
发布时间:2023-01-13 06:22:22 阅读:129 点赞:0




1、Eopean influence gradually bught an end to this regional power.


2、Warcraft III will now wte its registry keys on lnch.


3、It is a challenge to traditional discose supremacy fort…


4、Conan folds his paws in prayer in Naha, Japan, on Jan.

18, 2008.


5、That early cultivation has ensed diving supremacy for the People's Republic.


6、Still, Chick wasn't going to let McQueen close in on him.


7、Farewell My Concubine (b). Directed by Chen Kaige. China, 1993. (Language: Chinese)


8、The psoner faked insanity to avoid confntation with the jailhouse bully.


9、Dinosas that lived at that time were the Ankyloss and Tyrannoss Rex.


10、and of cose, this is a part of Yale's plan for world domination.


11、This is the Ba Jin's dlopment is an important milestone in the history.


12、Mice bullies angry, and immediately jump also chasing little white cat.


13、Did not oselves the cubits warp, for fear to be a king.


14、It was one of sn states that had been warng for centues.


15、Tyrannosas where the largest land - living, meat-eating animals that r lived.

另外, 棘龙牙齿与霸王龙牙齿有着质不同。

16、Additionally, Spinoss teeth and Tyrannoss teeth were completely different.


17、Julia has been cock of the ck r since she got her pmotion.


18、Her nightmare begun fm there onwards and her step father continue raping her till today.


19、The club is dominated by a all clique of intellectuals.


20、A hegemonic country oains pvileged interests fm crency hegemony, but pays costs too.

21、China plans to take over fm Btain in ruling the Olympic waves.打算接替英国成为海上霸主弄潮新秀。

22、Films have become both box office and ctical successes becse of his star power.他巨星魅力让称霸票房、佳评如潮。

23、It is similar to the Kingsoft instant screen word meaning captung function.它与词霸即时屏幕取词能相似。

24、This is Kantona which stde forward with one's chin up forr with cocked coller and emit a stng hegemony. This is Kantona, the "King" in the hearts of the soccer - fans of Manchester United.高耸领口,永远昂扬头再加上大佬风范和一股舍我取谁霸气,这就是坎通纳,曼联球迷心中永远国王。

25、As the second in command, he pretends to be loyal to MEGATRON, but is always looking for an opportunity to weaken his leader's rule and take contl of the DECEPTICONS.作为霸天虎二把手,他装作对威震天唯命是从,但是总是寻找机会削弱威震天权,自己去夺取霸天虎控制权。

英文句子26:,26、In 2003, China's film "farewell my concubine" in this win "palmed".xx年,影片《霸王别姬》在此夺得“金棕榈奖”。

27、Flying, trampleSimic Sky Swallower can't be the target of spells orabilities.析米克蔽空霸不能成为咒语或异能目标。

28、"We are seeing king tides acss the region flooding islands, " he said.纳凯伍说:"我们看到'霸王潮'正不断淹没岛屿。"

29、Keller & Kalmbach bH was established in Munich, Germany in 1878.德国凯乐金霸有限公司于xx年成立于德国慕尼黑。

30、The dark war beeen the Autobots and Decepticons comes to Earth.黑暗之间战争和霸天虎汽车来到地球上。

31、I'll have o Big Maces and a large fes to go, please.请给我两个巨无霸(汉堡)和一个大薯条打包。

32、Two jumbo jacks, one sodough. . - got a favote parking spot here, bob.两个巨无霸,一个酵母汉堡。 。 。 -喜欢停在哪里,鲍勃。

33、China will dominate them or not after sing made them apprehensions.崛起后会不会称霸等无不给他们疑惧。

34、The center showcases realistic, moving Tyrannoss and Tceratops dinosas.该中心展示了现实,移动霸王龙和三角龙恐龙。

35、It has the god dance, sorcery dance, Bawangbian, singing songs on the God Ben.有跳神舞、巫舞、霸王鞭、唱大曲等。

36、Q. What did you know about Chinese Opera before "Farewell my concubine"?问:你在拍《霸王别姬》之前对京剧有了解吗?

37、Only the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong could address him, and the Supreme Overlord was tually scarred and modified to resemble Yun-Yuuzhan.只有遇战疯最高霸主可以和他联系,而最高霸主会按照仪式在自己身上留下伤痕并整容来使得自己外形与云-遇战相似。

38、Rebar: find total Linear Feet and calculate Weight for Rebar …力霸:找到线英尺,总重量为计算钢筋尺寸…

39、Nokia dominates the global handset but it has lost some gund to new artphone entrants like Apple, which entered the with its iPhone in mid-2007.诺基亚在全球手机市场称霸,但苹果等厂商推出智慧型手机,侵蚀了诺基亚霸主地位.苹果在xx年中推出iPhone.

40、They defrd a man of his home, a fellowman of his inhetance.贪图房屋便夺取;他们欺压人,霸佔房屋和产业。

41、Tan Hi "to de the unruly text, speaking slightly Overlord statecraft."谭嗣同喜“为驰骋不羁之文,讲霸王经世之略”。

42、Dung the Second World War, China had been overrun by Japanese invaders.二战期间,侵略者在横行霸道,无恶不作。

43、What would it take for Street Fighter to have character specific stages again?它采取什么街头霸王有格特定阶段呢?

44、For unlike the great powers of old, we have not sought world domination.与历代强国不同,我们没有追求世界霸权。

45、Therefore, the non-hegemony is the inevitable choice of China for the…从四个方面来看,不称霸是必然选择。

46、For fther information on the pgram, see The As of Bullying Prntion.对此计画更进一步资讯,请看 霸 凌防止初步。

47、Installed air-conditioning and Yuba Water heaters for me this afternoon.这一天苏宁电器人过来给我装了空调和浴霸。

48、Tina is a showoff in the kitchen, she loves to cook for her fends.蒂娜是个厨霸,总喜欢做饭给朋友吃。

49、Who says Russia's going to China with her global ambitions?谁说会帮实现称霸全球野心啊?

50、For half a centy the dollar has been the hegemonic crency.美元处于霸权地位情况已持续了半个世纪。

经典英文句子51:霸气,51、Micsoft's deep pockets keep AOL fm dial-up domination.相反,微软雄厚资金阻止了AOL独霸拨号上网业务。

52、Ok, but be quick please! We must fight decepticons to death.好,但是要快点,我们要去和霸天虎进行决战。

53、Optimus: Three years have passed since we last saw the decepticons.擎天柱:我们上一①次见到霸天虎已经是三③年前了`。

54、Oslash; Resistance gups try to break the Decepticon's hold on the planet.抵抗组织尝试击破霸天虎之严密控制。

55、Lord , and then a long but I. ; Yidefen to last forr .称王称霸,再长不过一世;以德服人,才能天长地久。

56、Wu the day see half the battle, decided to abandon keep PangCheng retreat.吴霸天见大势已去,决定弃守撤退庞城。

57、Students say such anti-bullying pgrams have made a big difference.同学们说,这种反霸行计划已产生很好效果。

58、Alston, Ar, and Francis? Why not take on Marby and Randolph?解霸,阿泰。老大?为啥不要马布里和兰多夫?

59、Welcome to the 12th ICIBA online lecte live fm ICIBA.com.欢迎光临爱词霸英语大讲堂第十二期访谈现场。

60、Oslash; Starscream, Overlord, Scorponok and Onslght agree to follow Megatn.红蜘蛛,霸主,萨克巨人与袭击同谋共保威震天。

61、The option of Kingsoft Cloud Secuty is preset as "Enable" in deflt.词霸云安全选项是预设为“启用”默认。

62、I n felt like placing hatchees all over the map becse of that.因为这种感觉,我甚至有去霸全矿。

63、The final key to Eope's world hegemony was her military supeoty.世界霸权地位最终关键是其军事优势。


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