
发布时间:2023-02-22 03:48:34 阅读:104 点赞:0




1、My new school is very nice。


2、A week or so later Duet stlled into Fitzgerald and Moy's, spruce in dress and manner.


3、Fantastic capte! Great view! Greetings Catena!

4、she has looks that kills. 她长得特别漂亮。

5、she’s a knockout. he has a crush on her. 她漂亮极了。

6、She has a face to die for. 她长得特别漂亮。


7、The color is betiful. The painting is dimensioned and bght. The mateals are vaed and betiful.

8、She is a slick chick. 她是一个漂亮女孩。


9、The street looks betiful withal the lights on.


10、Laopeng betiful dghter at home!


11、 What a betiful garden you have!


12、That is a betiful flower.


13、They fought a good fight. ;


14、She is a good-looking girl.

15、she has a face to die for. 她长得特别漂亮。


16、You look stunning in the red dress.

17、that is my fine girl 那是我漂亮女友


18、what a betiful car you have!


19、What a betiful pple maolia you!


20、That’s a nice car you have there.

21、I asked this cutie hottie.我问这个漂亮棘手。

22、I have a lovely bedom.我有一间漂亮卧室缷。

23、She’s a knockout. He has a crush on her. 她漂亮极了。

24、A Those silk scarves are lovely.A 那些丝巾真漂亮。

25、so handsome! so tall!那么漂亮,那么魁伟!

英文句子26:,26、Especially the youngest one Rola, she was not only betiful , but also kind hearted.所有女儿都非常漂亮,特别是最小女儿,罗拉,她不但漂亮,而且善良。

27、357. She is a goodlooking girl. 她是一个漂亮女孩。

28、Is it betiful car yos?这个漂亮车是你吗?

29、That shoot was really something.那脚门真漂亮。

30、Look at the picte. It's nice.看这幅图。它真漂亮。

31、Hey, what a betiful ash !嘿, 这球扣得真漂亮!

32、I want some betiful dresses.我需要一些漂亮衣服。

33、Color: Betiful ruby-red be.泽: 漂亮泽。

34、You are a prettiness pncess!你是个漂亮公主!

35、He mared a betiful girl.他娶了一个漂亮姑。

36、What a pretty dress you are weang. 你衣服真漂亮。

37、Wow.It looks very betiful.哇,它看起来真漂亮。

38、He was hight Charles the Fair.他被称作“漂亮查理”。

39、Whose betiful antiques are these?这是谁漂亮古董?

40、How elet this ancient stage is!这座古戏台真漂亮!

41、The Nanshan Mountain is very betiful.南山山非常漂亮。

42、She has a betiful mantle.她有一件漂亮斗篷。

43、100. How betiful the girls are! 这些女孩多漂亮啊!

44、The tree looks betiful now!那树现在看起来很漂亮!

45、The first night XiaoFei will dress up here by plopping YangGuangLai wait with yoself fm the bed.第一天晚上萧妃将自己打扮得漂漂亮亮等待杨广来跟自己。

46、What a betiful car you have!你汽车真漂亮。

47、This is betiful wting.这是一篇漂亮文章。

48、They are very betiful and lovey.他们非常漂亮,宝贝。

49、Lovely flowers get to me.漂亮花令我开心。

50、Look at this fantastic fnite.看这件漂亮家具。

经典英文句子51:漂亮,51、The red se is so betiful.这只红玫瑰真漂亮

52、Wish you and betiful.祝你越来越漂亮!

53、A:Look at the lovely scarf!瞧这条漂亮围巾!

54、What a art garden you have!你椛园真漂亮。

55、Bety will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃。

56、This is a lovely pnt.这是一块漂亮印花布。

57、Bety will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃。

58、He fought his best (fight).他打了最漂亮一仗。

59、The garden is indeed betiful.这花园委实漂亮。

60、She is weang betiful earngs.她戴著漂亮耳环。

61、114. What a betiful garden you have! 你花园真漂亮。

62、100. How betiful the girls are!这些女孩多漂亮啊!

63、How betiful the woollen blanket is!这条毛毯多漂亮呀!

、Dan: This place is so betiful.阿丹:这地方真漂亮。

65、Minimalistic and betiful, a portfolio.极少而且漂亮组合。

66、How betiful the baby is!这小宝贝多漂亮!

67、It's quite a nice imagin.它是一幅相当漂亮画。

68、 你厨房真漂亮 Yo kitchen om is really betiful。

69、Open a betiful wedding dress store.开一间漂亮婚纱店。

70、Betiful ant line comes out.漂亮微笑线就出来啦。

71、The fine mist night Beijing, Palace Museum tret abnormal betiful, clear ver water thugh a betiful images.夜晚北京雾蒙蒙,故宫角楼异常漂亮,透过清澈河水影像更漂亮。

72、You are a betiful girl. 你是一个漂亮女孩。

73、She is photogenic, though. Wow!她上镜真漂亮,哇哦!

74、The tower-shaped necklace looks so nice.塔形项链真漂亮。

75、She has looks that kills. 她长得特别漂亮。


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