
发布时间:2023-07-14 01:57:50 阅读:62 点赞:0




1、Her la book is Letters fm Eden.


2、The books and jonal were informative.


3、Let's look at the Pastorals,first.


4、Interesting is the letter wting that they had to do.


5、Ephesians was wtten by a different disciple of Pl, and he was using as his model for a Pline letter the actual letters of Pl, or at least some of them that he possessed and knew of.


6、We also have imitations of Pl's letters dloping.


7、He says nothing of it in the Second Epistle.


8、Adding certificates to the client-side truststore


9、So Pl's letters were being imitated, new ones were being wtten,and they were being circulated.


10、Modern librarys information circumstances make it universal siificance to research library users information behavior.

11、application for letter of credit 信用证申请书


12、The Epistle to the Galatians is one of the books of the New ament.


13、The epistolary literary theory refers to a kind of literary ctical form which comes forth by the combination of epistolary wting and literary theory.


14、I got the information fm a book I'd had sitting nd on my shelf for

20 years.

要 检验证书是可信任,需要在连接建立之前提前加载一个可信任证书库。

15、Vefying that the certificate is trusted requires that a trust certificate store be loaded por to establishing the connection.


16、Mencius once declared: "to make the letter" book "is better than no" book.


17、Then one places details of one’s book at the My Shelf page.


18、Peter knows, whileheis wting this Epistle.


19、It's the wter of the Pastoral Epistles.


20、We do have a set of letters.

21、Please wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信

22、More than kisses , letters mingle souls .与亲吻相比,书信更融于灵魂。

23、This is a silk book, fm which some valuable information was found.这是一帛书,从这书里我们发现了珍贵。

24、GD Fee, The First Epistle to the Conthians (1987);钆费,第一次书信向哥林多前书( xx年) ;

25、I have heard about Kingsoft MailEasy.我听说过书信通。

英文句子26:,26、Request that all communication be in wting.所有通信应以书面联络。

27、Among information pfessionals, Johnson notes there are libraans and archivists: “Libraans were finders [of information]. Archivists were keepers.在专业中,Johnson定义了图书馆员和档案人员:“图书馆员是()发现者,档案员是保护者。”

28、The non-digital information resoces of the library are beneficial supplements for the neork information, and the clients' information education is the important task of the library.图书馆非数字化资源是网络有益补充,用户教育成为图书馆重要任务。

29、The certificate path of the inner-realm is descbed in its subject alternative name, and the certificate path of the inter-realm was implemented by its pxy.用证书主体别名表示信任域内证书路径,信任域之间证书路径由各信任域路径构造完成。

30、Why should we trust this certificate?为什么我们应该相信这个证书呢?

31、They think that these letters ought to exist.他们认为这些书信应该存在。

32、Which books of the New ament are letters?新约中哪些经卷是书信?

33、O online book store uses Lotus Quickr to ma book information.我们在线书店使用 Lotus Quickr 来图书。

34、Trusting a certificate thoty does not equate to trusting all of the certificates issued by that CA.信任一个证书颁发机构并不等于信任该 CA 颁发所有证书。

35、Text back, “What’s next, a carer pigeon?”回复短信:“下一步呢? 飞鸽传书吗?”

36、I don't trust books.咱就是不信书上东西。

37、In case you cannot come in person, please give us a wtten notice with yo company chop & siate, stating the person's particulars.若你人无法证书,请以书信会知我们代证书人资料, 同时在该书信上盖上公司盖章以及签名。

38、The o that are the most debated pbably now are Colossians and Ephesians.现在争议最大两封信,是《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》

39、Most of all, remember that it's pvate.最重要是,记住,情书是私信。

40、Relation beeen this epistle and that to the Colossians.这一关系书信,并到歌罗西书。

41、Subject_Topical_Eng: Medical Information Resoce; Library; Bibliographic Reteval; Interlibrary Loan; Information Service.医学资源;图书馆;文献检索;馆际互借;服务。

42、The package cares no wtten message.包裹内不得夹带书信。

43、这书有很多新。The book contains much new information.

44、Books, information changes, the new warehouse mament books and books of the wte-off.书籍修改,新图书入库和图书注销等。

45、This is, perhaps, the most vehement of all his letters.这封加拉太书或者是他许多书信中最热切、最激烈一封。

46、The truststore holds the certificate of a siing certificate thoty (CA) for a queue mar you trust.信任存储为您信任一个队列器持有证书签署机构(CA)签发证书。

47、Author's name. Title of the book. Publication information.作者姓名。 书名。 出版。

48、Ship high-end fnite, and library … Information.书柜…考斯特高档家具。。

49、OpenSSL comes with a set of trust certificates.OpenSSL 附带了一组可信任证书。

50、He says nothing of it in the Second Epistle .他说,没有它第二次书信。

经典英文句子51:书信,51、Accompanying the letter is a parcel of books.信外随带书籍一包。

52、I am looking forward to receiving yo letter.我期待着你来信。

53、I was told the letter telegram is the cheapest.据说书信电报费最便宜。

54、I am glad to receive yo letter.很高兴收到你来信。

55、Since the client trusts any siing certificate it has (which in this case includes the CA certificate), it trusts certificates that the CA has sied.由于客户机信任它拥有任何证书(在例中包括 CA 证书),所以它信任 CA 签署证书。

56、Some books of letters serve as a personalised histocal chnicle. Poets' letters are seldom like that, and Hughes's are no exception.一些书信集只是个人经历记录而已,但是诗人书信集却不同,休斯也不例外。

57、On the basis of the three traditional catalogs, we should gather vaous catalog data with multi methods and types to make catalog information abundant and real.在利用传统三大书目基上,应多途径、多类型地采信各种书目数据,使书目采集充分、书目真实。

58、You asked me about(+pblem question 等),now let me give you some advice.你在来信中询问我。

59、She has nr wavered fm them, and they run thugh the book.她继承信念从未动摇,这些信念贯穿整部书。

60、Are the Pastoral Epistles attacking this thor?教牧书信是在攻击这位作者吗?

61、As for libraes, presses and book stores, the standardization of bibliographical information is fundamental for shang and communicating the publishing resoces in neork envinment.在时代,书目标准化是图书馆、出版社、书店等服务部门进行交流与资源共享前提和基。

62、And here's another reason to call these "the Pastoral Epistles," becse he's setting up pastoral offices.这是书信被称为“教牧书信“另一原因“,因为他设立了教牧部门。

63、She had read a book of mine and had wtten to me about it.她读过我一书,并曾跟我写信谈论该书。

、Book B can also be customized to search yo local library catalog and show if the book is available.Book B也可以定制于搜索地图书馆书目,查看在图书馆是否有可借阅此书。

标签: 王者英文名 

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