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关于”简单词语“英子59个,句子主体: words。以下是关于简单词语考研英子。

英文句子模板1: words


1、Gender misuses of third-person singular pnouns are very common in Chinese EFL learners'oral English.


2、But his re-election could not be explained away so easily.


3、The word nightmare was already a word before it came into English fm Germanic languages.


4、In the "Wei Zhao's Annotation of Guoyu", there are a plenty of disyllabic and polysyllabic words used to explain the monosyllabic words in Guoyu.


5、About half of the words used in English-language books don't appear in standard dictionaes, the researchers say.


6、It only took a year before this French invention sed the English Channel—no dou on a mail ship—to show up as an English word in 1865.


7、instead of just picking up a book and trying to learn English vocabulary and English grammar structes.


8、Opening idiom dictionary, simply a check will be able to find all the number of idioms using the word all times, fm one to ten, fm 100-10000, one does not fall.


9、Most linguists use changes in words or grammatical structes to try to track language evolution.


10、The etymolo of geisha there is said simply to be “Japanese” and the definition reads “A Japanese girl whose pfession is to entertain men by dancing and singing;


11、Klas : Maybe you can teach Lulu some English words.


12、In order to standardize and pufy the use of the publication languages, GAPP also bans cois with vague meanings in Chinese publications.

“ICON”这个词语来自希腊语“EIKON”,意思是图象。 Charles S. Pierce对ICON做了符号学定义:ICON是它所代表事物象化或简单化后符号。

13、The word icon comes fm the greek word “Eikon” that means image, and according to the semiotic definition of Charles S. Pierce, “icons are sis that relate to their objects by resemblance.”


14、That's bee it is the rudest, crudest, most taboo term in the English language, the superstar of fo-letter words.


15、Her spoken English is very good and know lots of new words.


16、By the end of this term, we'll have learned 2000 English words.


17、it’s simply to do some of the work for her and pvide all of the pertinent data points that you’d like included in the letter.


18、A single word may be a spark of inextinguishable thought.


19、Seously, why don’t we have a word for that in English?

The etymolo of geisha there is said simply to be “Japanese” and the definition reads “A Japanese girl whose pfession is to entertain men by dancing and singing;


21、Teacher points the words and students read after it.师用拍手方式,让学生跟读几个单词规范语音。

22、One way to gge the prevalence of a word is to consult the Oxford English Corpus, a body of 要想判断一个词流行程度,有一种方法就是查询拥有二十亿单词牛津英语语料库。

2 billion words.

23、A great selection of English and German monolingual and bilingual on-line glossaes in vaous subject areas.英语和德语单语和双语在线在各个学科领域词汇伟大选择。

24、The study has found that many Btish English speakers are refusing to use Amecan pnunciations for ryday words such as schedule, patot and advertisement.但是,来自英国语言学家近得出结论,英式英语在逐渐“打败”美式英语登上“正宗英语”宝座,因为越来越多学习英语人正在“抗拒”用美式英语来发音,比如常用语简单词汇“schedule”“patot ”“advertisement”等,英语爱好者都爱用已经被冷落多年英式发音。

25、Multi-word units are dynamic and open to many choices of lexis in a specific grammatical structe and form a unity of semantic meaning, grammatical rule and praatic context.多词单位在一定语法结构内可供词语选择空间很大,具有开放和动态,形成了语义、语法和语境结合体;

英文句子26:,26、In order to find the dlopments of prepositions in this book, and which have existed in Pre-Qin chinese.在此基上,又拿《新序》介词与先秦汉语作了简单比较,以期发现介词到了此书中有什么发展变化。

27、Etymonline agrees with the slang ogin but also offers a couple of words fm Scottish dialect and French that could have lead to bamboozle.Etymonline也同意bamboozle来自俚语说法,但给出了几个可能是该单词前身苏格兰方言词和法语词。

28、Come to that, what about all the words that English picks up abad?"Hobson-Jobson", wtten in 1886, lists over 谈到这点,英语从外国语言中捡来那些单词又该怎么算?xx年出版“Hobson-Jobson词典”列举了2000多个英国——印度词义。

2,000 Anglo-Indian expressions.

29、Bound morphemes are the morphemes which cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes , either free or bound, to form a word.黏着语素是那些不能单独使用,而必须和其它语素-自由语素或黏着语素-结合在一起以形成一个单词语素。

30、It concludes as Chinese associative compounds are picte-liked, indirect and illegibility while English compounds are grammatical, direct and exact in the motivation of compounding motivation.简单概括起来就是,组合理据上,汉字会意字是图画、间接、模糊,而英语合体词则是语法、直接、精确;

31、Howr, languages such as Chinese or Japanese do not have word boundaes like this.然而,汉语或语等语言并不具备这种单词界限。

32、来根据汉语意思是I think he is not a goog boy.这是考think 这个英语单词用法。

33、Abbreviations of frequently used double-syllables are the major part of Chinese Braille abbreviation plan.双音节高频词是汉语盲文简写方案主体。

34、Students used to learn languages by memozing grammar rules and word lists.学生过去常通过记语法规则、背单词来学语言。

35、This seems to have gotten mixed up with another Indo-Eupean word pneu meaning “to breathe” and ntually to have made it to Greek as pneumon meaning “lungs.”它看上去像是被人与另一个意为“呼吸”(to breathe)印欧语系单词pneu混到了一起,并且后来变成了意为“肺”(lungs)希腊语单词pneumon。

36、The E/C section has the English word followed by the Chinese equivalent.英汉部分英语单词后面都有相对应汉语。

37、Dung this time, many Latin, Danish, and Norse words entered the English language.在这个时期,很多拉丁语、丹麦和古斯堪那维亚单词融入英语。

38、This article, enlightened by the result of psycholo of language research, focuses on the expemental study of mnemoni on vocabulary learning with the aid of statistical method and interviewing.文借助于心理语言学研究成果,以统计学和访谈实验方法,研究单词助记法是否真正有助于学生英语单词记忆。

39、the word screen is "écran (ay-krah)" in French and is masculine and singular.法语中“屏幕”一词为"ecran",是阳单数。"

40、With 拥有119万5489英语单词,是一个有用目录。

1, 195, 489 English words, it is a useful catalogue.

41、But the ot of the word, as hinted by the spelling, isn't English, it seems to be Dutch.不过它词根并非英语,而似乎是荷兰语,我们可以从单词拼法中看出端倪。

42、My poor English, I think English is to recite the words and grammar.我现在英语成绩很差,我觉得英语最难就是背单词和记语法。

43、To add to the confusion, the noun "hack" also has o senses.问题还没这么简单。 作为名词「黑克法」(hack)也有两重含义。

44、Margate was old enough that it or some related word had found itsway into Old English and its Germanic ancestors as meregt alsomeaning “pearl.”这可是一个久经风霜单词。 它——或某个相关单词——很早以前就进入了古英语,而它耳曼语祖先meregt也有“pearl”意思。

45、只用了xx年,这个新创法语单词便跨国了英吉利海峡——毫无疑问是通过邮船——在xx年作为一个英语单词出现。It only took a year before this French invention sed the English Channel—no dou on a mail ship—to show up as an English word in 1865.

46、Ordinaly a word so odd, so distinctive fm others, wouldn't be allowed in a language to begin with.通常一个与其他词语相比如此奇怪、独特单词,从一开始就不允许出现在语言当中。

47、Words in each field are semantically related and define one another.注意:答语义场简答题与它名词解释相同。

48、Words and phrases such as ‘dynamic’ or ‘pblem solver’ have been named as the most overused cliches on jargon-filled CVs。我们不得而知,但是研究者倒是研究出了N个在英文简历上最最忌讳出现单词,比如:dynamic有活力、pblem solver问题处理专家等等,这些空白无力而又略显得夸张甚至浮华词语会让考官“恶心”,简历直接“打入冷宫”。

49、The book 2006 Chinese New Words edited by Zhou Jian shows that the percentage of three kinds are respectively about 52%, 46.5% and 三种表现形式在周荐先生主编《2006汉语新词语》(下文简称《新词语》)中所占比例依次如下:约52%;约46.5%;


50、This article summazes the main trends of the modernization of the English vocabulary: creativeness, conversion, simplification, globalization, and populazation.概述了英语词汇现代化几个趋势:创新化、词串变化、简化、全球化、通俗化等。

经典英文句子51:简单词语,51、Today, English has loan words fm many of the world's languages.今天,英语有来自大多数世界语言泊来单词。

52、You can pbably find a word used in English that first came fm yo native language.今天,英语有来自大多数世界语言泊来单词。

53、It’s certainly possible that concepts like “menu” or “icon” won’t translate neatly in Wolof, for instance.比如说,沃洛夫语里很可能没有表达“菜单”“图标”概念词语。

54、Here was a case where simplicity would have been an advantage; therefore, for no other reason, the inventor of this language complicated it all he could.来形容词嘛,简单就好,可这门语言发明者,不知出于何种原因,非要瞎折腾,弄得复杂得要命。

55、For the past 在过去一里,英语一直在狼吞虎咽地将外来语据为己有,源于法语和拉丁语单词目前占现代英语词汇大约一半。

1,000 years, English has been voracious in its apppation of forei elements, and French- and Latin-ogin words now account for appximately half the modern English vocabulary.

56、For much the same reason that so many of o words have Latin ots, the word “mile” was used for a unit of distance in many languages thughout Eupe.我们许多英语单词都扎根于拉丁语,同样,mile也曾是欧洲许多语言中一个长度单位。

57、Word is a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recoition by native-speakers, whether it is expressed in spoken or wtten form.词是个表达单位,不管是在口语还是在书面语中,说母语人对词有种普遍直觉识别能力。

58、The linguists know that that's not at all necessaly the case.语言学家认为语言基单位不一定是词。

59、The statement fm TFD seems a little meaning, but what does the Persian word chini really mean?在我看来,这样“博学家”或语言学家已经很不简单了,知道chini是一个“来自Persia词”。

60、Shortened words and expressions has been a universal phenomenon since the pre-Qin dynasty peod.词语简缩是自先秦至现代汉语存在一种普遍现象。

61、Words and phrases such as ‘dynamic’ or ‘pblem solver’ have been named as the most overused cliches on jargon-filled CVs.我们不得而知,但是研究者倒是研究出了N个在英文简历上最最忌讳出现单词,比如:dynamic有活力、pblem solver问题处理专家等等,这些空白无力而又略显得夸张甚至浮华词语会让考官“恶心”,简历直接“打入冷宫”。

62、What does the aphasic substitution ral about how words are likely to be stored in the brain?失语症患者词语替换体现了单词可能是以何种方式存储在大脑中?

63、The word existed in Latin and Greek as well as French, German, Italian and Spanish and appeared in English in 1551.这个单词很早就存在于拉丁语和希腊语里了,它也出现在法语、德语、意大利语和西班牙语里。

、One fifth (五分之一人(佔总数19%)不知道法语中表示“你好”单词意思,但这个单词是世界上最有名外国问候语之

19 per cent) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello, one of the most recoisable forei greetings in the world.

65、(in the dio version) I’ll read you the citation for moll(在文mp3里)我会为您读出这条单词moll引语

66、Fm start to finish he’s learning vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar.他们从始至终都在背单词和学语法基。

67、As with most French words mess actually goes back to Latin and the OED n takes it back fther to Indo-Eupean.真如大多数法语单词一样,mess实际上可以追溯到拉丁语,《牛津英语词典》甚至更进一步追溯至印欧语。

68、And soon OK was to find its place in many languages as a reminder of a familiar word or abbreviation.很快OK就在不同语言中作为某个常见单词或缩写词提示语存在。

69、The word virgin appears first in English nd the year 1200 according to The Oxford English Dictionary.根据《牛津英语词典》,单词virgin大约在xx年左右首次出现在英语中。

70、The Gypsies speak a language called Romany which has many common words with Indian languages.吉普赛人说一种吉普赛语,与印度语言有很多共同单词。

71、I also enjoy the uncommon letters, so the 'x' within the simplicity of 'six' makes it sound eniatic (although I also love how it sounds in Spanish: 'seis').我也喜欢那些很不常见字母,所以在简单单词“six”中,是字母“x”使它听起来十分神秘(尽管我也喜欢西班牙语中它发音:seis)。

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