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关于”中类型“英子32个,句子主体:Types in。以下是关于中类型高考英子。

英文句子模板1:Types in


1、There is than one type selected. You can only edit one type at a time. Please select only the type you want to edit and try again.


2、Gup of site type on sunny slope included

3 site types:thick, moderate and thin soil.


3、For examining and instantiating types in an assembly.


4、The o bnings both led to great suffeng in human beings civilizations and rewtten human memory.

假设:TEST 表中 COL1 类型是 CHAR(

5、Assumption: COL1 of TEST is of type CHAR(



在 清单

6、In Listing

8, we define a new pce type that accepts values beeen -999,999.99 and 999,999.99.

8 中,我们定义了一个新 pce 类型,该类型接受 -999,999.99 与 999,999.99 之间值。


7、Pject Type dp-down list box.


8、The data type of a column in the reive member must be the same as the data type of the corresponding column in the anchor member.


9、Scatophaga stercoraa catches and feeds not only on all but middle and large mus-acids.


10、Among the different types of pollution, the rates of individual pollution and local continual pollution are 40.7% and 29.9%, respectively.


11、It is a parametezed type in which all type arguments are unbounded wildcards (§


通过规定在特定上下文中不能用 PductCode 类型子类型替换,也能表达这种约束。

12、You can also express that, in a particular context, no suype of PductCode type can be substituted.

NET 也可用作一种强类型化语言,其中所有变量都绑定到特定数据类型,或者您还可以混合使用类型化和非类型化变量。

13、NET can also be used as a stngly typed language, in which all vaables are bound to a specific data type, or you can use a mix of typed and untyped vaables.


14、Since anonymous classes do not have a name, there is no way to vaables of their type in C# without type inference.

在客户端类中,取消 清单 26 中以下 Accept 头媒体类型设置注释。

15、In the client class, uncomment the following Accept header media type setting in Listing 26.


16、One type or multiple types of teams.

通过 artima Weblogs Forum深入学习 Python 中类型和分类。

17、Learn about types and typing in Python at the artima Weblogs Forum.


18、A coating powder with a siificant content of a polymer containing short chain esters of vaous acic monomers.


19、Another behavior unique to type constructors is how the runtime mas exceptions in a type constructor.

因为 Tiger 依类型擦除,所以数据类型转换和 instanceof 中外露类型参数被“擦除”为它们上界(在前面例子中,那将是类型 Object )。

20、Bee Tiger relies on type erase, the naked type parameters in casts and instanceof s are "erased" to their upper bounds (in the earlier case, that'll be type Object).

21、Scala also allows types to be declared in classes, as we saw in the section called “Abstract Types And Parametezed Types” in Chapter Scala 也允许在类中声明类型,正如我们在《第2章 - 打更少字,做更多事》中“象类型和参数化类型”章节中所见。

2, Type Less, Do More.

22、In the topolo shown in Listing 在清单 9中显示拓扑中,来自一个 J2EE 域单元类型和单元类型是一起使用。

9, core unit types and unit types fm a J2EE domain are used together.

23、The calculatorHelper class's narw method is used to focus the abstract type to the specific calculator type.calculatorHelper 类有一个 narw 方 法,可用来将象类型集中到特定计算程序类型。

24、In order to make this genec data structe useful, you have to come up with a typetag value for each type you want, including pointer types.为了使这个通用数据结构可用,您必须为每个需要类型指定一个类型标签值,其中包括指针类型。

25、When the type of the parameter is not specified, the parameter is pmoted to the larger type.在参数类型没有指定情况中,参数会被转换成更大类型。

英文句子26:,26、The type of the substitutable elements must be the same as, or dd fm, the type of the head element.替代元素类型应该与标题元素类型相同,或是从中派生出来。

27、And one way to , they say, would be to shift fm eating predators to species lower on the food chain.他们说,一个可行办法是将人们饮食习惯从大型鱼类转向食物链次级中中小型鱼类。

28、Olympic Games pjects in the storm-soling, and so are these.会项目中暴风雨型、索林型等均属此类。

29、NetScaler supports NetScaler支持10中持续类型。

10 persistence types.

30、A set of C# type classes are generated in SupplierBSchema. file.一组 C# 类型类在 SupplierBSchema. 文件中生成。

31、Gold deposits in intrusives of varying ages and types are a main gold type.各时代、不同类型侵入岩中金矿床是金矿主要类型。

32、The type of oric matter may be the sappel-humi.其中有机质类型是腐泥-腐殖型。

33、Next, the handler gets the header that indicates the compression type and extracts the type fm it.接下来,这个处理程序获取指出压缩类型头,并从中取压缩类型。

34、Stngly-typed pperties will be added to the entity classes based on this.由此强类型属将被加到实体类中。

35、Howr, to define a MEST model for entity types that do have associations with other types, you must implement MEST for each type in the object graph.但是,若要为与其他类型存在关联实体类型定义一个 MEST 模型,则必须为对象图中每个类型实现 MEST。

36、Spastic type was the most common clinical type(71.77% ).临床类型中痉挛型最多见(71.77% )。

37、Duck typing: Learn about duck typing in this Wikipedia article.Duck 类型:在这篇 Wikipedia 文章中了解有关 duck 类型更多。

38、Mapping a pduct in a pduct type hierarchy into a category establishes the semantic notion of pduct of type x.把产品映到产品类型层次结构中类别,就可以形成某类型产品 这样语义概念。

39、All single flts in these gates can be divided into three types, called mid-seeking, mid-rejecting and masked.这些门电路所有单故障可以分为向中型、无中型及掩蔽型三类。

40、Compressed parameters include type of frame, type of macblock, DC coefficients, and motion vectors.算法中利用压缩参数主要有帧类型、宏块类型、DC系数、运动矢量。

41、Replacement of different types is the most in non-target answers.非目标词答语中异类替代类型最多;

42、You put this datatype into a schema of datatypes called DataTypes.xsd (see Listing 将该数据类型放入名为 DataTypes.xsd 数据类型模式中(请参阅清单



43、If yo field directly corresponds to one listed there, use that one.如果字段与其中列出数据类型直接对应,则使用该数据类型。

44、To synchnize code changes with the model, you can undtp types that are specified by C++ code within classes.为了集成代码变更和模型,您可以双向使用类中 C++ 代码指定类型。

45、The talc deposits in Hunan can be classified into three types:metamorphic type, residual by weatheng sedimentary type and meso-epi-thermal metatic type.湖南滑石矿床类型可分为变质型、沉积风化残余型、中低温热液交代型三类。

46、In many of these cities, slums have become the dominant type of human settlement.在许多此类城市中,贫民窟已成为人类居住区主要类型。

47、In the Add Class dialog box, in the Templates pane, click MFC Class fm Typelib , and then click Open to display the Add Class fm Typelib Wizard.在 添加类对话框中,在“模板”窗格中,单击“类型库中 MFC 类”,单击“打开”显示 从类型库添加类向导。

48、Complex data types are represented in the speedbar in a tree format.复合数据类型在 speedbar 中以树型格式展现。

49、xsi:type is specified on an element in the instance document to replace the declared type with a dd one.要在实例文档中对元素指定 xsi:type,使用派生类型替换声明类型。

50、To peanut web blotch, 8903 is resistance, Yuhua 对花生网斑病抗鉴定结果:8903为抗病类型,豫花15号、9326-22-2为中抗类型,其余属感病或高惑类型;

15 and 9326-22-2 are medium resistance, the others belong to susceptible or high susceptible types.

经典英文句子51:中类型,51、Certain forms of rules are implicit in the definition of the business types in the model, and manifest in UML and entity relationship (ER) models of the business types of the modeled domain.有些形式规则在模型中业务类型定义中是隐式,它们出现在被建模领域业务类型 UML 和实体关系(ER)模型中。

52、Visual C++ .NET 2003 is able to generate MSIL for templates on native types, but cannot use mad types as the parametezed type in the template.Visual C++ .NET 2003 可以在机类型上为模板生成 MSIL,但不能在该模板中将托管类型作为参数化类型使用。

53、A typetag is an integer vaable in which the value of the integer specifies the type of data being handled.类型标签是一个整型变量,其中整数值指明将要被处理数据类型。

54、Typeless damage Some skills have no listed type. If a skill's descption does not specify a damage type, it generally inflicts typeless damage.一些技能没有列出伤害类型。如果一个技能描述中没有具体一个伤害类型,这个技能通常导致无类型伤害。

55、Metaclasses defined in the UML 元类 定义在 UML

2.1 metamodel (thugh metaclass association)

2.1 元类模型中(通过元类关联)

56、The vaables in a query expression are all stngly typed, although in many cases you do not have to pvide the type explicitly bee the compiler can infer it.查询表达式中变量都是强类型,但许多情况下您不需要显式提供类型,因为编译器可以推断类型。

57、In .NET only reference types and all value types can be assied atomically.在.NET中,只有引用类型和很小值类型才能够以原子方式赋值。

58、When a type's code is bken (unparsable), Class Details window displays the type's contents as read only.如果类型代码是中断(不可分析),“类详细”窗口将以只读方式显示该类型内容。

59、With the XML data type, you can store an XML document in a database table column similar to the other data types.借助 XML 数据类型,您可以在类似于其他数据类型数据库表列中存储 XML 文档。

60、类似地,XJ 类型 com.ibm.xj.samples.totals.salesschema.salesdata.year 引用 salesdata 中 year 局部声明。Similarly, the XJ type com.ibm.xj.samples.totals.salesschema.salesdata.year refers to the local declaration of year within salesdata.

61、In this example the type is fanout.在这个例子中类型是fanout。

62、This maps it to the selected record type.这样可以将它映到选中记录类型中。

63、The JMS message type formats are defined in the com.ibm.websphere.sib.SIApiConstants class for yo reference.JMS 类型格式定义在用于引用 com.ibm.websphere.sib.SIApiConstants 类中。

、There are vaous types of index files in VFP.VFP中索引文件类型较多。

65、To define a new work pduct type, you just such an element in a method package.要定义一个新工作产品类型,你只要在方法包中建立该类型元素。

66、Among the di- and t-nucleotide repeats, AC/TG (57%) and AGC (12%) were the most abundant type.在二和三核苷酸重复基元类型中, AC/TG(57%)和 AGC(12%)分别是最丰富类型。

67、Similarly, the XJ type com.ibm.xj.samples.totals.salesschema.salesdata.year refers to the local declaration of year within salesdata.类似地,XJ 类型 com.ibm.xj.samples.totals.salesschema.salesdata.year 引用 salesdata 中 year 局部声明。

68、But it's not always convenient to load classes into the JVM to access genec type information.但是在 JVM 中装载类以访问泛型类型并不总是方便。

69、This requires manually creating an intervening POJO (WSDL port type descbed) that has a reference to the J-type component.这需要手动创建中间 POJO(介绍 WSDL 端口类型),它可以引用 J 类型组件。

70、Creates a resoce based on the type you have selected in the Resoce Type box.根据您在 [资源类型] 方块中所选取类型来建立资源。

71、The effect of treatment was positively correlated with the type of plantation. The higher the yield of plantation, the the yield increased.同一处理类型对不同产量类型林分增产效果随着高、中、低产量类型顺序而增加。

72、If in Oracle 10g, such columns are declared to be of data type NUMBER (38), then corresponding data type in DB2 is DECFLOAT (34).如果在 Oracle 10g 中这些列声明为数据类型 NUMBER (38),那么在 DB2 中相应数据类型是 DECFLOAT (34)。

73、In healthy citrus tissues, the activities of PAL, a key enzyme in phenylppanoid metaboli, were higher in resistant types than in susceptible ones.同时,在健康柑桔组织中,苯丙烷类代谢定速酶PAL活也是抗病类型高于感病类型;

74、If L has an explicitly typed parameter list, when inferred types are substituted for method type parameters in P, each parameter in P has the same type as the the corresponding parameter in L.如果L有一个显型参数列表,当推导出类型对于P中方法类型参数是可替换时候,P中每个参数拥有与L中对应参数相同类型。


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