
发布时间:2023-06-22 02:54:15 阅读:36 点赞:0

关于”简单常用“英子26个,句子主体: and commonly used。以下是关于简单常用初二英子。

英文句子模板1: and commonly used

我认为 ActiveRecord 实现了一组有效妥协,常常选择了简单。

1、I beli that ActiveRecord stkes an effective set of compmises, usually erng on the side of simplicity.


2、Methods of changing are often unnecessaly complicated and frenetic. Thugh simplicity, claty ases.


3、Easier exception handling - Users are now able to add in their own local exceptions to overde the CRS checks without needing to edit the rules themselves.

如果您习惯使用命令行,那么 PMD 安装和运行会非常简单。

4、If you're comfortable using the command line, PMD is straightforward to install and run.

在实际中,我们常常需要观察各种器件特曲线,这些曲线很难用手直接画出,利用MATLAB 则可以较快捷,简单绘制这些曲线。

5、In practice, we often need observe charactestic cves of all apparatus. These cves are hardly drawed by hand directly, but using MATLAB ptracts the cves rapidly and befly.

将这里用于 SAX2 代码修改成在 Xerces-C++ DOM 实现上下文中工作非常简单。

6、It's tvial to take the code presented here for SAX2 and alter it so that it works in the context of Xerces-C++'s DOM implementation.

我们首先建立一个非常简单应用程序,再添加一点 DOM 魔法。

7、Let's start out by putting together a very basic application, and then adding a little DOM magic.


8、JV: In a nutshell, please explain why this dinosa was so "aberrant" and "strange?"


9、But the big play in geothermal ener has always been to simply use the hot cks down there and yo own reservoir.


10、Putting SaaS financing on an old pduct is simply the ASP model and that is terble economi.

很多有经验 DBA 使用这一方法获取与健康有关,因为它非常简单快速。

11、Many expeenced DBAs use this method to ret health-related information bee it is fast and easy.

最简单方法是用 SSD 替换所有常规硬盘驱动器并移动所有对象和数据。

12、The easiest appach would be simply to replace all regular disk dves with SSDs and move over all objects and data.


13、This is possible simply bee I can do rything I want inside my application where it is instantly accessible and customisable.

E 中逻辑通常非常简单,而 WS-BPEL 可以处理更复杂情形。

14、The logic in an E is normally straightforward, while WS-BPEL can handle complex cases.

Kohn 常常会犯一些常识错误,过度简单化那些他要阐释文学,还会出现一些逻辑上谬误。

15、Kohn consistently makes factual errs, oversimplifies the literate that he seeks to explain, and commits logical fallacies.


16、I also loved this How To Make a Simple Rrsible Tote Bag.


17、Compared with Morning Flowers, Collected in the Evening, Wu Chang, another essay collection by Lu Xun, has always been belittled by researchers, bee of its unusual wting style.


18、The pcess of this fabcation method includes relatively few steps without special apparatuses.

使用 IVM 执行所有 SEA 配置,这非常简单(稍后就会看到)。

19、All of the SEA configation was performed using the IVM and was very straightforward (which you will see in a moment).


20、That’s why navigation options aren’t often listed simply one after another using apppate keywords (i.e. using “silent” navigation).

21、I've incorporated this strate into my daily life simply bee it's relaxing and I enjoy it.我把这一简单策略应用于我常生活中,因为它可以帮助我放松,并使我得到享受。

22、The user doesn't see all the low-ll code executions to handle single or multiple commands but rather a very simplistic input, output, and err.用户不会看到处理单个或多个命令所有底层代码执行情况,而是看到非常简单化输入、输出和错误。

23、The thesis befly intduces the style of the storage and the functions and effect in the world.针对世界上天然气储存,简单介绍了常见几种储气方式和地下储气库作用和能。

24、When President Lincoln was finally told of all the metal being used here, his response was short and clear: That is as it should be.当最终得知这里所使用金属时,他反应非常简单明了:这是应该。

25、It's really easy, like in a pan, a fry pan, you just fry it with onion, salt, pepper, and maybe a little bit of chili peppper.做法非常简单,用平底炒锅炒肉和洋葱,放盐,再加一些辣椒,可以放红辣椒。

英文句子26:,26、The arches beneath Casa Milà's stone of are so stng, each is built with a single cose of upended bcks.米拉公寓石顶下拱非常之坚固,每个都是用简单几段悬砖石堆砌。

27、Just patch it on the gund in fnt of the door. Both installation and removal are very easy.揭掉保护膜后直接贴在门前地面上即可使用,安装拆卸非常简单。

28、In the Mozilla and Firefox bwsers, extracting the value of the attr attbute is a straightforward exercise, as shown in Listing 在 Mozilla 浏览器和 Firefox 浏览器中,提取 attr 属值非常简单,如 清单 2所示。


29、Getting there today is far easier, but the island is still very far afield.如今去那里就简单多了,但是这个岛仍然非常偏远。

30、The easiest is to simply call the VBA mac fm within VSTO by using the Application.Run method.最简单就是使用应用程序在VSTO中调用VBA宏。

31、My expeence has been that if the application is already using POSIX threads on Solas, the migration to Linux using NPTL-based threading is relatively straightforward.我经验是,如果应用程序早已在 Solas 上就使用了 POSIX 线程,那么它们移植到使用基于 NPTL 线程 Linux 上就非常简单。

32、So, academic honesty: very simply, you can't cheat in 学术诚信,非常简单,这门课你不能作弊,很吃惊吗?

3.091. Is that shocking?

33、You occasionally need to have them installed to compile something you downloaded, but for the most part, it just works.为了编译下载一些东西,您有时候会需要安装它们,但是, 在大部分情况下,其使用非常简单。

34、For consistency and simplicity, you can use any of these common images in yo technical figes.要保持图像一致和简单,可以在技术图中使用任何一种常用图像。

35、In Beijing, the most common mooncakes are humble bun-like pastes similar to mantou, and come filled with a paste of red jujube fruit, which tastes like a tan ded date spread.在北京,最常见月饼外表简单、看似馒头,馅料多用红枣泥。

36、They are not easy, but they are usually accomplished within 20-30 minutes.这并不简单,但是他们通常在20到30分钟内即可完成。

37、In the case of equally d data, this method degenerates to the usual K-point sliding averaging.当用于等间距时序资料时,此方法过渡到常用K点滑动简单平均。

38、The investment cost of compensation equipment is imprecisely simplified as the function of the capacity in traditional methods.在确定补偿装置投资费用时,通常将其简单表示为电容器组容量函数。

39、Bee passing function objects in Python is so easy, this class uses far fewer lines than any similar class in another language would require.因为使用 Python 传递函数对象是如此简单,与其它语言中相似类比较,这个类所需使用行数非常少。

40、 workers would very simply reply that they do this work to make a living.工作者会回答得非常简单—-这活只是为了谋生。

41、MINIMAM UTILITIES: Air-cooled all X-ray tube and gas filled pportional counter have been employed, and the only requirements are AC Power Soce and Helium Gas.使用简单:仪器内置气体密封型比例计数管,只要接上电源和氦气(保护),就可以正常使用仪器。

42、The reclaiming pcess can be simply cared out on an open mill or finishing mill at the om temperate without any pollution in the pduction.复原胶生产工艺简单,在常温下用开炼机或精炼机即可,而且生产过程中无污染。

43、The early Web s are very straightforward -- you make a SOAP call and get a response.早期 Web 服务都是非常简单 ― 发出一个 SOAP 调用就会得到一个响应。

44、They pvide so single load metc and load balancing policy that they cannot be used in deferent envinments.传统通常只采取单一负载指标和简单负载平衡策略,不能适应多种应用环境。

45、In the domain of digital communications, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is widely used to reduce the rate of err codes fm the data tranission.在数据通信中,循环冗余校验因其编码简单有效,常被用来降低数据传输误码率。

46、We oain an expemental formula by measung the standard spectrum of high presse mercy lamp.我们用高压汞灯作为标准光谱进行定标,得到了一个非常简单计算光谱数学公式。

47、Everybody…is a little off the hooks…in plain words, a little crazy or so.人人都有点失常,……简单地说,就是有点疯疯。

48、RDDL is very easy and inexpensive to use with names, and indeed some users have n used RDDL as a format for expressing general resoce repositoes.将 RDDL 用于名称空间非常简单而且成低廉,实际上一些用户已经把 RDDL 作为表达通用资源存储库一种格式。

49、We looked at something called Selection Sort and that too was pretty straightforward, at least conceptually.例如选择排序,至少从概念上来说,它非常简单。

50、When he unblocks himself quickly like he did tonight rything becomes easier.当他像今晚一样迅速排除障碍,那一切就变非常简单。

经典英文句子51:简单常用,51、Today’s web is a colorful, visual, practical, nutty,busy, fend-filled, fun and incredibly useful place.现今网络是一个丰富多彩地方,它可见、实际、简单、繁忙、充满了朋友和乐趣,而且是非常有用。

52、Since the pjection line is hozontal, it is easy and convenient to oain the mapping points.若影直线为水平,则映点求取非常简单、方便。

53、While using NAnt is definitely not as easy as clicking Build in Visual Studio, it is a very powerful tool for dloping a build pcess that runs on an tomated schedule.尽管使用 NAnt 肯定不像在 Visual Studio 中单击 Build 那样简单,但它仍然是一种非常强大工具,可用于按自动计划运行生成过程。

54、Once you have gotten over these pblems, you can decide to continue or go back, easily possible.一旦你渡过了这个难关,你可以决定是继续还是重新用正常口型,它们间转换会很简单。

55、They started out very simply, with a perfectly und area in a cp where the grain was flattened in certain ways.他们出发点非常简单,在一片完整农作物周围谷物被用某些方法压平。

56、The manufactung cost is low, the installation and maintenance are very convenient, and the utility model is convenient for the large-scale application and populazation.而且该装置结构简单,制造成低,安装和非常方便,便于大范 围使用推广。

57、Though there's a lot of detail, setting up thentication on PostgreSQL using SSL certificates is straightforward尽管涉及许多细节,但是在 PostgreSQL 上使用 SSL 证书设置身份验证非常简单

58、Coding this non-J2EE message consumer is straightforward, using a mix of JMS API and ActiveMQ support library.通过混合使用 JMS API 和 ActiveMQ 支持库,对这个非 J2EE 消费者进行编码非常简单。

59、Multimedia or image pcessing applications like GIMP or GIMP plugins are perfect candidates for this optimisation that is often just called “hardware acceleration”.多媒体或图像处理应用如GIMP或GIMP件是这类常被简单称作“硬件加速”优化最佳候选。

60、Authentication using container-mad thentication (A) was easy, but Remember Me, password hints, SSL switching, siup, and user mament were nonexistent.使用容器认证(A)认证方法非常简单,但是 Remember Me、密码提示、SSL 切换、登记和用户等能却都不存在。

61、Merge. Now this is pretty easy, this one, but let's use the same heusti.合并,现在这个非常简单,但我们用同样试探法。

62、The first part is the bef intduction of QNM'definition, importance and status, and sral numecal methods are given.具体来说,在第一章中,简单介绍了似正规模概念、研究意义和现状,并介绍了常用几种数值方法。

63、Often, abnormalities are simply iored, creating a potential medicolegal liability.一般异常结果如果被简单忽视,会有潜在医学法理责任。

、Easy-access hot keys make accessing frequently used applications and Web sites as easy as the push of a button.轻松进入热键使启动常用应用程序和网页简单到只用按一个键。

65、The order pperty and gd placement do not affect ordeng in non-visual media (such as speech).原因非常简单,改变顺序有可能让你用户在访问时候,突然有错乱顺序。


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