
发布时间:2023-07-06 06:55:34 阅读:101 点赞:0




1、Just hold yo horses, Bill. Let's think about this for a moment.


2、On no account should we discard o fine traditions and styles of work.

I will definitely re-make of you.如果能重来…我一定好好对你。

3、If we can come to …


4、Finally only ate three meals, one night McGREGOR fatigue.


5、Well, alght.


6、Would it be all ght to demobilize all o tops now?


7、Why don't you take the medicine and rest all day?


8、What is good for the goose is good for the der .


9、Good will, ideali, good intentions are not enough.


10、Willow TingChang patl to HouTang, want to have a good play.


11、Wei: The shops look all funky and trendy!


12、You're in luck, Mr. Yu. I have it ght here.


13、Cral good acid bilges , can you have good remedial method?


14、Looking at his confused face, I felt annoyed.


15、If less is good, wouldn't none be better?


16、She snuggled close to Wen Xiang and said, "Teach me, would you?"


17、A better Liapunov function induces better results.


18、My darling, I will be hard to chesh you.


19、She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind,


20、Not had so much call you. Really really miss ah.

21、Good poste leads to better body mechani.好体态有利于身体各机能更好运转。

22、Well, bottlenose dolphins can be aggressive –and combative!好,宽吻海豚可能具侵略–而且好斗!

23、Pico: What an annoying dog! Mummy, let's go home okay?好烦狗,咪不如我们回家好吗?

24、All ght, this is what I think.我喉咙好,好像有什么东西哽在那里。

25、But it's in Hsinchu...far, far away fm Rose.但我会被调去新竹……离柔丝好远好远。

英文句子26:,26、You just need to know how to harness them.你只是需要懂得如何好好驾驭它们。

27、My mother is cooking a lot of dilicious food. 我在做饭,她要做好多好吃

28、Hold yo hose, bill, let's think about this for a moment.沉住气,比尔,我们再好好想一想。

29、Youd better make good pvision for the impending exams.你最好为即将来临考试作好准备。

30、Do you know how to tell good foods fm bad foods?你懂得分辨好或不好饣物吗?

31、Hello crew, chocks IN position , please release brakes.机组,您好,飞机档已挡好,可以松刹车。

32、You"d better separate the bad apples fm the good ones."你最好把坏苹果同好苹果分开。

33、The specially desied handle - easy to hold, and non-slip.特别设计握柄,好握,好拿,不滑溜。

34、I told the monk that I was tired and missed my home.我告诉那和尚我好累、好想家。

35、A:Can you explain this part to me? B:Se.把这部分给我讲解一下好不好.B:当然.

36、Why don't we just shake hands and part fends?为什么我们不能握个手,好聚好散呢?

37、We nr saw Luxembog in the daylight.我们都没机会在白天好好看一眼卢森堡。

38、Alght . Alght. I'll put it out. Are you happy?好吧。好吧。我就将烟熄掉。你高兴了吧。

39、I always seem to be unlucky at cards.玛丽老是赢牌,因为她好像总是 手气好。

40、I beli you can pass the exam with good preparation.我相信你好好准备会通过考试。

41、Tom won the first pze in the singing competition last month.3我想请两天假好好休息一下

42、Re- picked up a work for the sake of thoughly living;重新拿起工作为了好好生活;

43、Susie: OK, OK. But when will he gw up?苏西:好啦,好啦。但是它何时才会长大?

44、Bght idea: Sunbathing has health benefits for men, too好主意 :光浴也对男健康有好处

45、因为我朋友都叫我要好好把握 becse my fends ask me to hold it well

46、A: You should take some hot tea and get a good sleep.你应该喝些热茶,好好睡一觉。

47、Tom:Come watch TV with us, this episode is really funny.快来一起看电视,这集真好好笑。

48、That dred-year-old tree is still gwing well.那棵百年老树至今还长得好好儿。

49、Good day?好天?

50、Well, duh!好,duh!

经典英文句子51:好,51、Milk and cornflakes, lls and ssages, yami yami.牛奶和脆玉米片,蛋卷和香肠,好吃好吃。

52、How do you do, Ms. Black. (How do you do, Mr. Chen. )你好,布莱克女士。(你好,陈生生)

53、We need good taste to make good things.我们需要好鉴赏力来做出好事物.

54、Ok. I know one or o very good tea shops.B 好,我知道一两家好茶叶店。

55、M: Let's go to lunch to celebrate o good luck.好呀, 去吃午饭,庆祝我们好运气。

56、Sit down with the different stakeholders and interview them.与各种关系人坐到一起,好好谈一谈。

57、Like it, is very difficult, please baby you chesh.样挽回,都是很难,请宝贝你好好珍惜。

58、I put some beer in the ice-box to chill.我打算今早好好玩一玩,放松放松!

59、Hello, Giant tree, here I come to see you.好高好高树,巨木,我来看您了。


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