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关于”比较励志短句“英子34个,句子主体:compare inspirational short sentences。以下是关于比较励志短句专业英子。

英文句子模板1:compare inspirational short sentences


1、If you would hear me without being angry, I might offer some advice that would make you hr.

短期国债, 保型储蓄,货币市场基金持有比例都较以往有增加。

2、Short-term bonds, capital preservation-based savings and money funds holding ratio than previous increases.

但是,为准备一次迁移,您需要 TTL 处于较短时间段,比如

3、In preparation for a migration, though, you would want the TTL to be something short such as

5 minutes.

5 分钟。


4、This is a good way to get a snapshot for a Year-over-Year (YOY) compason in the demand of key phrases.


5、The output degression cve method and normalization method are suitable for short-run forecast.


6、Ultracold molecules exist at short time, so we considered the second order of evolution time.


7、Long-haired cats are not found in the wild. They are lazier and need care than short-haired cats.


8、When the dation estimates were compared, respondents thought that the retn joney on average went by 22 per cent faster than the ouard joney.


9、As compared with ordinary FEM, the CPU time of this method is compa…


10、One to three minutes is a realistic time frame for most impmptu situations. Some sp-of-the-moment remarks, such as press statements, may be n shorter.


11、It is concluded that at low frequencies there is deviation if sial-to-noise ratio is low or the rrberation time is short.


12、Conclusions Compared with OA, LA has the advantages of little ht, gently pain, quick recovery and short hospitalization.


13、Pgrams wtten with OOP languages are generally shorter in len and contain fewer bugs, or mistakes, than those wtten with non-OOP languages.

而且,第二烛应该收于其高点附近 ,而上影应该比较短小或根不存在。

14、Also, the second candle should close near its high, leaving a all or non-existent upper wick.


15、We con- sider the elliptic cve a better shape by calculation and have studied pper lon…


16、The results showed that the selected hybd beared with the shorter gwth peod, less kernel ws, higher kernel weight, shorter ear len and slighter ear diameter.


17、Beyond video clips taken for my online stores, the only form of documentation I’ve opted for has been photography.


18、Halogen spotlights to use traditional, lower light, power, increased by expose to ambient temperate, short life.


19、We con- sider the elliptic cve a better shape by calculation and have stu…


20、Compared to other Peasant"s Pfessional Cooperative Economy Orizations in other pvinces, The one in chenzhou county just does not dlop for a long time, and there are many pblems."

21、The bad: The Samsung SGH-A657's pmised talk time is rather short and there's no voice dialing.坏:三星SGH - A657承诺通话时间比较短,有没有语音拨号。

22、The application shows that predictive deconvolution is effective in suppressing short peod multiples with stng cyclicity.试验表明,反褶积用来衰减周期强短周期多次波比较有效;

23、As the relative young geolo age, the time of speciation was shorter and the differentiation later in Taizi Mountains. So the flora elements were younger.由于地区地质年代相对年轻,物种形成时间较短,分化较晚,所以区系成分比较年轻。

24、Snthly , the pportion of short-term forei des increased rapidly, and the potential forei de sks increased.七是短期外债比例增长较快,潜在外债风险增加。

25、Results In contrast to gup B, gup A was conduced with a shorter peod of time, higher removal rate, lower incidence of leakage of IUD and lese amount of bleeding.结果实验组与对照组相比,实验组手术时间较短、顺利取出率较高、IUD断裂率较低、术中出血量较少。

英文句子26:,26、Results:Analgesia compared with the contl gups, shortening of active labor, cervix and fetal head, a large rate of speed up, the other had no siificant effect.结果:镇痛组与对照组相比较,产程活跃期缩短,宫口开大及胎头下降速率加快,其他比较无明显影响。

27、In other words, the remoter planets are attracted by the sun with less force than those nearer to him.换句话说,那些距离遥远行星受到太阳引力要比近处行星较小。

28、Mr Frank thinks people should work shorter hos and commute shorter distances, n if that means living in aller houses with cheaper glls .弗兰克先生认为人们应该工作较短时间,往返较短距离,即使这意味着住在较小房子里,用着较便宜烤架。

29、Objective:To evaluate the short-term theutic efficacy of parathyid hormone and calcitonin in postmenopsal osteopotic women.目:比较甲状旁腺激素和降钙素对绝经后妇女骨质疏松短期疗效?

30、"Pointed again a few a little bit shorter, the layout iner great disorder Mo scar, " this is the leaf! "又指了几条短一点、布局比较凌乱墨痕,“这是叶子!”

31、Compared with conventional Eplane sectoral horn, it has low sidelobe ll, short physical len and wide flare angle.与通常E面扇形喇叭比较,这种喇叭具有较低副瓣电平,短喇叭长度和宽张角。

32、The endpoint detection based on short-time average maitude of speech sials relative tocorrelation sequences can be detected in high accacy under the low sial-to noise ratio.在较低信噪比情况下,基于语音信号短时相对自相关序列短时平均幅度端点检测能够获得较高检测精度。

33、The impact of cylindcal refiner and disc refiner on long fiber and short fiber pperties were compared.比较了圆柱磨与盘磨对长纤维和短纤维打浆能影响。

34、We con- sider the elliptic cve a better shape by calculation and have studied p…认为椭圆曲线是一种较好型式,并研究了合理长轴和长短轴比。

35、Truncated streamtraced inlet is sensitive to the flight at angles of attack or sideslip.截短流线跟踪进气道对带攻角或侧滑角飞行比较敏感。

36、Becse of the great interest, I have wtten this short preview article.因为在这方面比较有兴趣,我写了这篇简短文章。

37、The table below shows a bef compason of traditional dial-up and badband s.下面桌子表示传统国内拨接式数据通信和宽频服务一个简短比较。

38、In larger orizations, communication occs less in face-to-face encounters than in increasingly impersonal ways such as voice mail and e-mail messages.在比较大组织中,面对面交流就变得比较少了,相反非人工交流方式——比如语音短信和电邮——就会多起来。

39、RESULTS:Psorale fruit has the shor photosensitizing toxicity measement time among the six kinds of traditional chinese drugs.结果:六种中药材光斑毒计量时间相比较,补骨脂最短。

40、Compared with Liuqianxin A, 731A has a shorter peod of floweng days, a aller angle of glume opening and a longer glume opening time.与六千辛A相比,731A开花持续天数较短,开颖角度较小,柱头外露率低,开闭时间略长。

41、Pblem sets will be shorter in weeks involving either quizzes or holidays.在有小考或是放假那几周,作业题组会比较短一些。

42、There is typically a transient please in deception that appears typically as a please-sialing body language, including欺骗中短暂快乐反映在体态语言上,比较典型包括

43、Generally speaking, the softer cheeses stay fresh for shorter peods than the harder cheeses. They also contain less calcium than hard cheese.一般来说,软奶酪保鲜期比硬奶酪较短,而且它们还比硬奶酪含有更少钙质。

44、This means they are born with shorter telomeres, and so are pne to ageing quickly.这意味着,这些人在出生时端粒就比较短,所以更容易衰老。

45、FIC affects both male and female cats, but female cats rarely dlop unary tract obstruction becse their ethra is shorter and wider than the ethra of male cats.公猫和母猫都会发生FIC,但是母猫较少发生泌阻塞情形,因为母猫道比较短,而且较宽。

46、JOHN HEITMANN: "It’s a really cuous kind of economic episode. It was actually quite sre but also rather short.JOHN HEITMANN:“此次经济事件非常奇怪,实际上,这是相当严重,但也比较短。

47、To compare her stoes and novels with those of James s to define the scope of both.把她长短篇小说拿来和詹姆斯比较,可以帮助我们确定二人力。

48、If you prefer comfort over look, then you should try the in-beeeners. Shorts that are mid-high above the knee are great for all occasions.如果比较喜欢舒适衣服,那么你应当尝试穿些中分裤,所有场合下短裤也要在膝盖位置比较恰当。

49、The dlopment is not balanced in different nts; spnting, hdling and relay races are at relatively high lls whereas other nts are comparatively weak.各项目发展不平衡,短跑、跨栏和接力跑项目水平较高,但其它项目比较薄弱。

50、so that the relatively all distances like fm San Francisco to LA, we travel thugh Greyhound bus所以相对比较短距离,比方说从旧到洛杉矶,我们坐灰狗汽车,

经典英文句子51:比较励志短句,51、But it's very much cheaper and shorter in Hindustan……. just compare human dlopment indexes beeen the o.


52、In cases of vacose veins, short peods of sitting in postes such as Vajrasana may be beneficial.如果有静脉曲张情况,缩短坐体式时间会比较有益,诸如雷电坐姿。

53、Compares with the UFH gup, the point of puncte ligate time reduces obviously.与UFH组比较,穿刺点止血时间明显缩短。

54、Requirements, sofare desis and n scpts have relatively short life expectancies compared to code.需求、软件设计,甚至脚与代码比较有相对短预期寿命。

55、Circular face suits to exceed short or orderly bang to adjust facial form quite, it is particularly good that such bang is used in the effect in bingle .圆形脸比较适合超短或整齐刘海来调整脸形,这样刘海用在短发中效果会特别好。

56、The incremental medical cost was less than 38,500 per year of life saved compared to shorter treatment dation of lamivudine.疗程较长拉米夫定治疗与疗程较短者相比,每延长xx年寿命所需医疗费用在38,500元以下。

标签: 女孩英文名  魔兽世界英文名 

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