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关于”诗歌韵律“英子57个,句子主体:the rhythm of poetry。以下是关于诗歌韵律xx年级英子。

英文句子模板1:the rhythm of poetry


1、The met used should be results-based -- e.g., the number of architectal scenaos implemented and ed.


2、Works have misconception of trueness and existence and his Optical Art is being rhythm.


3、"Ah but thats too pessimistic and like dream gucky, " says Alvah, "though the rhyme is pe like Melville. "


4、In this workshop we srender to rhythm, letting go of what is holding us back.


5、The sag-ponding deposition sequence is multi-staged, and one deposition rhythm corresponds to a sees of formation deposited in a peod.


6、Songs by Cheng law into their songs, Moyer composition.


7、Secondly, Disyllable is also the morphological marker of the nominalization of verbs.


8、The art of ikebana or japanese flower arrangement seeks to a harmony of linear construction rhythm and color.


9、The relation beeen the speech sounds it's like the relation, as I'm saying, beeen the boy and the birches.


10、I can finally peddle with whole legs and I am getting this rhythmic breathing thing down pat.


11、In 2004, Ricky Wong published his first collection of works "Desi Pioneer 04".


12、The TBL algothm was also adopted for predicting psodic phrase with Adjacent Degree.


13、First, I support rhythmic, harmonious, non-competitive movement activities like walking, hiking, and swimming.


14、Partly , that is done by the song 's words , but pe melody can also heart-stngs .

By pe light is like that of the combination of the rhythm.绘中地阳光、烟霞、火气、浪雾……仿佛是由地道地光地韵律所组开地。

15、The sun, the wave, moiste, phantasy mist…


16、September Song: What Melody Will The Market Sing?


17、The desi selected the music and dance shared sense of rhythm to the rhythm of a long bar with a long north-south direction thughout the base.


18、Coledge contbuted the famous Rime of the Ancient Maner.


19、It was but yesterday I thought myself a fraent quiveng without rhythm in the sphere of life.


20、In a peaceful time, life is easy to be so tedious that it may lose its oginal delicate rhythm and colors.

21、Careful expements precede hard- ware dlopment, and engineers use sensible met to judge their success.仔细实验领先于硬件发展,工程师们用韵律学来鉴定他们成。

22、Basic pnciples of envinmental aestheti are about diversity and unity, harmony and contrast, symmetry and equilibum, psody and rhythm.环境美学基原则是多样统


23、Create rhymes will not only aid in impving yo memory but in impving yo creativity as well.创造韵律不仅能帮你增强记忆,还能让你更有创造。

24、The "order" of histocal street blocks means the charm, the rule and the logical relation- ship in the of the histocal street blocks.历史街区中“秩序”是指历史街区空间韵律、规则、逻辑关系。

25、It used to use the tensile modelling, blliant color and imply the rhythm to collocate.它往往运用充满张力造型、明亮颜和暗示着韵律去搭配。

英文句子26:,26、O work is mainly on psody research serving for Speech Recoition and Speech Synthesis.文中工作主要围绕以语音合成和辅助语音识别为目韵律研究而进行。

27、In Hamamet, he wte into his diary: "the reeds and the bushes make a nice rhythm of blotches."他曾在记中写道:“芦苇和灌木形成美妙韵律。

28、The 5Rhythms is a practice of embodiment, of arving fully, of awakening o creativity and consciousness.五韵律是一种体验,来完全回归当下、来唤醒我们创造力和意识。

29、He added: 'There's something about the way Annie and I both work which is inherently very musical.他还补充说道:“我和安妮都很有音乐天,就是所谓韵律感。

30、I've recently discovered a new Rhythmbox plugin called FolderView. Like the name suggests, this plugin allows you to bwse the music in Rhythmbox by folders.我最近发现了韵律盒(Rhythmbox)一个新件“文件夹浏览”。

31、Chenxuantun section of early Pleistocene is made up by a succession of break stone, sand and clay etc. interbedding.贵州早更新世陈选屯剖面为一套正韵律角砾、砂和粘土互层组成。

32、The compositions of oscillatory zoning phenocrysts vary in the ranges of those for normal and rrse zoning phenoxcrysts.韵律环带结构斑晶成分变化均在正、反环带斑晶成分范围之内。

33、It is feated by the circling movements of the body, which represents the charm of both singing and dancing.环动“是舞蹈动律特征,正体现出”唱“与”摇“风韵。

34、It was yesterday I thought myself a fraent quiveng without rhythmic in the sphere of life.仅仅在昨,我还以为自己是一片碎片,在生命天空中无韵律地颤动。

35、The quality of this tone sandhi is a special kind of psodic sandhi:pre-syllabic tone neutralized into low-high or neutral-stress psodic.这种前字调高度虚化变调模式形成前低后高、前轻后重节律,是一种特殊“韵律变调”。

36、It is easier to remember a rhyme word for word than straight pse, especially if you are illiterate.特别是当你是个文盲时,有韵律文字比平直散文更容易被记住。

37、For calligraphy is nothing but a study of rhythm and line and composition in the abstract.因为书法不外是对于象韵律、线条和结构一种研究。

38、Twain ed define the rhythms of o pse and the contos of o moral map.马克∙吐温为我们确定了散文韵律和道德规范图谱。

39、In addition, most percussion appear to be rhythm-based accompaniment of the main melody(Jinun tune, Sheng pipe music).另外,打击乐器多作为主旋律(经韵曲调、笙管音乐)节奏型伴奏。

40、Mian Mian's lawyer Sun Jingwei told reporters he met with Google's lawyers and was open to negotiating a settlement with the company.棉棉律师孙景伟对记者说,他会见了谷歌律师,并愿意与谷歌就和解进行谈判。

41、Playing the theme, the lack of singing characi ;弹奏主旋律时,缺乏歌唱;

42、The F0 conto of Chinese psodic word is influenced greatly by the stress of its syllables.汉语韵律词内部音节重音强弱对总F0曲线特征有很大影响。

43、The sands in yo way beg for yo song and movement, dancing water.舞蹈水呀,在你途中,泥砂祈求着你韵律, 你愿携负泥砂笨拙么?

44、And enjoy the melody, ly while learning English?在享受旋律和歌词同时学习英文。

45、Look down, " advised a lilting, melodic voice, a voice that rang with mischief and childish delight."“往下看呗,”一个轻快又富有韵律声音响起,声音中带着淘气和孩童兴奋。

46、Or perhaps it is enough if we simply attune oselves to structe, balance, rhythm, and precision.也许我们仅仅让自己与这些结构、平衡、韵律和准确协调就足够了。

47、For instance, Amecans like fast-tempoed music becse the tempo of life there is fast.这种音乐深受欢迎原因是它那快速演奏和富于韵律节奏。

48、Ore types are limonite fracted silicic sandstone, quartz veinlet and bedded flysch rhythm ore.矿石类型为褐铁矿化破碎硅化砂岩、石英细脉和层状复理石韵律矿石。

49、Therefore, these o feates were used for prediction of psodic word based on TBL algothm.基于这一特征,利用TBL转换学习算法进行了韵律词。

50、Then it reviewed the researches related to psody generation in language pduction, basing on issues they concerned.以研究问题为着眼点,回顾了言语产生中韵律生成相关研究。

经典英文句子51:诗歌韵律,51、With lively rhyming read-aloud text, little children will love guessing what's hiding over the page.与活泼韵律朗读文,孩子一定会喜欢猜测是什么在页面隐藏。

52、Loneliness, hiding in the castle, is singing with familiar melody and indistinct ly.城堡里藏着寂寞,寂寞在唱歌。旋律很熟悉,歌词很模糊。

53、The spot I selected was of undoued bety, for that did not depend on my rhyme or fancy.因为不能光依我韵律和幻想,所以我选择地点是毋庸置疑地优美。

54、You may spend freely, and feel the corresponding noble temperament and natal cadence in life.挥霍生活无限奢华,感受生活中灵犀相应贵族气质与自然韵律。

55、After the Second World War, Afcan—Amecan rhythm and movements became part of popular social dance.二战后,和美洲相结合节奏和韵律成为交谊舞一部分。

56、Traditional sound rhythm is a gradual pcess fm music rhythm to linguistic rhythm, fm natal rhythm to man - made rhythm, fm one rhythm to multi - rhythms, fm outer rhythm to inner rhythm.传统诗学对“声律”体认经历了由乐曲声律到语言声律,由自然声律到人为声律,由一体声律到多元声律,更由外在声律到内在声律这样一个漫长演进过程。

57、This study finds that the pitch of tsyllabic psodic words in Mandan is inevitably affected by structal factors.研究发现结构位置因素会对三音节韵律词音高产生重要影响。

58、Then, in the commerce with the world of reality, both language and metre attempted definiteness and vaety of form.于是,在与现实世界交流中,语言力图明确,韵律力达形式多变。

59、Nate in the "hometown Pastoral" and the stone ad, red of, and a all fence in rhythmic harmony;大自然得“家乡田园”与石板路、红房顶、小栅栏得和谐韵律;

60、One should be able to sense the bety of this rhythm of life, to appreciate, as we do in grand symphonies, its main theme, its strains of conflict and the final resolution.们当学会感受生命韵律之美,像听响乐一样,欣赏其主旋律、激昂上涨和舒缓序幕。

61、It is sweet to sit in a corner to muse and wte in rhymes that you are all my world.坐在屋角凝思,把我世界中你们都写在韵律里,是甜柔。

62、The rhythmic sedimentary sequences within these basins reflect the tectonic evolutionary history of Tianshan ogen.盆地沉积序列韵律反映了天山造山带构造演化历史。

63、Who knows, maybe he'll cook up a new number for the cantankeus chef to sing.天晓得,他也许能为这位坏脾气主厨创作出一种新韵律供其演唱。

、When I wte or hear a rhythm, the wting becomes, for me, almost like music.当我写下或者听到一段韵律时,写作对我来说,就变成了音乐。

65、Now I know that I am the sphere, and all life in rhythmic fraents moves within me.今刻我了解了我就是那圆,了解了生命那充满韵律点滴已然涌入吾心。

66、Volcanic cks compose with clastic cks together, form sedimentary-eruption rhythm or cycle.火山岩与碎屑岩共生,构成沉积—发韵律或沉积—发旋回。


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