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1、House of Chst's Love Thanksgiving Gatheng will be held on Satday, November

19, 2011 at 6PM in FCON. Share yo wonderful dish. But best of all share yo wonderful blessing fm o God.

2、That the less time I have to work with, the things I get done.越是给很少时间,我能做越多事情。

3、the bird wishes it were a cloud. the cloud wishes it were a bird. 尘土受到损辱,却以她花朵来报答。


4、we wish to show o gratitude and thanks with a all gift. happy teacher's day!


5、The construction of psychological contract with its core issues of psychological expectations and responsibilities will be effective to strenen college students'thanks-giving thoughts.

凯伊: 嘿,布莱恩!布莱恩,嗨!(布莱恩送钱给凯伊)我想我在恋爱中!

6、Kate : Hey Ban! Brain Hi! (Ban gives away money to Kate) I think I'm in love!

7、relief and gratitude were wtten all over his face. 他一脸释然与感激。


8、Wernher von Brn died of cancer in 1977.


9、Pashioners , acting as representatives of the congregation, bng up wine, bread or other gifts to the altar dung Mass.


10、Kearns got his patent ghts back fm Tann.

11、an appreciation of art will ench yo life. 艺术欣赏将会丰富你生活


12、Oosis vaous ugly image but less, with their own plight, Thanksgiving can come fm the heart?


13、Howr, the hst thing in December that I want to thank the Lord was the baptizing of three students.


14、When translating 1Q84 and other Makami works, do you feel any obligation to be respectful of the voice and feel of Jay Rubin's and Alfred Birnbm's translations?


15、I don't know. Just ryone, really, the people, this place, at Leavesden and maybe just being Ron as well.

“我们对每个人表示感谢,你们让我俩能继续在沙盘角落里制作。” 乔尔・科恩在发表“最佳导演奖”感言上说。

16、"We're very thankful to all of you out there for letting us continue to play in o corner of the sandbox," Joel Coen said on receiving the best director Oscar.


17、They also often expect a favor in retn or feel that they owe someone who has done good to them.


18、Wash a face years of silence beeen Thanksgiving family own understanding and love, particularly bitter sister happiness themselves.


19、Caliendo had already spoken to the media this week by raling that Chelsea were interested in Trezeguet's s.


20、On occasion, I leaned on the open balcony of my house, seeing the hibiscuses blossom and fade.

21、Taking in the importance of being constantly grateful, students can be spotted volunteeng in Tzu Chi nts.不断提醒学生时时感恩,现在,学生都会出现在慈济活动,主动当起志工。

22、Remember the underpvileged people, care-givers and the needs of the community in prayer regularly and give with a grateful heart to respond to the move of the Holy Spit.教会祷告生活当常纪念弱势群体、关怀人员、所属社区需要并透过感恩奉献来回应心中感动。

23、That ryone you meet deserves to be greeted with a ile.你遇到所有人都应该给他们一个微笑。

24、There is widespread feeling in patent departments of corporations nd the country that Kearns’ case represents a fghtening precedent.全国各地企业专利部门普遍感到,克恩斯案子开创了一个恐怖先例。

25、Be thankful that this full moon falls early enough in December, hopefully not to affect yo spit at end-of-the-month holidays.要感恩,这个满月早早完结,希望不要在月尾假期时不要影响到你。

英文句子26:,26、Mr. Cayne had just retned fm the hospital where he'd been treated for an infection, and he looked thin and drawn.由于感染住院凯恩刚刚回到公司,他看起来瘦了些,也更憔悴了。

27、When you were 你xx岁时,她给你几支蜡笔。而你对她感恩回报,就是把餐桌涂成了大花脸。

4 years old, she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by colong the dining om table.

28、Teammate Geoff Huegill, who won silver, said he was upset to hear he had withdrawn and had hoped his fend was well enough to compete on Thsday.他队友,此次比赛银牌得主杰奥夫·霍吉儿(Geoff Huegill)说劳特斯特恩退出了了比赛他感到十分遗憾,霍吉儿希望劳特斯特恩能够参加周四比赛。

29、I felt cold, so the fo of us-Ron, Doa , Ted, and I went into the bedom and let a fire.我感到有些冷,所以就和罗恩、多丽娅、特德一起进了卧室,把火生起来。

30、Joel and Ethan Coen, True Gt乔尔·科恩和伊桑·科恩,《大地惊雷》

31、The crater is the essence of Afca.恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口是精粹。

32、Monn's Shistavanen hetage gave him keen sense of heang and ell, which made him an excellent tracker.莫恩希斯塔瓦嫩血统赋予他敏感听觉和嗅觉,使他成为出跟踪者。

33、Thorntown’s bucolic bliss was thanks to a corporate sponsor, Campbell Soup. But such efforts are not enough.索恩镇田园快乐要感谢康宝浓汤企业赞助,但光这种努力是不够。

34、God ptected Vancouver so that we did not suffer the ravages of the epidemic. For that we should give thanks to God.为到神保守温城,不受病毒蔓延祸害,我们实在要向神献上感恩。

35、They agreed that Kearns would assi his ghts to the intermittent wiper to Tann, and Tann would take over the cost of getting the patents.后来,卡恩斯和坦恩达成协议,坦恩获得卡恩斯专利使用权,并支付申请专利权费用。

36、When you were 你xx岁时,她给你几支蜡笔。而你对她感恩回报,就是把餐桌涂成了大花脸。

4 years old, she gave you some crayons3). You thanked her by colong the dining om table.

37、Can we ask God today to keep us fm r being unthankful to him or r wanting o own way instead of his?主啊,求你使我常存感恩之心,求你保守我不要任意而行。

38、3- Fear preserves life, mobilizes ener, dves the person forward. You ought to be grateful that you are afraid.若要免于恐惧生活,当竭尽全力,努力向前。当你有所恐惧时,你当感恩。

39、"When I first read the letters, tears came to my eyes becse they were so moving, " Schoenberger says.“当我第一次读到这些信件,我眼含泪水,因为它们是如此感人。” 舍恩伯格说道。

40、I couldn't have done it without you.若是没有你,我不可能做到。

41、When you were 你xx岁时,她为你哺,为你沐浴。而你对她感恩回报,啼哭闹腾,彻夜不休。

1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.

42、a teacher affects eternity; he can nr tell where his influence stops. 一个教师对人影响是永恒。

43、May ryone holds a heart of gratitude to his family members, fends and others who concern about him/her.最后,愿我们每个人都能怀着一颗感恩心来面对我们家人、朋友和他人吧!

44、Sanctification, the meaning of spituality. legali and antinomiani. a heart of contentment and thanksgiving. so - called " infeoty complex " ? way of ance.成圣,什么是属灵。 律法主义与无律法主义。满足,感恩心。自卑?悔改之路。

45、Gradually, Arnel felt his consciousness fade, and he floated like a child's balloon into a bght sky.渐渐地,阿恩尔感到意识越来越模糊,好象小孩玩汽球飘上了明朗天空。

46、the dust receives insult and in retn offers her flowers. 蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。

47、The grateful yals made him their main palace- and highway-builder in the boom years after the war.于是,“感恩”王室在战后繁盛时期将修建王宫和高速公路工程交给了他。

48、To thank him for saving his life, the movie star cast him a part in his movie.为了感谢彼得救命之恩,这个明星便替他在自己里安排了一个角。

49、Onica Ndzovela, 77, suffered back pain and sore knees before joining the team three years ago。现年xx岁奥尼卡 恩佐维拉xx年前加入了球队,在此之前常感到背部和膝盖酸痛。

50、Each arrangement of a vacancy I sin against one dred men, but the holder will not be grateful to me.我每安排一个空缺就会得罪一百个人,而任职者也不会对我感恩戴德。

经典英文句子51:感恩,51、So how can we raise o ener ll and open o heart to joy? One powerful way is to dlop an attitude of gratitude. Look at ry one with grateful eyes. Listen to yo heart and the heart of yo loved ones. Speak words of affirmation ry day of yo life. Be grateful for yo life with all its lessons and blessings. The grateful thoughts and feelings you expeence and express the instrumental you will be in healing the world. And yo outlook on life will impve in the pcess. 当我大儿子被确诊为“注意缺陷多动障碍”时,我第一反应就是放松——我终于知道他那些行为举止原因所在了。

52、Rugs will keep cool air fm seeping up into the om, and yo toes will definitely thank you.毯子可以阻止冷空气渗入到房间里,而且你脚趾头一定会感恩戴德。

53、He and I have o years, has been feeling very good, we nr quarrel, sweet love often envy others.我和他处了两年,感情一直很好,我们从来不吵架,甜蜜恩爱常常羡煞旁人。

54、In the Tzu Chi tradition of being respectful and grateful to the needy, volunteers handed over the packages to the homeless with both hands.秉著对穷困人家尊重与感恩态度,志工用双手将物资奉送街友。

55、AGENT GENE CRANE: Assistant Director, follow me.吉恩克雷恩:局长,请跟我来。

56、But this 'naming' didn't please Conn Bacach's son Séan ó Néill (spelled 'Shane O'Neill' in English).但这个'命名'不请康恩Bacach儿子肖恩O尼尔(英文拼写'谢恩奥尼尔)。

57、Tie former 帖前

5:12-22 told we should do three things: joy often, unable to pray, rything Thanksgiving.


58、For all you do the whole year thugh感谢你xx年到头辛苦劳碌

59、One who can always find a reason to be grateful will always stand stnger than one who can only find a reason to complain.一个总是懂得感恩人会比一个只会挑剔抱怨人站得更稳。

60、Harvey is depressed becse he is feeling his age and Gillian is anxious becse she may have that cancer.哈维是沮丧,因为他感觉他年龄和吉利恩索渴望,因为她可能咽喉癌。

61、When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by weeping yo eyes out.你来到人世时,她把你抱在怀里。而你对她感恩回报,就是哭得天昏地暗。

62、Bestowments, always radiate divine blliance, I have acquired immense comfort and perpetual worth of engraved gratitude.恩赐,总是散发神辉光,我获得了巨大安与永生永世值得铭记感激。

63、i am truly grateful to you for what you have done. 我深深地感激您所做一切。

、Luna looked on with interest, although Ron had shown it to her plenty of times over the past few days.卢娜感兴趣地注视着,尽管罗恩几天来已经向她展示过了好几次。

65、For all you do the whole year thugh感谢来你xx年源到头辛苦bai劳碌

66、We should feel pud and fortunate that David Onley will open the forum this ning at Tonto City Hall.我们感到自豪和幸运是大卫·恩莱今晚将在多伦多市政厅开坛讲座。

67、Pl had good reason to remember Philemon in thanksgiving and prayer, for see what kind of man he was!郑明训了很好理由要记住利蒙在感恩和祈祷,看到什么样男子,他是!

68、In 19, Dean founded the Jimmy Dean Meat Company in his hometown of Plainview, Texas.xx年,迪恩在他家乡德克州普雷恩尤开办了吉米·迪恩肉食厂。

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