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关于”用打招呼“英子36个,句子主体:Say hello with。以下是关于用打招呼专升英子。

英文句子模板1:Say hello with

有些甚至抱怨酒店服务员是“间谍”,因为服务员常常用“你要去哪儿?” 来跟他们打招呼。

1、Some n complain that their om attendants are SPIES bee the attendants regularly greet them with ‘Where are you going?’.


2、Jeff: Yeah, it's cool. A lot better than my dump. Listen, I'd better go say hi to her.


3、And the people were so very fendly: full of huge beaming iles, calling out "hello" and "salaam".

到了蒙大拿州沃尔夫波因特(Wolf Point),观光客们就会看到这个牛仔在冲他们打招呼。

4、In Wolf Point, Mont., visitors are greeted by this cowboy.


5、Haw quickly said his hellos and soon took bites of ry one of his favote Cheeses.


6、Every language nd the world is graced with its own version of "Hello, " whether this be spoken or gested.


7、How do you think this industry will change in the next five years?


8、It had been weeks, maybe months, since Jess had n greeted me when I passed her in the hall.


9、At his official residence in Ottawa, Johnston greeted tck-or-treaters dressed as a pirate.


10、Fiona estates and gold orchid for siate will prepare work colleague, o people together to glare greeting.


11、Hiya, Aye up – These informal greetings both mean Hello and are especially popular in the north of England.


12、We sialled him to pull over.


13、Excuse me, haven't we met somewhere before?


14、But he nr bke a sweat; he just greeted me and intduced us nd.


15、What's a common career path at the company for someone in this le?


16、I saw the girl I used to have a G crush on, so I decided to go over and say hi.


17、This monter comes in o gender options, so you have a choice of a lady or a macho voice to react to you in all the typical bping, singing, wining sounds


18、What are the most important skills for the job?


19、I’m spsed to see you here.


20、It’s nice to see you again.

21、When you meet the man you r hated, greet him with a ile, for he makes you stnger.遇到你曾恨过人时,要微笑着向他打招呼,因为他使你更加坚强。

22、Ye children, ye children, I did not have to give you a nod, not to that bar to yellow Xiao-xian!咋子,咋子,我有没得给你打过招呼,不要再那巴到黄小仙!

23、结束时说“Thank you very much for yo time.” (非常感谢你出了宝贵时间。

24、Before greeting me, she looked up, her face flo-udged, and said, "There are 68 loaves.抬起头,跟我打招呼,脸上还沾着面粉。 她对我说:"有68块面包。

25、This is how you greet guests?你都这样招呼客人吗?

英文句子26:,26、I'm delighted to make yo acquaintance.我很高兴与你结识。

27、My next fo looking for him, this will start immediately, where is also not say hello?我四下里寻找着他,这门马上就要开了,跑哪儿去了也不打声招呼?

28、Think this, the far dream hedly runs over there and iles to say "hi" with cousin:"Cousin, wait long?"想着这个,田梦赶紧跑过去,笑着和表哥打招呼:“表哥,等久了吧?”

29、I am pleased to meet u.我很高兴见到你。

30、Posada cut the gap in half with his homer, and then Damon , a former Royal, greeted Andrew Sisco with a tying, o-run single.厚黑全垒打把四分差距追到只剩一半,紧接著前皇家队员大门则用一支两分安打向他前队友打招呼。

31、Instead, with a hint of mischief and a nod to the ryman celebty of campai '08, he offers, "I'm Joe the cellist."却喜欢 用恶作剧般暗示和点头 ,向参加xx年名人系列一般认识打招呼, “我是大提琴手乔。

32、No one fm the staff comes for n a greeting. The irtated mother explodes n at Kohane's trying to dnk water.没有一个职员理会她们,就连打招呼也没有,那位烦躁在小羽打算喝杯水时终于爆发。

33、This is how you greet guests ?你都这样招呼客人吗?。

34、The sun greets me with a ile. The rain, his sad sister , talks to my heart.太阳微笑着向我打招呼。太阳忧郁—雨,则对我心倾诉衷曲。

35、Without a word to anyone, without really knowing what action she meant to take.临走时,她没有同任何人打招呼,也不知道自己究竟想采取什么行动。

36、面试官问你, "Do you have any questions for me?

37、Another day, walk up to someone at a party who you would like to meet and initiate conversation.改,在一个聚会上,主动向你想要认识和进行交谈人打招呼。

38、A second opponent charges immediately following the first opponent's defeat, and Korra continues to use earth-based forms to counter his attacks.第一名对手被打飞后,第二名对手迅速而至,柯菈继续用御土术招呼他。

39、And as for the heys, I'm pretty se it's what I've said to you ry day since the first grade.至于见到你说“嗨” ,我确信从xx年级起我就这样跟你打招呼了。

40、我们招呼他把车开过来。We sialled him to pull over.

41、Kyuhyun retns the greeting wiping his mouth with the sle of his white suit staining that part a se pink "it has been a long time."圭贤转过身来打招呼,并用自己白西装衣袖擦去嘴上玫瑰红印记,“真好久不见。

42、One of the most common situations is in the industry.这种招呼方式最常用于服务行业。

43、He excitedly moves as the yard toward the handball cots, where Manche greets him with open arms.他兴奋地穿过院子,走向手球场,Manche张开双臂与他拥抱、打招呼。

44、At the gate of the company he meets the he knew before. He forwardly greets him.在证券公司大门口,杰克遇见有过一面之交经理,主动上前打招呼。

45、Students I had nr spoken to now said hello to me when they saw me in the hallway.从未和我说过话学生现在半路上看到我都跟我打招呼。

46、"I merely sought to greet you, " said Travers coolly, "but if my presence is not welcome . . . "“我只是想和你打个招呼,”特拉弗斯冷冷地说道,“但是如果不受欢迎话……”

47、It's a great please to have you here with us.很高兴能请到你。

48、正式场合可以用Nice to meet u./I've long heard of yo name.久仰大名。

49、He wishes you well and hopes you’ll find time to dp by and say hello to him on yo retn.他祝你一切顺利,希望你回来时顺道去跟他打声招呼。

50、He greeted die-hard fans, many of them camped out in tents festooned with the Btish Union Jack.他和他铁杆粉丝们打招呼,这些铁杆粉丝也纷纷走出他们帐篷。

经典英文句子51:用打招呼,51、This is the only stke in which you can pduce enough topspin to hit with speed.这是用长胶打出强烈上旋球唯一招数,用这招得用力、出速度。

52、Waiters address their customers with honofi;侍者们用敬语招呼顾客;

53、He raised his hat and was about to speak to her, but she gave him the go-by and kept on walking.他脱下帽子, 正想和她打招呼, 但她却视若无睹, 扬长而去。


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