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关于”必须掌握句型“英子47个,句子主体:Sentence patterns that must be ed。以下是关于必须掌握句型初一英子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns that must be ed


1、Digging trenches and felling trees to make breaks were second nate to him.


2、We have to know a little bit of history and geography, becse we need to have an envinment in which to relate to the people aund us.


3、A man who holds public pperty must hold it on the pub1ic condition on which, for instance, I carry my walking stick.


4、It must follow the scientific quizzing pnciples, grasp the flexible quizzing techniques and make a reasonable quizzing evaluation.


5、Thus we must fully wash the glass and grasp the washing method to eliminate err influence.


6、Although the phrase "it's all Greek to me" seems to fit perfectly the pject, knowledge of the classic language is not necessary.


7、If we would like to talk concisely, clearly and idiomatically, we must remember as many of them as possible.


8、CVss are a summary of yo skills and achiments and they need to be short;


9、Concepts of widening and narwing one's search, Boolean logic, and iterative search practices are an important part of the effective exercise of this PKM skill.


10、To do all this, a good command of forei is necessary.


11、Vouching for someone else’s skill requires close observation or questioning by someone already possessing it.


12、In the final con, o "D" parts with unique style had to be grasped for the ppose of wining the golden medal.


13、Teaching practice is the pfessional skill which P. E. students in P. E. teachers college must grasp. But correct pcedes and method should be followed.


14、Instead, we must take charge of o own destinies.


15、Moore descbes a tcky balancing act that all new bosses must pull off.


16、We should change the traditional thought and pvide -dven strategies for OEM manufacters and grasp the key engineeng of branding.


17、For effective jamming of SAR, relatively accate knowing the SAR flight trajectory is necessary.

不管你是正式工,临时工,合同工,还是 企业家,你都必须掌握自己事业。

18、Whether you're an employee, a temp, a contractor, or an entreprene, you need to take charge of yo career.


19、You need to have a lot of qualities to break thugh at the highest ll in world football and he certainly has those.


20、CVss are a summary of yo skills and achiments and they need to be short; preferably a maximum of o pages.

21、But there are other terms that must be grasped to attain an A* in the subject.但要想透彻地理解“教育话”,还有一些词汇是必须掌握。

22、Some of the technical elements a photographer must skillfully contl include sharpness, expose, lighting, composition and color repduction.摄影师必须掌握一些摄影技术有聚光、曝光、增亮、组合及彩调配等。

23、Dialogue sets the pacing and must pop off the page devoid of any overwtten monologues.对白掌握着节奏,而且必须迅速离开那些缺乏任何覆盖独白页面。

24、It's OK, I'll get him. - Jake you have to come inside.没事, 我已掌握状况。 - 杰克你必须回去。

25、掉下②(质或量)下降 072. far away 遥远 073. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 074. feel tired 感到疲劳 075. find out 查明;

英文句子26:,26、First, Falcone says, you must take the initiative.首先,法尔肯说,你必需掌握自动。

27、As an ideal student, you know ry fact, concept, pnciple, and technique in the undergraduate cculum in yo subject.作为一名优秀研究生,你必须了解掌握相关专业科课程中每一个公理、概念、法则以及技巧。

28、One of the things we have to keep track of is entertainment expenses.我们必须掌握事项之一是招待费。

29、We shall use ry resoce at o disposal—including that revolting hissing sound we make—and we shall emerge victoous.我们必须利用我们所掌握一切资源,包括我们发出那种令人作呕嘶嘶声,那么我们必将能取得最后胜利。

30、Stockholders must have financial information in or der to mease mament' s performance and to evaluate their own holdings.股东必须掌握财务,以便确定企业业绩和评价自己所捌有股份价值;

31、FG: There must be a need to acquire another language.FG:必须有掌握另一种语言需要。

32、Aha! So to study and grasp things about dead bodies, corpses, you must yoself be a dead body.所以为了研究并掌握关于知识,你自己必须先是一具尸

33、It's the responsibility of the English teachers to teach, train and guide the students with correct methods of learning English.在职高英语教学中必须让学生掌握正确学习英语方法,并对其学法进行有效指导,训练。

34、The indication of enucleation of eyeball should be stctly contlled, especially for absolute glcoma.必须严格掌握眼球摘除术适应证,特别对于绝对期青光眼眼球摘除更须慎之又慎。

35、To understand whether China should take a capitalist or socialist ad, the pnciple of the three "benefits" must be actualized.要判断姓“资”还是姓“社”就必须掌握“三个是否有利于” ;

36、“You have to understand the aedynamic pnciples well and how to apply them, ” Mr. Drummond said.“你必须熟练掌握空气动力学远离,并懂得如何去应用,”德鲁蒙德说。

37、住院 be in the hospital 在医院 045. be late for 迟到 046. be like 像 047. be made of (be made fm) …

38、In other words, to understand and cope with the pblems that we all face, we all need to know and to grapple with the Western expeence.换句话说,为了理解并解决我们所面对问题,我们必须了解并掌握西方文明经验

39、In this evolving world of news, many jonalists find they need additional skills to do the job that is expected of them.新闻世界不断演变,许多新闻工作者发现他们必须掌握更多技术方能做好职工作。

40、You must be frank; but without indiscretion; and close, without being costive.你必须坦诚而不轻率,掌握分寸而不吝啬小气。

41、Quality educational s exist, but a parent has to be knowledgeable enough to locate them and activist enough to get her child access to them.高质量教育确实有,但做父母必须掌握足够才能找到它,并且必须积极主动才能让孩子得到它。

42、Does for the etiquette staff, must have to pcess the customer and enterpse's relations correctly, grasps the necessary skills.做为礼仪服务,必须要正确处理客户与企业关系,掌握必备技能。

43、This is the kind of thing you should be able to deduce.你们必须掌握推导这类问题方法

44、Step 定点跳投要想学会投三分,首先你必须掌握基投篮技巧。

1: Spot Up To learn how to shoot the three-pointer, you must first know the basic fundamentals of how to shoot in general.

45、Ohio has 要想赢得总统大选,就必须赢得270张选举人票。而俄亥俄州掌握著20张选举人票。

20 electoral votes of the 270 that are needed to win the election.

46、Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on)我:我马上就要时正式职员了,可不能象现在这样破。

47、结束 014. all over the world 全世界 015. all ght 行了;

48、In the oil exploitaion, dlling presse and dlling moment are very important parameters for , and he must be very expeenced with them.油田钻井过程中,钻压、 扭矩等是司钻人员必须掌握重要参数。

49、The construction inspector or supervisor must know the real-time techniques information and make decisions to pduce pcess.作为施工监理或高层,必须实时掌握工艺,对生产过程进行决策。

50、Howr, n though you don't need to be a fluent speaker of language "XXX", you must have a very good knowledge of both languages (XXX and YYY) to do this translation.但做此类翻译,尽管你不必很熟练地掌握语言“XXX”,你必须对两种语言(XXX及YYY)都有很强基知识。

经典英文句子51:必须掌握句型,51、Rationing the powder of die stone by spoon is feasible, but the method of packing filling must be keeped firmly.利用量匙定量量取超硬石膏粉是可行,但松装充填量取方法必须严格掌握。

52、It's imperative to exert yoselves in the practice of gu yoga until you have grasped the vital essence of this pracice.不断努力修持上师瑜珈,直到能掌握其要点,这是必须。

53、You can support his decision, but also need to stay informed.你可以支持他决定,但也必须掌握足够。

54、they are in the house . 他们在房子里。

55、Reading is one of the fo important skills in English as a second or forei language. It is also a skill that the students need to possess to support independent and self-directed learning.阅读是学习第二外语必须掌握四项基技能之一,也是大学生用于自学须掌握学习策略和技巧。

56、Besides good basic language skills, they should also be in possession of abundant extra-linguistic knowledge in order to communication.要促进交流,除了基语言技能之外,译员还必须掌握丰富语言外知识。

57、To overcome these o pblems, the students must read extensively, speak and read and grasp language rules of English pficiently.克服两大障碍必须广泛阅读,多说多练,并应认真学好英语语法, 熟练掌握英语语言规则。

58、It must be sufficiently sized to handle all the blowdown load which is the presse load that might be released fm the accident situation.那必须能够充分地掌握住所有,排气量,也就是压力量,那可能在事故中释放出来。

59、The interdisciplinary study must observe some academic standards. The first, it is very essential to grasp basic general interdisciplinary knowledge and understand basic theoes correctly.从事跨学科学术研究 ,首先必须掌握所跨学科基常识 ,正确理解其基理论 ;

60、Before going any fther, I must confess that I'm not se I have fully grasped the logic behind the NIO.在进一步讨论之前,我必须承认我不能确定我已经充分掌握了 NIO 背后逻辑。


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