohm CAaline, Btish wter 艰难之路,唯勇者行。

41、We HAs a clafyom in the city.咱们在市设有唯一展示中心。

42、Situated on the banks of a mantic lake, in betiful green sundings yet only a short distance fm Brussels, this is the only 5-star hotel in the South of Brussels.这家酒店坐落于优美翠绿环境中浪漫湖畔,距离布鲁塞尔不远,是布鲁塞尔南部唯一一家五星级酒店。

43、Activity is the only od to knowledge .行动是通往知识唯一途径。

44、Vulcanized sole construction with die-cut EVA insole.模切EVA鞋垫硫化唯一建设。

45、The totone is about the only thing that can stand upght and lie it face at the same time.墓碑是唯一正直同时脸上又说谎东西。(可理解成:墓碑是唯一垂直竖立同时脸又躺着东西。)

46、Influenced by the aesthetici arts in the blending of cultes, the 19th-centy mantic music stresses on melody, color, stage effects and pe techniques in form.19世纪浪漫主义音乐在文化交融过程中受唯美主义艺术影响,在形式上片面强调旋律、彩以及舞台效果,刻意追求纯技巧;

47、Only the indetermination is a confirmable factor.唯有不确定是可确定因素。

48、His advice to Ms. Tang: Don't intellectualize.陈可辛建议汤唯:不要过于理智。

49、Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.鞋子夹不夹脚,唯有穿者知晓。

50、No longer is mateali and dreaming at loggerheads.唯物主义与梦也已不再对立。

经典英文句子51:唯美,51、Talent concept:Respect the knowledge and choose the best talents.人才观:尊重知识,唯才是举。

52、All that counts is what they feel.唯一重要是他们切身感受。

53、Faile is the only high-ad to success.失败是通向成唯一捷径。

54、No, the storage oms were the only ute.不,走贮藏室是他唯一路线。

55、A guarantee of exclusive access to a shared resoce.唯一访问共享资源保证。

56、Luo Xiaodong said: "Many paintings are too light and ideal. Nowadays young artists are creating stuff that is good-looking and pleasant thugh mass pduction."罗晓冬表示:“许多绘画创作太轻松唯美了,现在年轻艺术家都在批量制造好看令人愉悦东西,在手法上也找那种好看技术。

57、The only question is for how long.唯一问题是,这能够持续多久。

58、Although Dido was famous for Stan, she does not like Hipa, instead, her music is very soft, peaceful, ry song will tell you a nice story.尽管黛朵是著《斯坦》成名,但是她幷不喜欢饶舌音乐,恰恰相反,她音乐非常柔软、宁静,每首歌都会向你讲述一个唯美故事。

59、Although it is acceptable and often necessary to have a read-only pperty, the desi guidelines phibit the use of wte-only pperties.虽然具有唯读属是可接受而且经常有必要,但是设计方针禁止使用唯写属。

60、Beyond raising questions of destiny and betifully portraying Mumbai’s darker side, “Slumdog Millie” is also likely to travelers reflect on their own expeences of India.除了提出关于命运问题和唯美地表达了孟买阴暗面之外,《贫民窟百万富翁》也可能帮助游客思索他们在印度经历。

61、"People are avoiding Eupe and its crency," said Michael Ane, who dlops investment vehicles for clients with nearly $2 tllion under mament at State Street Global Advisors."欧洲和欧元让大家避之唯恐不及." 道富环球投资(SSgA)Michael Ane表示.他为资产将近20万亿(兆)美元客户投资工具.

62、Of cose, you have to offer tea, certain culte and aesthetic ll, only then can ral yo tea and tea, the connotation of outstanding, attract customers.当然,开设茶坊,需要你具备一定文化修养和审美水平,唯有如此,你茶坊才能彰显茶道内涵,从而不同凡响,吸引顾客。

63、He is the one… who vindicates the ghteous.唯一能够公义,就是祂;

、Only in this way can we E.唯有这样,才能为仲家保住E。

65、We thought of the US forces in Vietnam, who soon realised that the only way to fight the guerllas was by attacking ieir "base, " i e, the people who supported them.我们想起了在越南美军,他们意识到要消灭游击队唯一办法就是围剿他们根据地,同时消灭支持他们。

66、But remember: Each one of us must still do o best, and be self-reliant and resoceful. Becse Singapore can only succeed if each one of us contbutes his part.不过,要记住:我们还必须各尽所能,发挥尽善尽美、自强不息精神,因为唯有人人献出一份力,新加坡才能有所成就。

67、My only question ght now involves the wraith .我唯一问题是关于幽灵。

68、Today, histoc Fort Mackinac is all that remains of those bloody times, and the fort’s high location pvides a betiful view of the bay and town below.如今,历史上有名麦基诺要塞成了那些血腥时代唯一遗证。 此处居高临下,是俯瞰下方海湾和城镇美景绝佳地点。

69、Today, histoc Fort Mackinac is all that remains of those bloody times, and the fort's high location pvides a betiful view of the bay and town below.如今,历史上有名麦基诺要塞成了那些血腥时代唯一遗证。此处居高临下,是俯瞰下方海湾和城镇美景绝佳地点。

70、I have to like to open a crent account.我想开唯一活期存款帐户。

71、You'd rather live with that little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes" or "no" and raise a pastel of mealy - mouthed brats just like her.你宁愿娶那个唯唯诺诺、面苍白、装腔作势小丫头也不敢娶我。

72、Tilda seems to be his only heir.迪儿特似乎是他唯一继承人。

73、The sound of their feet was the only sound.鞋底足音是唯一声响。

74、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神财富是唯一财富。

75、Daisy Mutlar sole topic of conversation.戴西?玛特勒成为谈话唯一主题。

英文句子模板76:aesthetici,76、With regard to uniqueness, the thor impved the results of Yang Le , Yi Hongxun and Fang Mingliang, and oains a sees of uniqueness theoes.在唯一方面,作者推广了杨乐,仪洪勋和方明亮结果,得到了一系列唯一定理。

77、Amatic with a hint of se petals and raspberes, Rosa Regale is perhaps the only wine in the world that mares well with chocolate, especially dark or bittersweet.玫瑰花瓣和山莓芬芳醇美怡人。这款甜酒也许是世界上唯一一款可以与巧克力,特别是与黑巧克力相搭配佳酿。

78、Over thousands of years, childish me, only quietly looking forward, looking in the tumn sun and betiful scenery together, interwoven into sections of the warmth, comfort me.越过风霜,幼稚我,唯有安静地期待,期待秋里暖阳与美丽风景一起,交织成款款温暖,藉我一世伤。

标签: 女士英文名 

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