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xx年级重点词汇,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了298个关于“xx年级上册英语单词苏教版”大纲单词表,其中囊括了 aborts last command 、 Accountability Matx 、 act upon 等词汇,仅供参考。

xx年级重点词汇,有助于提高英语成绩,这里搜集了298个关于“xx年级上册英语单词苏教版”大纲单词表,其中囊括了 aborts last command 、 Accountability Matx 、 act upon 等词汇,仅供参考。

1、 aborts last command

中文翻译: 最终命令放弃

例句:Jackal Rocky is in command! 翻译:Jackal cky is in command!。

'Antholo of Ding Mang'has finally been published by Jiangsu Literate and Arts Publishing House after years of preparation. 《丁芒文集》经过多年筹划准备,终于由江苏文艺出版社出版。

2、 Accountability Matx

中文翻译: 会计责任矩阵 职责矩阵 人员

例句:it would've made me judge, jy and executioner with ze accountability. 翻译:jy and executioner with ze accountability.。

The portrait of pfessor Su Yuanlei, carved by John Chang. 苏渊雷教授肖像印,张承刻。


3、 act upon

中文翻译:起作用 按照

例句:"i know you will act upon this information as you pmised 翻译:"相信您会信守承诺 采取行动" I know you will act upon this information as you pmised。

The pfessor was startled that a Budapest textbook publisher was coming to him. 当布达佩斯一位教材出版商来向教授约稿时,教授很是吃惊。

4、 adversaal relationship

中文翻译: 长期敌对关系 长期关系紧张 敌对关系

例句:in o country there is an adversaal relationship beeen government and business. 翻译:在我们国家,在和商界之间存有一种敌对关系。 。

Wang Min'an. Body, Space and Postmodernity. Nanjing: Jiangshu People's Press, 2006. 汪民安:《身体、空间与后现代》。南京:江苏出版社,xx年。

5、 affiliation motivation

中文翻译: 亲和动机 交往动机

例句:♪ You're my inspiration, you're my motivation ♪ 翻译:you're my motivation ♪。

Sue: Hi, Rose. Are you finished teaching for the day? 苏: 嗨,柔丝。今天钢琴课都教完了吗?

6、 Eates Airline

中文翻译: 阿联酋航空公司 航空公司 阿酋航空

例句:Dubai international Airport (iATA: DXB), the hub for the Eates Airline, serves the city of Dubai and other eates in the country. 翻译:迪拜国际机场(国际航空运输协会机场代码:DXB),是酋长国航空中心,满足迪拜市和国家其它酋长国航空服务。。

Chchill's basically a crazier, Scottish version of Kilgore. 基上邱杰就是个更疯狂苏格兰版祈戈。

7、 Diagon Alley

中文翻译: 对角巷 对于角巷 对贡街

例句:Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley. 翻译:欢迎,哈利,欢迎来对角巷。

The ideolo of CPSU and social sciences were dominated by doati. 苏共意识形态和苏联社会科学长期被教条主义所。



例句:And for the record, i also agree 翻译:I also agree。

Sunan region special education teachers in School Sport a lower degree of specialization; ②苏南地区特殊教育学校体育教师专业化程度较低;

9、 amiable arbitration

中文翻译: 友好仲裁

例句:DSU Arbitration; international Commercial Arbitration; Jusdiction; the Application of the Law; 翻译:DSU仲裁机制;国际商事仲裁;管辖权;法律适用;。

Suhomlinski's ideas about teachers have important enlightenment to the crent reform of teacher education in China. 苏霍姆林斯基教师理念对当前我国教师教育改革具有重要启示。



例句:"To annihilate these invaders." 翻译:誓歼顽寇。

Copyght 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. This thozed Bilingual edition is jointly published by McGraw-Hill Education (Asia) and China Machine Press. 书英汉双语版由机械工业出版社和麦格劳-希尔教育()出版公司合作出版。

11、 arbitration commi

中文翻译: 仲裁委员会

例句:ither party may also directly apply to the labo dis arbitration commi for arbitration. 翻译:调解不成,当事人一要求仲裁,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。。


中文翻译: 新加坡国际仲裁中心 皇家特许仲裁员协会

例句:CiCA; Canadian institute of Chartered Accountants; 翻译:加拿大执业会计师协会。




例句:Are there ks in the Arctic or are not there ks in the Arctic? And if there are ks in the Arctic, Are they ctioning arks? 翻译:北极有海雀抑或北极没有海雀?如果北极有海雀,它们在拍卖方舟吗?。

14、 No Need To Argue

中文翻译: 无需再争论 无须争论 无需争辩 无需争论

例句:♪ used to tell me sky's the limit ♪ 翻译:♪ The one that I argue with ♪ ♪ Feel like I need a new girl to be bothered with ♪。

15、 Atmosphec circulation

中文翻译: 气象 大气环流 大气循环 大气环流大气循环 年夜气环流

例句:AFR Atmosphec General Circulation Model 翻译:大气环流模型。



例句:Someone who can find out their plan, and when they will attack! 翻译:and when they will attack!。

17、 tray baptize

中文翻译: 网下白水

例句:plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop, plop moves its way down here till it gets to the very end, dps into my collection tray. 翻译:dps into my collection tray.。

18、 Cat Begs For Food

中文翻译: 作揖猫 猫祈求食物

例句:♪ Cat Chew, Cat Chew, top-of-the-line cat food 翻译:# 猫食,猫食,最好猫食。

19、 belligerent country

中文翻译: 交战国

例句:- They got belligerent and refused to rack in. 翻译:these inmates became belligerent and they refused to rack in.。

20、 boast of

中文翻译: 吹牛 自夸

例句:To boast and flatter in rything. 翻译:正所谓吹牛吹上天。

21、 Boat Quay

中文翻译: 驳船码头 驳船船埠 泊船码头 船码头

例句:There's a boat by the quay. 翻译:码头那有条船。

22、 boil over

中文翻译: 沸溢 溢出储罐四周 沸溢油品 发怒

例句:boil over Pot boils over, means that liquid in a pot overflows or flows over the side of the pot when it is heated to the boil. 翻译:壶烧开淌水了,意思是壶里液体加热至沸腾时溢出来了或者漫过壶边流出来了。。


23、 fighter-bomber

中文翻译: 战斗轰炸机 歼击轰炸航空兵 歼击轰炸机

例句:A Btish fighter-bomber last week reduced this compound to rubble. 翻译:上周一架英国轰炸机 将此处夷为平地。

24、 Boneless chicken

中文翻译: 拆骨 去骨

例句:3 S boneless chicken pieces (thigh and breast). 翻译:3磅去骨肉(胸与腿部分)。 。



例句:That boutique has a lot of new arval! 翻译:那间Boutique有好多新货到了 That boutique has a lot of new arval!。

26、 brave heart

中文翻译: 勇敢心 惊世未了情

例句:You be my brave, brave boy. 翻译:You be my brave, brave boy.。

27、 fire bgade n.

中文翻译: 消防队

例句:C.N.N. is going live at 8:00 p.m. with the number 17 翻译:C. N. N.。

28、 culte bths

中文翻译: 培养法

例句:Preliminary study on antitumor activity of culte bths fm a mane actinomycete 翻译:一株海洋放线菌发酵液抗肿瘤活初探。

29、 build up

中文翻译: 增强 逐步建立

例句:Got to build up my call uses again 翻译:Got to build up my call uses again。

30、 bulky parcel

中文翻译: 大体积包裹

例句:The plane is a little bulky 翻译:这架飞机是有点笨重。

31、 You know me very busily

中文翻译: 你知道

例句:Tell me, do you know this girl? 翻译:- Very welcome. - Tell me, do you know this girl?。



例句:♪ They're coaches, businesen, and cops ♪ 翻译:教練 商人 警察 全都成了 * * They're coaches, businesen, and cops。




例句:i've been really, really lucky 翻译:♪ Spread yo wings ♪ ♪ My little butterfly ♪。

34、 Wedding cake

中文翻译: 结婚蛋糕 结婚糕 结婚典礼蛋糕

例句:- A chocolate wedding cake? 翻译:- 巧克力婚礼蛋糕? - 是啊 - A chocolate wedding cake?。

35、 remain calm

中文翻译: 保持冷静 保持镇静 面不改

例句:- Remain calm and wait for . 翻译:- You go. - Remain calm and wait for .。

36、 Coloe Carnival

中文翻译: 科隆狂欢节

例句:is that the fish you won at the carnival? 翻译:Is that the fish you won at the carnival?。



例句:That would be a categocal no. 翻译:是绝对否定。

38、 celebrate chstmas

中文翻译: 庆祝圣诞

例句:So celebrate this Chstmas morn. 翻译:所以 庆祝圣诞黎明吧。



例句:And within 6 hos of his arval, the Chancellor was dead. 翻译:the Chancellor was dead.。

40、 Le Chaplain Pas Rive Gche

中文翻译: 巴黎牧师左岸酒店

例句:Oh, and by the way, i made reservations for us Fday at La Rive Gche. 翻译:哦,顺便说一下,我做了保留,我们星期五 在香格里拉左岸。。

41、 chase off

中文翻译: 五同花 赶走

例句:The winner is Cordelia Chase! 翻译:冠军是Cordelia Chase! The winner is Cordelia Chase!。

42、 gup chat

中文翻译: 群组聊天

例句:People have meetings thugh Skype or Basecamp gup chat. 翻译:人们通过Skype或者Basecamp gup chat开会。 。




例句:Mom, i didn't ask for this. 翻译:Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.。

44、 dark cheery heat

中文翻译: 暗樱红热

例句:The HEAT-16 completes the picte. 翻译:HEAT。

45、 chilly sensation

中文翻译: 寒冷感觉 严寒感觉 冷淡 畏寒

例句:No, that's a physical sensation. 翻译:that's a physical sensation.。

46、 cholera epidemic

中文翻译: 霍乱蔓延

例句:- We have a cholera epidemic. 翻译:—国内霍乱盛行。

47、 money in circulation

中文翻译: 货币流通量 流通量 钱币畅通量 货币流畅量

例句:i mean, almost ze circulation. 翻译:almost ze circulation.。

48、 digitally clueless pageant queen

中文翻译: 对数字一无所知选美皇后

例句:The Caker Queen Pageant. 翻译:你懂得表演, 就象是一只成熟螃蟹... 与一群黄花鱼选后比赛。

49、 coast to coast

中文翻译: 咫尺天涯 一个球员从后场运球到前场上篮或称一条龙

例句:♪ i deliver all the goods fm coast to coast, yeah 翻译:# I deliver all the goods fm coast to coast, yeah。



例句:it is my pvate coffer. 翻译:这是我小金库。 。

51、 Clear And Colorless

中文翻译: 澄清透明 澄清

例句:it's perfectly clear, it's odorless, it's colorless. 翻译:绝对净,无味,无。。

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