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关于”励志段落“英子43个,句子主体:Inspirational paragraph。以下是关于励志段落初三英子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational paragraph


1、A paragraph is like a mini-essay;


2、Stocks se and fall, but in the stock of confidence symbol will make you nr get a without falling.


3、Don’t let a little fear stop you fm getting what you want。


4、Just take a all step at a time:For example, if you're supposed to wte an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to wte just one.


5、Read whatr notes you took for yo body paragraphs and look at yo thesis for yo concluding paragraph.


6、Paragraphs are d fm blank lines.


7、The HTML markup for defining a paragraph is straightforward: the P element defines a paragraph.


8、After the oohs and aahs (given without a trace of iny), a student volunteers to reach in and unearth the day’s lesson.


9、This has no effect on the first paragraph or the float box defined within the first paragraph.


10、Memoze cks of language or entire paragraphs.


11、It contains extensive paraphrases of readings, generally, but not always, clearly credited.


12、Paragraph opener: Typographic device marking the start of a paragraph which needs emphasizing.


13、Everyday Is a Indefinite Paragragh…

Paragraph —— 这个类表示一个缩进段落。

14、com.lowagie.text.Paragraph -- This class represents an indented paragraph.


15、Alis a paragraph to the left, ght, or center.


16、In flow content, extra that appears beeen paragraphs is the result of margins set on these paragraphs;

为了删除关系段落中小段落,编辑 activity_desc.xsl 文件。

17、To this subsection in the Relationships section, edit the activity_desc.xsl file.


18、Besides, there exist secondary seents in the southern section.


19、Better (intuitive) paragraph termination. Some markups may terminate a paragraph. Example.

如果您想将整个段落或整篇文件读入到单个字符串,那么 -0 (零)标志非常有用。

20、The -0 (ze) flag is very useful if you want to read a full paragraph or a full file into a single stng.

21、If you have o or three parts in yo sermon, they should be generally balanced in len.如果你讲章有两到三个段落,段落长度一般要平衡。

22、All I am left with is one paragraph and no si of the first paragraph.所有我留下是一段落,并没有迹象显示第一段。

23、The pperties contl the appearance of the paragraphs.属会控制段落外观。

24、Some passages were omitted fm the book.书中某些段落被删除了。

25、The orization of information into paragraphs is not affected by how the paragraphs are presented: paragraphs that are double-justified contain the same thoughts as those that are left-justified.段落组织形式不会受到这些段落如何展示影响:双向对齐段落和左对齐多乱所包含思想是一样。

英文句子26:,26、The text includes markup tags such as to indicate the start of a paragraph, and to indicate the end of a paragraph.文包含像一类标记来修饰一个段落开始,则修饰一个段落结束。

27、For example, if you're supposed to wte an essay, start with a few paragraphs, and if that's too much for you, resolve to wte just one.举个例子,如果你要写论文,先写几个段落,如果你觉得完成几个段落对你来说量太多,那就先写一个段落。

28、 Don’t let a little fear stop you fm getting what you want。 不要害怕,大胆说出来 大多数人在学习外语时所面对最大问题就是他们自己恐惧(心理)。

29、What is the topic of the paragraph?这个段落主题思想是什么?。

30、The quotation of very long passages should be avoided .应该避免摘引非常长段落。

31、Multiple paragraphs, bullet points, clear seentation and bold headers are all easier on the reader than a cky 400-word piece of text.相比一篇排密密麻麻400字段落,多重段落,强调重点,清晰段落分割点,重点突出标题能更加有助于读者看懂。

32、Many passages were marked in red.很多段落都有标红痕迹。

33、Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.删掉论文中不必要段落。

34、First paragraphs can often be struck out.第一段落经常会被三振出局。

35、If the paragraph is longer, then separate it into subparagraphs.也可以分两个以上段落,每个段落称为一“解”。

36、The story suspends for a while…故事暂停一段落 英文怎么说 。

37、In section 30d, Socrates wtes, let me read the passage.在段落,30d,苏格拉底表示,让我朗诵这一段。

38、Listing 清单

19. Paragraph eak in pnt.s

19. pnt.s 中段落调整

39、Paragraph aliment is to find the translation paragraph pairs beeen soce text and target text.其中,双语库段落对齐是指找出源文和译文中对应翻译段落对齐过程。

40、Any mentioning of chapter, clse or paragraph herein refers to chapter, clse and paragraph of this contract.凡述及章、条款、段落时,均指合同章、条款、段落。

41、To break yo wting up into paragraphs, use double s beeen yo paragraphs.在你段落之间使用两行间距,将你作品分成一些段落。

42、After a morning full of sweat and toil, volunteers takes a little break to wind down.一早甘苦工作告一段落后,志工们忙里偷闲,放慢脚步休息一下。

43、Indent the first line of a paragraph.将段落第一行缩排。

44、Therefore, it has become a trend for today's Bton Women's Doubles players to use pats.决出胜负拍数段落最多是6-12拍段落,多拍成了当今羽毛球女子双打比赛发展趋势。

45、This is day dream-like srealistic section.这是一段白梦似超现实主义段落。

46、The expanded selection includes the paragraph break that marks the end of the paragraph.扩展后选择内容包括标记段落结尾分段符。

47、The article divagates fm the second paragraph.文章第二段落离开了主题。

48、Desier will assist in formatting and paragraphing.设计师将协助格式和段落。

49、Translate by lls of difficulty: if you find that certain paragraphs are easier, you should start with those.根据难度水平进行翻译:如果你发现某些段落较为容易,你就应该先从这些段落开始。

50、Indentation or Space After a Paragraph?段落前缩进还是空行?

经典英文句子51:励志段落,51、Notice how the top margin of the second paragraph is extended vertically to meet the bottom margin of the previous paragraph.请注意第二个段落上边框是如何垂直扩展以便与前一段落底边框相接。

52、The dlopment of school-based coses expeenced forming, pspeus, degressive and changing phase.校课程发展过程经历了形成阶段、兴盛阶段、回落阶段和转型阶段。

53、The establishment of the Hualida Biological Park marks a strategic take-off of ZhongXin's bio-engineeng business.华立达生物园落成,标志着中新药业生物工程进入了战略腾飞阶段。

54、At the end of yo paragraph wte the number of words that you have used.在段落结尾处写上全段总字数。

55、When skimming a passage, look for clues to what it is about.在跳读段落时,搜寻段落涉及内容线索。

56、TransposeParagraphs transposes the crent paragraph (i. e. the paragraph in which the or rests) with the next paragraph.将当前段落与下一段落置换位置。

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