
发布时间:2023-11-04 10:31:39 阅读:108 点赞:0

关于”写信“英子55个,句子主体:Wte letters。以下是关于写信初中英子。

英文句子模板1:Wte letters


1、She wte the letter with blue ink.


2、Wte to Wen-Jie or me Mark.

Please address the letter for me.



4、Jane gave Tom a Dear John letter.


5、“Wte me a letter.” I told her.


6、Somebody wte letters years later which Seneca wtes to Pl and says, you are such a great philosopher Pl.


7、He wte and told me about this.

Wte her before you go.



9、Intel's RCP platform rewtes the communication rules of Wi-Fi radios.


10、Please address the letter for me.


11、Bad spelling is also a giveaway.


12、Can you wte a letter in red ink.


13、So he had wtten to her.


14、When you start the letter, try to personalise it by finding out the name of the person to wte to.


15、I am wting words can you understand?


16、He wtes in a bookish style.


17、Here is the letter to majordomo.


18、I’m wting a letter to my pen pal.


19、We wte a letter in joint names.


20、I am taking the liberty of wting to you ...;

21、(This is an apparent reference to Malcolm Boulton who has denied any knowledge of this letter or involvement in its wting.)(很显然,所谓写信人就是指马尔科姆•博尔顿,但他否认了解信内容或者牵扯到写了这封信。)

22、I’m just wting to remind you of… 我只是写信来提醒您…

23、Wte her before you go.你去之前先给他写封信。

24、One of pseudo-Pl's letters may have been addressed to Ephesus.有一封冒保罗之名所写书信是写给以弗所。

25、I wte the letter at his dictation.我照他口述写信。

英文句子26:,26、But you nr wte me once.可你连一封信都没有写过。

27、Does Daming wte letters to his fends?大明给他朋友写信了吗?

28、Will watch, read, wte long letters.就醒着,读着,写着长信。

29、The thor should be someone who knows yo work well enough to wte a circumstantial letter.写推荐信人应该对你学习有充分了解,才能写出一份详尽推荐信。

30、We put the date at the end of the letter in a Chinese letter.我们将在一个信信结尾写期。

31、This model divides the stego-channel into cover encoder-noise channel, attack channel, and encoderattack channel.该模型把隐写信道分为载体编码噪声信道、攻击信道和编码-攻击信道。

32、She is going to wte to him.她就要给他写信了。

33、I nr wte to Hanna.我从来没给汉娜写过信。

34、Le escbí una letra a mi amigo.我写了一封信给朋友。

35、Wte it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 写 信 整洁地 在 答题纸


2 上。

36、If you want information, please feel free to wte to me again.如果您想了解更多,请随时给我写信。

37、He wte that he would be late.他写信说,他可能迟到。

38、This letter is in his own hand.这信是他亲笔写。

39、I always wte persona letters by hand.我总是亲笔写私人信件。

40、I'll wte to you later on.过段时间我将给你写信。

41、I wte to him last night.我昨晚给他写过信了。

42、His letters were always strange.他信总是写得奇奇怪怪。

43、I beyan to wte a letter to them.我写一封信给他们。

44、The channel count is the amount of data waiting to be read (for read channels), or the amount of data which can still be wtten (for wte channels).信道数是等待被读取数据量(对于读信道而言)或仍能被写入数据量(对于写信道而言)。

45、I wte a letter in ink.我用钢笔写了一封信。

46、I often wte home on Satday ning.星期六晚上我常常写家信。

47、I apologize for not wting before.我为曩昔没写信而抱歉。

48、A letter addressed to the householder 16fary lane.信封上写明弗拉埃里巷16号住户收一封信。

49、Then one day I just up and wte to her. And she wte me back and said she had been thinking about wting to me.接着,随后一天我突然拿起笔写了封信给她,她给我回了信,并说她之前也一直想给我写份信来着。

50、Miguel: I'm wting to my mother.米盖尔:我在给我写信。

经典英文句子51:写信,51、The letter must be fm Jim.这封信一定是吉姆写来。

52、It tired me dreadfully, wting those long letters.写这些长信把我烦啦。

53、Mathews may have wtten that letter.马修斯已写了那封信。

54、She reminded me of wting the letter.她使我想起写过那封信。

55、I thought sely she had wtten you.我以为她肯定给你写过信。

56、Wte me when time permits.时间允许话写封信来。

57、Deflt charset in which to compose messages.编写信件默认字符集。

58、Please beli me’, ” Taraborrelli wtes.‘一定要相信我’”,塔拉博雷利写到。

59、They are generally long; but whether always charming, it is not for me to determine.我信一般都写得很长;不过是否每封信都写得动人,那可不能由我自己来说了。

60、I always wte personal letters by hand. 31.我总是亲笔写私人信件。

61、Little Lily and little Nelly are wting letters.小丽丽和小奈利在写信。

62、The customer pvides any remaining required information.顾客填写所有必填。

63、Her pmise to wte was forgotten.她忘记了答应写信事。

、I shall depend on heang fm you very often, Eliza.我相信你一定会常常给我写信,伊丽莎。

65、I must apologize for not wting to you sooner.我及早给你写信,真起。

66、I remember that I wte to him.我记得给他写过信了。

67、And you deserve than that所有写给你信我都留着,

68、That letter was wtten in pencil.那封信是用铅笔写。

69、I need a pen to wte a letter.我需要一支笔写封信。

70、The pfessor wte a recommendation for me.教授给我写了一封推荐信。

71、He mistakenly put a letter to one of his former lovers in an envelope addressed to his wife and mailed it.他把给过去一个情人写信,错装在写给他老婆信封里邮走了。

72、Please wte me pmptly on arval.请你一到就写信给我。

73、I wte to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply.我上个月给他们写了信,迄今还在等覆信。

74、I have corresponded with the president.我曾经给校长写过信。

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