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关于”描写风景()“英子32个,句子主体:Descption of scenery ()。以下是关于描写风景()专八英子。

英文句子模板1:Descption of scenery ()


1、Descbe Teresa Earnhardt's leadership style.


2、Could you descbe his style of painting?


3、The old sailor's skin has desiccated fm years of being out in the sun and the wind.


4、The last hidden world , China. For centues, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes and spsing s.


5、I have stng feelings for his oil landscape painting. All these work has recorded his pathway, his footpnt and his affection.


6、Life eis a joney, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.


7、The scenery is betiful beyond descption.


8、"Visionary leaders articulate where a gup is going, but not how it will get there - setting people free to innovate, expement, take calculated sks, " wtes Goleman.


9、While I don’t get as much time as I’d like for Landscape Photography these days - I thought I’d jot down a few of the lessons that I learned in my early years of doing it.


10、Some language pblems, which relate to English diction, rhetoc and n spelling and grammatical mistakes are found dung the svey.


11、A stng side wind csed the merchant ship to lie along.


12、Thirty minutes fm Sanya is the famously scenic Tianya Haijiao, a k a the Edge of the Sky and the Rim of the Sea, a boulder-strewn beach depicted on the Chinese o-yuan note.


13、Concise and natal decoration outs any complicated desi, outside the window lies the most splendid landscape.


14、His heavy coat besteaded him against the chilly north wind.

这是罗迪·博伊德( Roddy Boyd)在他新书《致命风险》中所提出众多疑问之 这书生动地描述了这家保险业巨头处于2008 年金融风暴中心 情景。

15、That's one of the many questions raised by Roddy Boyd's "Fatal Risk," a vivid portrait of the giant ­inser at the center of the 2008 financial csis.


16、Clang's novel not only shows us a transection of the north custom panorama but also narrates and wtes down a north history that explores deep visualization.


17、A sailing boat is ppelled by wind.


18、Wind be to pipe nd the tall building.


19、Chengde is famous for its betiful scenery.


20、The dve to the coast is betiful.

21、The clouds are fleeting before wind.云在风前飞驰而过。

22、His style best comports with comedy .他风格写喜剧。

23、Famous Theorems define the mathematical landscape.著名定理决定数学风景。

24、The scenery on the top is beyond descption.在顶部风景是无法形容。

25、A sudden gust of wind fm the open window puffed the candle out.从开着窗户吹来一阵急风,吹灭了蜡烛。

英文句子26:,26、In her short stoes and novels, Eudora Welty vividly captes life in the deep South, creating powerful images of the landscape and conveying the shared attitudes and values of the people.尤多拉·威尔替在自己短篇和长篇小说中生动地描述了南方诸州生活,描绘了迷人风景,并且表达了那里共有态度和价值观。

27、To be in harmony with nate and his enjoyment of landscape and scene and his wtings alleviated his bother of earthliness , then he had found an appach of extcation.融入自然,对自然山水风光欣赏和描写减轻了他心中尘世烦恼,获得一条解脱之道。

28、The flag was bboned by the wind.旗子被风吹成条条碎片。

29、There are many betiful views in Beijing.北京有许多美丽风景点。

30、The northwest wind will spng up this ning.今天傍晚将开始刮西北风。

31、This is a wonderful place to enjoy the scenery of the Erhai Lake scenery.这是一个享受风光海风景美妙地方。

32、We had to lie to becse of the storm wind.由于碰上暴风我们只得顶风停船。

33、His bicycle was blown over by the wind.他自行车被风吹倒了。

34、I know I just see Indus leaves this scenery in one of the who, I have to wte her bety, I would imagine her charm, imagine her as movement like graceful.我知道我只是望见梧桐叶落这道风景中谁之一,我执意想要书写她美,我执意想象她风姿,想象她如乐章般得曼妙。

35、The deviation made by the wind could be straightened by the comr.由风引起偏差可由计算机予以校正。

36、The ptection and utilization of lake scenery have specific feates while shang similaties with other kinds of scenic sties .湖泊型风景区保护与利用既有与其他类型风景区相同共,也有其自身特殊。

37、A change of wind checked the fire.风向转变阻止了火势蔓延。

38、The little boat lled down the ver,with the wind behind it.小船借着风在后面推动,顺流而下。

39、There was no wind and rything was quiet.没有风, 一切都是静悄悄。

40、The wind arched the trees over the ad.风使树成拱形覆盖公路。

41、A stng head wind lashed the ver into waves.一股顶头风在河中掀起了波浪。

42、As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees.刮风时,我们能听见树上叶子发出飒飒声音。

43、We'd toed the sights of Pas.我们游览了巴黎风景名胜。 。

44、His overcoat was swollen like a full balloon by the wind.他大衣被风吹得鼓成了一个圆气球样子。

45、Home landscape is not desirable, but, with the participation of people, each home will be bordered to the landscape, "bght" color!家乡风景就是不经人意,不过,有了人们参与,家乡每到风景都会镶上“亮丽”彩!

46、Cicenian means Cice's eloquent, oratocal manner of wting, which has had an enormous influence on the dlopment of Eupean pse.“西赛罗”风格是指西赛罗之雄辩修辞写作风格,这种风格对欧洲散文写作产生了巨大影响。

47、The candle flickered in the wind.烛光在风中闪烁不定。

48、As his earlier realistic landscape paintings are Chinese-style reali, his Landscape of the Mind is also thick in the abstract expression of those oental cultal elements.正如他前期山水画写实是式写实一样,他“心象风景”中那些象表达所包含东方文化精神底蕴也依然十分浓郁。

49、The dry branch snapped in the wind.在大风中树枝啪地一声折断了。

50、Where are the most famous scenic spots here?这里著名风景点在哪儿?

经典英文句子51:描写风景(),51、LE PAYSAGE is a betiful and airy restaant with floor-to-ceiling windows that offer views of the betiful lake scenery.风景是美丽和通风餐厅与地板到天花板窗户,提供美丽湖泊景观。

52、The Eastern Sayan has a breathtaking landscape .东部Sayan有着摄人心魄风景。

53、NLGX Airport Code Cityscapes Desis include a three-letter airport code which serve as the backdp, with shadow images of key structes and monuments unique to each city in the forefnt.NLGX机场编码都市风景这款设计包含了一组大写三个英文字母作为背景,里面穿着虚幻每个城市独一无二标志建筑。

54、So I insight the drawing, painting and photography form, and people could manually re- the bety of natal scenery, which made the stunning work.由此我见识到了以素描、绘画和摄影形式,人们可以用手再创造自然风景美,得到令人叹为观止作品。

55、The wind dishlled her hair and skirt.风吹乱了她头发和裙子。

56、The kite gunded becse the wind stopped.由于风停了,风筝摔落在地。

57、These oil landscape painters and their works have added the flod chapter to the history of oil painting.这些众多油画风景艺术家和他们经典油画风景作品为油画史增添了绚丽篇章。

58、The culte landscape one raled the long history cultes and the great number personalities in the form of Landscape Park in Yixing.文化风景林用风景园林形式,彰显宜兴文化历史悠久、名人辈出文史底蕴。

59、The post on the building staggered violently in the wind.楼上标杆在风中猛烈摇晃着。

60、The bitter wind cut thugh his jacket.刺骨冷风吹透了他夹克衫。

61、Oh, you mean scenees in Huangshan Mountain.噢, 你是说爱黄山风景呀!

62、In modern landscape architecte desi, it is of great importance to succeed to the reasonable pnciple and artistic skill, and take on the charactestic of the ages.在现代风景建筑创作中,如何继承传统风景建筑创作中合理原则和艺术手法,并使风景建筑充分表现当今时代气息和审美观念,是值得深思问题。

63、Main attractions include the charming scenery of clouds bun Mountain Pvincial Nate Reserve.主要景点有风景迷人省级自然保护区云髻山。


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