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关于”给出建议句型“英子3个,句子主体:Give a suggested sentence pattern。以下是关于给出建议句型高一英子。

英文句子模板1:Give a suggested sentence pattern

1、Last, the thor presents his own legislative pposal by the above review. 最后,笔者通过对三个专家建议稿比较分析,给出了笔者立法建议。

2、So here are a few ideas to you snack healthfully. 因此文给出了一些建议,帮你从零食中吃出健康。

3、Second, give the little guys a chance. 第二个建议是,给小作坊们一个机会。

4、Evaluate and advise on alternative corporate re-osation strategies. 在企业重组战略上进行评估和给出建议。

5、They can bark and they can giv advise! ! 他们可以狺狺狂吠,他们可以给出建议!!

6、I give advice that comes fm the heart. 我从心底里给出自己建议。

7、Visit a hairdresser, they will be able to advise and styled yo hair to suit you, bnging out that radiant in you. 拜访一个发型设计师,他们会给你建议并给你做一个适合你风格,使你容光焕发。

8、This opens a question wide for the respondent to really given any type of response. 这一句型回答是开放式,对方可以给出各种类型回答。

9、Here, suggestions to maximize the meeting. 下面,我给您提出一些使家长会充分发挥作用建议。

10、Chapter V: Ppose how to use Z-score better for companies. 第五章:提出对企业应用Z值模型建议。

11、By the way, I would like to make one recommendation. 顺便提一句,我有个建议

12、I know, many of you have the same pblem and you are art , so give him some advice. 由于是生活类问题,学生又有亲身经历,就你一言,我一句,给了那位同学不少建议,如。

13、suggestions given to parents suggestions n. 建议( suggestion名词复数 ); 暗示; 细微迹象; 使人作(尤其是不好事情)推测理由;

14、The impvement in the slippery se template construction technique is put forward. 对滑升模板技术改进给出了具体建议。

15、Try out a new hairstyle. Visit a hairdresser, they will be able to advise and styled yo hair to suit you, bnging out that radiant in you. 尝试一个新发型。拜访一个发型设计师,他们会给你建议并给你做一个适合你风格,使你容光焕发。

16、Please give some suggestion to o hairstylists and salon members. 能否给和发型师们一些建议?

17、Some suggestions are made about how to select equipment for new particleboard pjects. 为新建刨花板项目及设备选型提出了一些建议。

18、He made us vaous pposals orally , but I suggested that he put rything down in black and white. 他口头上给我们提出了种种建议,而我建议他把所说一切都写成书面材料。

19、I'm going to give you some parting advice. 我想给你个临终前建议。

20、He watched how I skied and offered advice. 他观察我如何滑雪,给出建议。

21、To address this pblem, I would like to lodger sral suggestions. 为了解决这一问题,我想给出如下建议。

22、Sten to yo pblems and offer you advice. 朋友倾听你烦恼,并给你提出建议。

23、I then asked each fend for one piece of advice he would convey to my girls. 之后我让他们每一个人都为我女儿给出一条建议。

24、Some suggestions for China to participate in TOAs are also given. 同时,为如何参与国际技术协议给出了建议。

25、Please advise. 请给点建议。


26、Things will work out. Q: What does the man advise Allen to do? 四个选项都是祈使句,说明问题问是会话这一方建议另一方做什么,这样考生就可以将注意力集中于表示建议上。

27、As well as, some suggested values of mechanical parameters and details of the landslide remediation pgram recommendations of YaDu landslide are given. 给出了雅都滑坡一些物理力学参数建议值及该滑坡详细整治方案建议。

28、Each step shows the sentential form. 每步都列出一个句型。

29、This is pbably the best advice I can give. 这可能是我能给出最有用建议了。

30、Who gave you the best business advice and what was it? 谁给了您最好商业建议?那个建议是什么?

31、Then, some suggestions are given for envinment governance in China. 最后,针对我国环境治理给出一些启示建议。

32、Can you advise on the best child-fendly blinds? 你能给儿童使用窗帘给出最佳建议吗?

33、He gave good practical advice when (he was) asked. 他有求必应,给出了好可行建议。

34、People love to give each other advice. The web is full to bsting with all types of pseudo-psychological advice about life. 每个人都喜欢给别人提建议,网上充斥着各种类型伪心理学建议。

35、No advice is given in a vacuum. 没有建议是在真空里给出。

36、Get the Ss to make suggestion and take advice by using the patterns in the dialogue. 课围绕讨论旅行计划,复习如何提出建议和表达自己意见句型。

37、The statisti advisor also assesses the relative importance of the advice and gives the following o types of recommendations. 统计数据 advisor 还会评估建议相对重要,并给出如下两种类型建议。

38、Other sections deal with the new type of summary and with composition wting, though each of the pposed types of composition is presented separately as part of a chapter. 其他部分涉及新型总结和写作,只不过每一种建议写作类型是作为每章一个部分单独给出。

39、Can give some information on meteng pump pump head selection recommendations? 能否给出一些关于计量泵泵头选择方面建议?

40、The best advice Brady said is to devise a plan B. 布拉迪给出最好建议就是准备一套备选方案。

41、Zhang's mother, Chen Chen, said she could see the point of the teacher's advice but suggested a different appach. 张晓陈晨(音译)说,她理解老师用意,但建议老师换一种方式给出建议。

42、My mother’s bank gave her appalling advice, " said one well-connected woman. 我银行经理给出建议骇人听闻。

43、I haven’t n gotten halfway thugh the list of ideas yet! 结果读者们给出建议我连一半都没有用完。

44、The thor suggests ways in which one can elicit fair and constructive feedback, and outlines key factors that companies typically apply in such selection decisions. 作者给出了可以探出公正而建设反馈意见建议并概括出公司在这样选择决策中典型地采用重要因素。

45、The of mament department makes out comprehensive comment for the general performance of the new employee and puts forward evaluation suggestion. 部经理对其总体表现做出综合审核,并给出建议评审建议。

46、I highly recommend that you try out the examples in this tutoal. 强烈建议您试验教程中给出例子。

47、Give me some advice. 给我一些建议。

48、She gave me some good advice/ a piece of advice about jobs. 关于工作问题她给了我一些好建议/一条建议。

49、The water supply and drai equipment on the 24 type, 25A type passenger cars in o country and sral high speed passenger cars abad are descbed in detail. 详细介绍了我国24型、25A型客车及国外几种高速客车给排水装置,提出了我国高速试验列车给排水装置选择建议。

50、When you give people advice, you often make compasons. 当你给别人提出建议时,你经常要进行比较。


51、A brandy! “给这个可怜人一杯白兰地吧。” 一位女士建议。

52、"I suggest you consider a box of Legos, " I add. “建议你考虑一盒乐高,”我又加了一句。

53、They offered us erse suggestions at the meeting. 他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样建议。

54、For example, FIPS makes recommendations on password policies. 例如,FIPS 在密码策略上给出了建议。

55、Connect the words to give three pieces of good financial advice. 连词成句,给出三条好理财建议。

56、If you’re a hairstylist, give me tips on how to keep my new cut looking great. 如果你是个发型师,那么请给我一些让我新发型看起来更好建议。

57、In a less exciting example, you could use the "let's" pattern to suggest going home. 下面一个例子稍显平淡,你也可以用“let's”句型来建议大家回家。

58、A few months later, Airbus sent a recommendation to replace the monitors. 几个月后,空中巴士给出了替换监视器建议。

59、That is why the above pcede is suggested only as a quick workaund. 这就是为什么上面这个过程只是给出一个快速解决方案建议。

60、Chs Bnd’s very thoughtful comments and suggestions really completed the svey Chs Bnd深思熟虑评论和建议给这个调查真正画上了句号

61、——Thomas Fuller A fend without flts will be found.没有十全十美朋友。

62、A CPA client gave me great advice. 一位CPA客户给了我一个很好建议。

63、The suggested values of the earthquake action coefficient of K8 reticulated domes are given. 给出了K8型单层球面网壳内力系数建议取值;

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