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关于”中优美“英子26个,句子主体:Betiful in the movie.。以下是关于中优美高考英子。

英文句子模板1:Betiful in the movie.

索尼公司(Sony Corp.)3-D技术中心高级副海斯(Buzz Hays)表示,优质3-D有利于整个行业,而劣质3-D可能会毁掉这个类别。

1、'Good 3-D is good for the whole industry, ' says Buzz Hays, senior vice president of Sony Corp.'s 3-D Technolo Center. Bad 3-D, he adds, sks spoiling the whole bunch.


2、Influenced by television advertisement and movies, most women have got the wng notion that they looks pretty only when they have come thin.


3、Golden Rooster Award, along with selected histocal pcess of China's reform and opening up, its award-winning film can be regarded as an excellent representative of China's new era films.


4、Everyone knows about straight-A students. We see them frequently in TV sitcoms and in movies like Rnge of the Nerds.


5、This story of recovery, at once sad and betiful, is se to fill the dience with a lasting impression of warmth.

“我祖国”是xx年《上甘岭》主题曲。 这部设定在抗美援朝战争决胜阶段。

6、"My Motherland" is the theme of a 1956 Chinese movie called "Battle on Shangling Mountain, " which was set dung the Korean War and feates the defeat of the U.S. on the battlefield.


7、Camen was once employed at a film company known for pducing low-budget B movies, so he gained expeence in many aspects of film pduction, fm camera-work to art desi.


8、May: Do you dare watch scary movies with me tonight?


9、Dung the last centy, Eupean and Amecan cultes have continued to exert the most siificant influence upon the movie among all kinds of Chinese arts.


10、Cinemagoing will undouedly svive. 21 The new multiplexes22 are a gloous expeence, offeng perfect sound and picte and very comfortable seats, things which had died out in the 1980s.


11、When she was paired with Moon Lee (Lee, Choi-Fung) in the film "Angel" (1987) these attbutes made her a perfect movie villain.


12、Have you r seen the French film Tp Belle Po Toi?


13、"Taking a family of fo to a movie theater can cost $50, " Karnani said. "And that's before you buy popcorn."


14、On the essay, Pasolini posed the concept of poetic film for the first time and differentiated it fm the psaic film which he thought was not the real cinema.


15、Jingjing, have you seen the film, Sophie's rnge?


16、In this etatically betiful film, walls nr tumble, only women do.


17、I like a good horr movie, so I am a bit conflicted when it comes to the movie The Strangers .


18、The dlopment of Chinese movie is still at the sad of Digital movie while it is spreading in the worldwide.


19、I liked watching her learning cve, it was very filmic.


20、Especially the texte of the film art form, black -and-white screen image of style, will be made A major breakthugh in the film.

21、Howr, many scholars vainly think about ptecting Chinese film with a national flag, which tes to let the Chinese films gw gradually in its own greenhouse.然而,许多学者妄想扛着大旗来保护,试图让在温室中自己慢慢成长。

22、And this blliant film will enlist yo sympathies, too.而这部优秀也会让你同情油然而生。

23、Film biography, a special film of genre with a long histoc tradition, pfound aesthetic particulaty and stong vitality dung the whole dlopment of cinemati.传记片这一特殊类型在整个艺术发展事业中,有着悠久历史传统、深厚美学特质和顽强生命力。

24、Best seen in the cinema, to get the full effect of the luscious orchestral score.最好看,得到甘美管弦乐全面影响。

25、's Youtube and also pvides licensed video content such as television shows and movies.优酷网还提供正版电视剧和等内容。

英文句子26:,26、A good suitling is one of the prerequisites for Chinese films to enter the international film .优秀字幕翻译已经成为进入国际市场先决条件之

27、Another important aesthetic characi of Jia Zhangke's film is people's aesthetic.贾樟柯另一个重要美学特征即美学。

28、With a budget of $30 million, the film is one of the costliest Chinese pductions in recent years bee of its heavy use of CGI, which Mr. Ching says was crucial to the film's dream-like nate.这部制作费用为3000万美元,是近年来耗资最大作品之一,原因是它大量使用了电脑三维动画。 程小东说这对梦幻特质至关重要。

29、All of these make for a battery that acts a lot like a supercapacitor when it comes to charge/discharge rates.这些优点叠加使得做出来电池在充放电速度上可以与超级电容相媲美。

30、Recently I'm concerned about festival de cannes. Today I get the results released by internet. Javier Bardem in《Biutiful》 won the best actor award.最近我一直在关注嘎纳节,今天我在网上看到了公布结果:在《美错》中男演员哈维尔·巴登获得了最佳男演员奖。

31、The fend who likes to take photographs is asked to bng deft lampstand along, beang a heavy bden , way avoiding not certainly.喜欢摄影朋友请带轻巧三角架,避免不必要负重,路途风景异常优美,请一定要带足胶卷和电池。

32、Although he was in the sudden emergence of the sixth generation film directors, Huo Jianqi always sticks with his unique film aesthetic concept.虽然身处于第六代异军突起浪潮中,霍建起却始终坚守着自己独特美学品格。

33、You're elet, he says, and with him, for what seems like the first time in the film, we see Tatou's dazzling ile.你真优雅。他说。与他在一起,我们在中首次看见塔图耀眼微笑。

34、Box-office receipts in China jumped % in 2010 to $1.5 billion fm the previous year according to the country's Film Be and experts expect receipts to reach $2 billion this year .根据局(Film Be)透露,xx年,境内票房总收入比前xx年增长了%,达到15亿美元。 专家估计,今年这个数字将增加到20亿美元。

35、Maybe the reviewers have seen so many better films at the festival that In Love paled in compason, or maybe they just don’t like mdlin films.也许发表这些评论人在节上看到太多优秀了,相比之下《左右》略显逊。 抑或是他们不喜欢此类渲染感情。

36、Watch la movie trailers mostly in HD - Read movie descption It's all FREE!观看最新预告片主要集中在高清 - 读介绍 它是免费! 宝莱坞预告片等。

37、Retns $40.60 for ry $1 paid.公司每支付其1美元薪酬,获得40.6美元票房回报。

38、Retns $30.50 for ry $1 paid.公司每支付其1美元薪酬,获得30.5美元票房回报。

39、Dung 113 years of blliant long history of film, film stunt still goes with it.在流光溢彩xx年历史长河中,特技始终如影随形。

40、Shanghai Animation Film Studio is the animation division of the Shanghai Film Gup Corporation in Shanghai, China.上海美术制片厂是上海制片集团动画分支机构。

41、In her free skate to music fm the film The Red Violin Kwan landed sn tples including tple toe loop combination to win that seent of the competition.在自由滑项目中,伴随着《红小提琴》中优美乐曲,关颖珊成地完成了七个三周跳,包括一个后外点冰结环三周组合跳,从而取得该比赛环节第一名。

42、The film was jointly pduced by Shanghai Film Gup, Shanghai Animation Film Studio and Xiamen Shangcheng Science and Technolo Co. as part of the celebrations of the PR 60th birthday.这部是由上海(集团)公司、上海美术制片厂、厦门上乘科技有限公司联合出品,是献礼国庆60周年之

43、Betiful Mtv television picte, advertisement, movie star fige and betiful things of mantic themes scene, these seem to be far away fm us, should not belong to us.Mtv绚丽影视化画面、广告中男女明星柔美身影、中风花雪夜场景,这些似乎离我们很远,不应该属于我们。

44、We’ve been trained by movies and TV to worship perfection.我们已经被和电视培养成完美无暇崇拜者。

45、Here, a chart of movie star glances aims to sum up the bety of the eye.图中如此展示了诸位明星眉眼并意图从中找出理想中美丽眼睛。

46、So are other objects fm television and movies -- like "Rocky’s" boxing gloves and an ugly puffy shirt fm a "Seinfeld" show.还有一些电视和中道具,如《Rocky’s》(《洛基》)中拳击手套和《Seinfeld》(《辛菲尔德》)电视中丑陋蓬松上衣等。

47、Yet video-on-demand generates siificantly better retns – about $0.65 per film for the studio against $0.25 fm a DVD rental.不过点播创收要高得多——为公司带来每部0.65美元,而DVD租借为0.25美元。

48、The first is the Canadian last a dance "theme song, film about a …"这首个是加拿大《最后一支舞》主题曲,讲述了一个凄美故事,故事中…

49、"The Invasion," a remake of the 1956 classic "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," n lost $2.68 for ry dollar earned by Kidman who was reportedly paid $17 million for her le.今年,妮可主演翻拍影片《致命拜访》甚至亏损,据称她在该片中片酬为1700万美元,不过她赚一美元,得赔 《致命拜访》是根据xx年经典影片《天外魔花》翻拍。


50、How to creat gorgeous movement of Chinese film songs is a pblem for us to face.如何再创歌曲之华美乐章,是必须正视和面对。

经典英文句子51:中优美,51、This posh/art/classy pfession is a favote in movies.这个时髦、优雅、精明职业可是最爱。

52、The month-long festival will showcase 届展映节为期一个月,将展映新近上映13部长片和12部短片,其中包括由莫娜·阿夏芝导演《刺猬优雅》和托马斯·盖雅执导《自卫》。

13 recently released feate films and

12 short films, including "The Hedgehog" by Mona Achache and "Self Defense" by Thomas Gayrard.

53、Activities include a re-enactment of the scene in which moviegoers run screaming fm the town's Colonial Theatre, which has recently been restored.活动包括再现中看人们从这个镇上Colonial院尖叫着跑出场景,而这个院最近已被重建。

54、This is what I saw the movie best for my soul an aesthetic view.这是我所见国产中最适合我心灵审美一种景致。

55、What people realize is that when you have a high-caliber movie, the expeence in a theater is different fm pirated.对于一部优秀而言,在院里观看体验和观看盗版体验完全不同。

56、With the tickets pced at $30 per person, buyers will also be doted with a few movie-related gifts including Bieber famous pple shades.由于票高达30美元,每个观众还将获赠一些与相关礼物,其中就包括非常受欢迎比伯紫墨镜。

57、The nominees in the film categoes include Eternal Sun of the Spotless Mind, starng Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.类奖项提名影片包括金·凯利和凯特·温斯莱特主演《 美丽心灵永恒阳光》。

58、This theme is one he's explored and perfected in his films, whether they are about the lives of humble peasants or exalted yalty.这一主题他曾在中完美诠释,不管是武侠片还是展现皇宫生活无不体现这一点。

59、"It was just the perfect movie for it," O'Beirne says.欧贝妮说:“这是一部完美。

60、"My Motherland" is the theme of a 1956 Chinese movie called "Battle on Shangling Mountain," which was set dung the Korean War and feates the defeat of the U.S. on the battlefield.“我祖国”是xx年《上甘岭》主题曲。 这部设定在抗美援朝战争决胜阶段。

61、The film's success shows how much the Chinese film has gwn. In less than 《美人鱼》成表明了市场发展空间不断壮大,在短短不到10天内,该片收入几乎相当于市场在xx年全年收入。

10 days, The Mermaid has earned almost as much as the 's entire annual earnings for 2005.

62、"The film was betiful beyond words and ry shot was like a painting, " one cinema goer Taylor wte.“这部美到无法用语言形容,每一个镜头都像一幅画。”观众泰勒写道。

63、"It was just the perfect movie for it, " O'Beirne says.欧贝妮说:“这是一部完美。

、When they buy tickets for films at the Feiyang Cinema, China Cinema, Guangzhou No. 凭会员卡在飞扬影城、影城、市一宫、天河院和校园专场购票还可享受八折优惠;

1 Children's Palace, Tianhe Cinema and campus cinemas using their customer ID card, they will enjoy a 20% discount.

65、I was not only finished watching the film THE GREAT DEBATERS but also watched another English movie called SLEEPING BEAUTY.而我不仅看完了《伟大辩手》,还看了另外一部英语《睡美人》。

66、The films took $825m and $295m aund the world respectively.两部在全球分别拿下



67、Some students don't have film expeence at all, they're really good painters that are interested in moving it to the film.一些学生完全没有接触过,他们是非常优秀画家,而且对把绘画融入很感兴趣。

68、His annual income is $25 million, all of you know the Harry Potter sees was a huge success, the whole sees earned aund $5.4 billion.丹尼尔年平均收入为2千5百万美元,《哈利·波特》系列成众所周知,这部系列共圈钱54亿美元。

69、Now I think it's one the most betiful movies r made.我现在觉得它是,最美之

70、It gssed only $6.8 million in China, though -- 'disappointing, ' says Mr. Zhang.但这部在票房收入只有680万美元──张昭说这令人失望。


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