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关于”好短句“英子33个,句子主体:good short sentence。以下是关于好短句高中英子。

英文句子模板1:good short sentence


1、I dont know of any better to offer for the short time we are in the world.

R17 用于精调增益量;但如果没有好仪器来辅助调节话,还是把R17短路掉更好。

2、R17 fine tunes the gain but if you don't have a good instrument, you are better off shorting R17.


3、Bacillus pumilus 223 showed stng antagonistic activities to Rhizoctonia solani, the treated mycelium became thick and short, the tip was flat.

发明优点是:此阳极箔具有损耗低、折弯好、升压时间短、耐水合能好 特点。

4、The advantages of the invention are low wastage, better flexibility, shorter voltage boosting, and better hydration pof.


5、Compared to OTE, LE can pvide minimally invasive access for achieving good expose with good short-term outcomes.


6、The construction peod is short, the cost is save, the treatment effect is good for this construction technolo.


7、He knows that the most intense phase will have arved when the texts flood in fm his pals at Old Trafford, Wayne Rooney and Rio Ferdinand.


8、Quartic exponential oothing method can follow the nonlinear trend of time sees better and can also forecast better.


9、Short, fast sveys deliver better response rates and allow you to react rapidly to issues raised.


10、Mark Twain's short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work.


11、Care: Well, good for you. I can barely text. And have you r been a personal assistant?


12、Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle .


13、Are there pcedes in place detecting, investigating and reporting shortages or overages ?


14、Results: The treatment impved after treatment shorten the peod of

2 a half day.


15、Now may be the short-lived sweet spot for investing in initial public offengs.


16、It’s better to work out at a higher intensity for a shorter amount of time.

出了一个 求解第 k短路径算法 ,和其它 求解第 k短路径 算法相比,算法具有较好时间和空间复杂度。

17、Solving the first k out of a short path algothm, and other short-path k-solving algothm, this algothm has better time and complexity.


18、Stop befly for a moment and take it all in if you must, but walk nd them since the best part of the park is still ahead.


19、Each essay should be composed in a well-orized manner, with an intduction and a conclusion.


20、It condenses the ideas of the book into a very direct, pblem-centc format, ideal for review. And at 29 pages, it makes a nice, concise reference.

21、The good news is that short epidemic episodes seem to have had very limited economic effects.好是短暂传染病流行期似乎对经济影响非常有限。

22、(verb phrase) very well and efficiently with ryone knowing their place.(动词短语)工作做得好而有效,每个人都各司其职。

23、People prefer short line lens, but they read better with longer ones!人们喜欢短小文案,但是长文案又能让他们更好地理解!

24、For this short-term fate, she like this there is no time to complain.对于这短暂宿命, 倾国倾城她好像就没时间去抱怨。

25、Like I said previously, this holiday time boded well in that there was going to be alot of time allowed to get this short-hulled Permit kit completed.正如我以前所说,这个假期时间好兆头,在有要了很多时间,允许获得这短短船壳许可证试剂盒完成。

英文句子26:,26、Everyone has their own good point and shortcoming, like a mudskipper;每一个人都有一种长处(当然亦有短处),好像弹涂鱼一样;

27、What better way to descbe a L shortener than "the incredible shnking L?"有什么方法比这个更好地描述一个短L服务呢;

28、Good sofare shortens that passage without bnging attention to it.好软件缩短这一过程,并且不将注意力集中在这一过程上。

29、Well, the short answer is that it's slow becse it has not been performance-tuned.好,简短回答是它这么慢是因为它并没有被调整能。

30、And it was like knocking fo quick times at the door of unhappiness.然而,那却好像是我在苦难之门上短促地叩了四下。

31、The short letter of the breeze! Just do not know why, did not retn! Felling oneself, very tired!风短信!只是不知道为什么,没回!感觉自己,好累!

32、We need to discuss this so if you text me, it will a lot.我们得讨论这事,所以要是你能给我发短信话,那真太好了。

33、It’s best not to sk shocking anyone with a mic-miniskirt in a meeting.参加会议时,最好不要冒着吸引他人危险穿着迷你短裙。

34、Good teark can get a large pject completed in an amazingly short amount of time.一个好团队常常能够在惊人短时间内完成一个大项目。

35、Content-distbution neorks (CDNs) are another great way to impve download times.内容分布网络(Content-distbution neork,CDN)是另一种缩短下载时间好方法。

36、Now, it's a short opera, and I don't think I could do Aida with the elephants.好在这是一部短歌剧,我不认为我能够弄得动《阿依达》,因为里面要用到好多大象。

37、The best direction would be on the aller side of the stash, as the car could tn fther!最好方向应该是供给物资一条短边,汽车可以转更远!

38、Yo new job sounds too good to be true- interesting work, high pay, short hos.你新工作真是太好了:有趣味,薪水高,工作时间短。

39、In the short term, taking medicine such as ibupfen is a good way to reduce the inflammation.短期内,服用布洛芬之类药是很好消炎方法。

40、Idon't know of any better to offer for the short time we are in the world.我认为,在我们短暂一生中,最好贡献莫过于此了。

41、Coordinates vaous departments, avoids sabotaging work, redoing, argues vigously with the shor time publishes the best book.协调各部门,避免窝工、反工,力争用最短时间出最好书。

42、Beeen the short, regular contractions that morning, I ed the girls get ready for school.那天早晨有短暂有规律收缩,我帮助女儿们准备好去上学。

43、Sleep studies haven’t yet concluded whether there are benefits to these bef intervals, like when you nod off on someone’s shoulder on the train.短就像你在火车上不小心着别人肩头打了个小盹,睡眠研究对如此简短盹是否对人体有好处尚未定论。

44、Muzzle - short and bad with well-cushioned cheeks and unded upper lips that cover the teeth.短而宽,摺皱脸颊 和嘴唇正好包住牙齿。

45、Conclusion: Dermal medication has good cative effect, short cose and is easily accepted by children.结论:经皮给药治疗疗效好,疗程短,患儿易接受。

46、I think , in the gwing transiently of us , the best contbution is no than this.我认为,在我们短暂一生中,最好贡献莫过于此了。

47、That's a good bit of steel, repeated he, examining his formidable stiletto .“这可是好钢啊,”他又重复了一遍,一边端详着那把令人生畏短刀。

48、This bef contact with the gunds extracts a nice flavor with minimal bitterness.这种与咖啡粉短暂接触能煮出略带苦味好味道。

49、Working his way up, he made a few short films that won a lot of praise.他逐步晋升,也拍了几部赢得许多好评短片。

50、I don't know of any better to offer the short time we are in the world.我认为,在我们短暂一生中,最好贡献莫过于此了。

经典英文句子51:好短句,51、Granted, dishonesty can be a good short-term solution to matal conflict.诚然,不诚实可能成为婚姻矛盾一种很好短期解决策略。

52、The long term effects need to be observed fther .短期临床效果好,中远期临床效果在进一步观察中。

53、If you are feeling a shortage of time or money, yo best effort would be to focus upon better-feeling thoughts, and do things that make you feel good.如果你正感觉时间或金钱短缺,你最好努力会是聚集在感觉更好思想上,做更多让你感觉良好事。

54、Very good fillet of Pangasius . Desi for restaation sector. DLUO short. Contact me fast.非常好鱼片苏氏。设计恢复部门。DLUO短。与我尽快联系。

55、Looking outlook, policy frequent positive side, up and down the short - term dilemma.展望后市,政策面利好频出,大盘短期上下两难。

56、SSDs pvide reduced latency and better random reads with less power and noise.SSD 反应时间更短、随机读取更好,而且耗电少噪音低。

57、It resembled a short bar of in, pointed like a pike at one end.好象是根短铁钎,一端磨到和标枪一般尖。

58、The result shows that o pjects can be used to ret amplitude and phase of the ultrashort pulse, but the PC algothm requires less iteration time.结果表明,两种方法都能很好地回归超短脉冲,但基于矩阵广义主元素投影法运算时间短。

59、Such meases are the best long- and short-term policy response to high pce lls.这些手段是平抑高物价最好短期与长期政策。

60、What she had forgotten was to clean up after herself. There was a wad of short, cly hair clogging the drain. Guess who had to clean up the sog mess.她忘了清理浴室,于是只好由某个人来把堵住下水道一团短短卷卷毛清理掉。

61、Most Koreans have pminent boney foreheads and short jaws-which do not make for a betiful face.大多数韩国人颧骨突出,下巴短,这样脸型就不好看。

62、Good cycling or bib shorts and a sleless jersey will keep you comfortable and cool.良好循环或围兜短裤和无袖球衣将保证您舒适和凉。

63、A secret affair or o may seem rather attractive and fun, but the kicks will be rather short-lived. Just ask Tiger Woods!一两条爆料或许更具吸引力,但是这种乐趣是短命,就像不久前“好好先生”老虎伍兹!

、For example, if there is a short slab, the barrel would leak.好比一个木桶,假若有一个短板,这个木桶就会漏水。

65、Now students in o country study hard ry day. But it's very bad for o health.如古我国教每天进建很辛勤,但那对我们安康是短好。

66、Comprehensively, we considered the block cultivation method was the best one for Dictyophora duplicate indoor cultivation.笔者认为压块法是短裙竹荪室内栽培较好方法。

67、Why do you want a new job when youve got such a good one already?(get为短暂动词)你已经找到如此好工作,为何还想再找新?

68、His hand is at the all of her back, just under her loose blouse.他手放在她后腰上,刚好位于她宽松短上衣下方。

69、A good article, but again like Chulo said, very short term.好文章,正如楼上哥们儿说,文章只是从短期角度来看问题。

70、Once again it was left to an economist to make the key point: "Happiness is very transient. Enjoy it while you are.这就再一次给经济学家一个重要观点:“幸福是短暂,当他来临时候好好享受吧。”

71、It is spsing that you should have learned English so well in such a short time.你在这样短时间内把英语学得这么好,真令人吃惊!

72、The way I see it is that there may be a few good short term shorts to trade but s won't do much, but Gold and Silver may.在我看来是有这个可能一些好短期短裤贸易,但市场不会做多少事,却金和银会。

73、She told me how she and Humam al Balawi met at university in Istanbul, how he won her over in fo short months of cotship.她谈起她和Humam al Balawi 在伊斯坦布尔大学最初见面,以及在短短几个月交往后,他赢得了她好感。


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