
发布时间:2023-05-08 06:57:31 阅读:62 点赞:0




1、My hoy is playing the piano?


2、Good speakers are usually good storytellers.

3、The best prf of love is tst(爱最好证明是信任)


4、She was fond of Edward VIII but was not in love with him.


5、If you'd only say you love me, darlin', things would really work out fine.

and hope this fragile thing svives against all odds.爱是脆弱,我们不一定能好好嗬护它,我们只是糊涂爱著,并尽力地做好,希望这份脆弱爱能克服所有困难生存下来。

6、Love is fragile. And we're not always its best caretakers. We just muddle thugh and do the best we can…


7、My darling, I miss you so much.


8、If time can tn the clock back, I will love you well.


9、Like flute and bamboo flute playing.

睡午觉 我爱好之

10、Take a nap . One of my favotes.


11、Hello, my name is Wang Lei, I is a sports enthusiast.


12、Said, I really miss you, darling.


13、I love cds and whey!


14、" Dog people " and " cat people " often enjoy fendly vales.


15、A kind-heartedness is frank , talkative , benevolent person. Like music literate.


16、What is yo favote past-time?


17、Sowerberry, will you have the goodness to come here a moment, my dear?


18、A: Allison is my best fend.


19、Like to play flute and oboe .


20、He was drawn to sports fm his earliest years.

21、Among both military and history buffs, the prevailing view is that the translation by Lionel Giles, of the Btish Museum, is the definitive translation.军事爱好者和历史爱好者都承认,现存最好版是翟林奈翻译,收于大英博物馆终稿。

22、Gona love you fm the start.好想重新地再爱你一次。

23、Both piano and violin are my bobbies.钢琴和小提琴我爱好。

24、That's love, this is GOOD Answer…那是爱,这是最好答案…

25、There are “biker chches for bikers, cowboy chches for cowboys, sports-minded chches for the sporty.”现在有“自行车爱好者车友教堂,牛仔们牛仔教堂,运动爱好者运动教堂。”

英文句子26:,26、Mind if there is no resting place, where in the dft. Love her to make her think you love.心若没有栖息地方,到哪都在飘流。爱她自己做好让她觉得你爱就好。

27、Life is a pain in the neck. 生活很讨厌,还好我可爱。

28、She likes to dnk cold boiled water.他爱好喝凉白开。

29、Well-educated and mate woman, open to earth and kind heart. Waiting for a gentle man to be Mr. Right to share fute life with.成熟知识女,格开朗,心地善良。寻找爱生活,爱运动,无不良爱好高知人才共渡人生美好时光。

30、They are good at playing chess.他们都爱好下象棋。

31、My family are all music lovers.我家人都爱好音乐。

32、All my family love music.我们家每个人都爱好音乐。

33、Io so no anche per i fan.我也是你爱好者。

34、Ellie:Peter Warne. I dont like it.埃莉:皮特·沃恩,我不爱好。

35、I go in for stamp collecting and judo.我爱好集邮和柔道。

36、Chesh it, take care of it and most of all, love it! - Marla Martenson好好地珍惜它,照顾它,并爱它!

37、She likes to dnk cold skin boiledwdinedr.他爱好喝凉白开。

38、You have acquired a taste for bitter melon.你爱好吃苦瓜。(我就不爱吃苦瓜,苦瓜汤还可以。

39、Love is like a bird, if you hold it tightly it dies, if you hold it slightly , it flies, please take good care of it… DOn't Luv 爱情就像是一只鸟,如果你抓太紧它会去,而如果你抓太轻,它会飞走,请好好珍重它…不要爱1,也不要爱2,但是爱那个爱你人!

1, don't Luv

2, but Luv

1 who Luvs you!

40、Well, sometimes love tns out that way.好了,有时爱原来如此。

41、Coasting on ice in a sled is a favoite sport of holiday-makers.坐冰橇是最受旅游爱好者喜爱一项活动。

42、Are you fond of Fanjin tea?您爱好梵净山茶叶吗?

43、My sister is keen on stamp-collecting.我爱好集邮。

44、He appears offhand with people .他好像对人爱搭不理。

45、Just tell me you love me too.【告诉我你也爱我好吗,

46、Photography is an valuable liking.慑影是椚椛费很多爱好。

47、Love is the hospitality of the Nepalese people.爱尼人是好客。

48、As another man has an ardo for art or music, or natal science, Mr. Pen. said that anthpolo was his favoite psuit.正如别人爱好艺术、音乐或自然科学那样,小潘说他爱好人类学。

49、EDWARD GREEN: Hello, my name is Edward Green fm Biby s.爱德华.格林:你好,我是Biby公司爱德华.格林。

50、Still receives true fado lovers.仍收到真正法多爱好者。

经典英文句子51:爱好,51、The Chinese nation cheshes peace.历来爱好和平。

52、Hopes give you a better fute. 爱,就是把最好留给别人。

53、He likes to oke mild cigars.他爱好淡味雪茄烟。

54、“Leise and hobbies” is another superfluity.“业余爱好”也是多余。

55、Now, if you have had Truelove, please chesh it.此刻,如果你已拥有了真爱,就请好好珍惜吧!

56、Hope you will accept my apolo! XX 译文: 亲爱XX 你好!

57、Keeping carer pigeons is his hobby.养信鸽是他业余爱好。

58、Edward:Of couse, joe . Good luck.爱德华:没问题。 乔。驻你好运。

59、Aileen loved show and glitter.艾琳爱好炫耀和虚荣。

60、Would you increase yo skill in yo favote hobby?你是否在你最喜爱业余爱好中增长技巧?

61、I am fond of music and literate.我爱好音乐和文学。

62、Alght, well, be good, I love you.好吧,要乖哦,我爱你。

63、B. Hobbies (古董B.业余爱好(

1) Stamp collecting


、May i borw the rest of yo life ?把你爱借我好吗?。

65、Love is better than Riches, ' he ced, `and the little Mermaid loves me.“爱比财富更好,”他说道,“况且小人鱼爱我。”

66、因为爱过你就好 becse it is fine of expeencing love you

67、Be as thankful as you can. 爱,就是把最好留给?

68、I love reading, music, watching movies and all kinds of sports, like sports also like quiet.我爱好阅读,音乐、欣赏及各类体育节目,爱动也爱静。

69、The best pof of love is trust.爱最好证明就是信任。

70、A: I have just one---photography.我只有一个爱好---摄影。

71、Good-bye, my wife, I loved you well.再见,吾妻,我好爱妳。


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