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关于”世界上最短诗“英子4个,句子主体:The shor poem in the world。以下是关于世界上最短诗初二英子。

英文句子模板1:The shor poem in the world

1、FAZIOLI. The best pianos in the world. 世界上最好钢琴。

2、Should the world's most pvileged people learn about the lives of the world's least pvileged? 世界上最有特权人是否应该学习世界上最没有特权人生活?

3、The bdge in sight is the shor international bdge in the world, which serves as Canada-US border. 照片里面那座铁桥是世界上最短国际桥,起美加边境作用。

4、Sid, of cose, was the best place in the world. 娜塔莎诗情地夸起自己家乡:希德,当然是世界上最好地方。

5、It's the world's largest island, bue it's also the world's allest continent. 它是世界上最大岛屿,同时也是世界上最小洲。

6、You can also send Text messages to anyone in the world - for up to 90% less. 你同样可以用程序给世界上任何一个号码发送短信,最多可以节省90%费用!

7、I am confident that o model will make money, and Amazon is the world's longest ver, 8848 is the world's highest mountain, Alibaba. com is the world's chest treases. 我深信不疑我们模式会赚钱,亚马逊是世界上最长河,8848是世界上最高山,阿里巴巴是世界上最富有宝藏。

8、He is the hst man alive。 他是世界上最快乐人。

9、The fthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远距离

10、Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. 大力士最近由吉尼斯世界纪录授予世界上最大狗荣誉称号。

11、[dvnews_page] The World's Grea Swordan 世界上最伟大击剑手

12、Argentine poet, essayist, and short-story wter, whose tales of fantasy and drearlds are classi of the 20th-centy world literate. 阿根廷诗人,散文家,和短篇小说家,他那些充满幻想和梦境故事是20世纪世界文学经典。

13、The Haiku (Japanese short poem) is a unique poetic form in Japanese poems, it is also the shor rhymic poem in the world literate. 俳句是文学独特诗体形式,也是世界文学中最短格律诗。

14、The world's most deluxe safa. 世界上最奢华狩猎之旅

15、The fthest distance in the world… 世界上最凄绝距离…

16、I was the most dejected, disconsolate alive. 我是世界上最沮丧、最 忧郁人 。

17、Now that we have known the ftherest distance in the world, why we not do something to short it? 既然我们知道了世界上最短距离,为什么不让我们去缩短它?

18、France has among the world's most betiful islands (Corsica for one), some of the world's best ski stations, some of the world's best spas and casinos. 有世界上最最美丽岛屿群(科西嘉是其中之一),有数个世界上最优异滑雪场,一些世界上顶尖养身Spa会所和赌场。

19、over/ all over the world 固定短语,全世界意思

20、Poetry cannot determine the normality of o livings, yet poetry is the most core part of yo spitual world. 诗歌并不能决定我们生活常态,诗歌却是我们精神世界里最核心部分。

21、The most betiful thing in the world is, ofcose, the world itself. 世界上最美丽就是世界身。

22、Ebenezer Place, in Wick, Caithness, Scotland, is credited as being the world's shor street in the Guinness Book of Records at 2.06m (6' 9"). 苏格兰维克凯斯内斯埃比尼泽坊被吉尼斯世界纪录认定为世界上最短街道,只有2.06米(6'9英尺)长。

23、Each of us is here for a bef sojon. 每个人都只在这世界上作短暂逗留。

24、This is the longest fiver on earth. 这是世界上最长河。

25、It pvides shorave radios to schools and communities in some of the poorest areas of the world. 该组织为世界上一些最贫穷地区学校和社区提供短波收音机。


26、He is the hinstanceiest man in existence. 他是世界上最怡悦人。

27、No man or woman is worth yo tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有人32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb9313332386363值得你流泪,值得让你这么做人不会让你哭泣。

28、It is the planet's deepest and oldest lake, as well as its largest body of freshwater, containing over one fifth of the world's supply. 是世界上最深最大湖龄最长淡水湖,拥有世界上近五分之一淡水储备。

29、Watertown has the world's longest waters . 水上乐园有世界上最长水年代。

30、The world’s largest and most technologically advanced museum is also one of the world’s best-kept secrets. 这是世界上规模最大,技术最先进博物馆,也是世界上保守得最好秘密之一。

31、Thus for many years, the world's fas-gwing major economy had one of the world's quie stock s. 多年来,世界发展最快大经济体拥有世界上最沉寂股市。

32、The World Cup is the most widely-viewed sporting nt in the world. 世界杯赛是世界上最受关注体育赛事。

33、"Lord" in the world in just a few hos to become the most densely populated areas. “魔神”世界在短短几个小时内就成为了人口密度最大地方。

34、World's largest Advertising Hoarding for Betfair 世界上最大欧赔广告牌

35、One of the biggest Building side adverts in the world is also one of the funniest. 世界上最大建筑物一侧广告之一也是世界上最有趣。

36、Poet of exclusion, inson showed in her longest lyc poem why she had to be alone in this and other worlds. 狄金森,这个孤独诗人,在她最长抒情诗里表达了她为什么必须在这个世界和另一个世界独处原因。

37、They are the largest cats in the world, although the Sibean Tiger is the largest pe sub-species. 它们是世界上最大猫科动物,而西伯利亚虎则是世界上最大纯亚种。

38、. He is the hst man alive. 他是世界上最快乐人。

39、The stking Philippine eagle is the world's largest eagle and also one of the world’s most threatened raptors. 引人注目菲律宾鹰是世界上最大鹰,也是世界上最危险猛禽。

40、So that workers in May, wting the world's most perfect lines. 让劳动者xx月,书写出世界上最完美诗行。

41、He is the hst man alive. 他是世界上最快乐人。

42、No, the fight in question concerns competing claims by scientists over the allest of fry: the world's tiniest fish, which also makes them the world's shor vertebrates. 我说大战,其实是科学家在争夺谁才能登上世上最小鱼宝座;而世界上最小鱼,则将会是世界上最短脊椎动物。

43、The first published use of the world 'condum' was in a 1706 poem.19 在xx年一首诗中,世界上首次公开使用“Condum”。

44、400. He is the hst man alive. 他是世界上最快乐人。

45、The worlds best lip balm! 世界上最好润唇膏!

46、There is a ddle, which spreads in people: In world, what is the longest but is also the shor thing? 有这么一个流传于世谜语:世界上什么东西最长又最短?

47、The tallest man of the world welcomed the shor man in the world to his native Tkey on Thsday in celebration of the world records. 周四土耳其,世界上最高人向世界上最矮人表示欢迎,他们两人相聚是庆祝他俩世界记录。

48、世界很大,每一次相遇都是奇迹 The world is very big, ry encounter is a acle

49、It was the 100-meter dash finals, and the lanes were filled with the most talented spnters on earth. 这是一场100米短跑决赛,站在跑道上都是世界上最优秀短跑选手。

50、Li Bai is one of the grea Chinese poet in history , the world culte being also to be universally acknowledged celebty. 李白是历史上最伟大诗人之一,也是举世公认世界文化名人。


51、Istanbul, Tkey: He Pining, the world's allest man, holds the finger of Sultan Kosen, the world's tallest man 土耳其伊斯坦布尔:世界上最小人何平平,牵手世界上最高人苏丹·克森。

52、The fthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远距离

53、The fthest distance in the world (世界上最遥

54、Whether the world's grea ats or the world's grea hees, you're still only mortal! 管它什么世界上最伟大蚊子还是世界上最伟大英雄,你终究只是个凡人!

55、It is the hot continent in the world. 它是世界上最热洲。

56、世界上最遥远距离The Fthest Distance in the World

57、In just one day, the world's largest gold exchange fund (ETF) GLD holdings up to 6%, up fm 614 tons to 650 tons. 在短短一天时间里,世界最大交易所黄金基金(ETF) GLD 持有量就上涨了6%,从614吨上升至650吨。

58、By working with the world-class technolo companies, ACL will be se to manufacte world-class pducts within the shor time. 通过与世界一流技术公司合作,力丰一定能在最短时间内制造出世界一流产品。

59、In 2010, the world's "allest and shor film" - lasting one second - appeared on a lenticular stamp d for the Dutch postal . xx年,是世界上“最小和最短” - 持久一秒 - 出现在对荷兰邮政服务创建一个透镜邮票。

60、Chopin ( 1810-1849 ), the famous Poland pianist poet of the 19th centy, interpreted his own sense of "poet, mantic, piano and hometown" in his short life of 39 years. 肖邦(1810~1849),波兰19世纪著名钢琴诗人。 短短xx年一生中,肖邦向世人诠释了“诗人”、“浪漫”、“钢琴”、“故乡”。

61、The fas and oothest elevators in the world. 世界上最快最安稳电梯。

62、He is the hrequestiest man sviving. 他是世界上最怡悦人。

63、世界上最远距离 So the most distant way in the world

、Istanbul, Tkey: He Pining, the world's allest man, holds the finger of Sultan Kosen, the world's tallest man. 土耳其伊斯坦布尔:世界上最小人何平平,牵手世界上最高人苏丹·克森。

65、The shor ute beeen the Pacific and Indian Oceans, it has some of the world's busiest shipping lanes. 这里有太平洋和印度洋之间最短路线和一些世界上最为繁忙航道。

66、Thee shor spells, is a man's name. 世上最短咒语, 暱是一个人名字。

67、It's a world of water, the clearest in the world. 是一片水世界,那里水是世界上最清澈。

68、It's the world's largest island , but it's also the world's allest continent. 它是世界上最大岛,但它也是世界上最小洲。

69、It is one of the most recoized species of flower in the world. 它是世界上最公认世界花卉品种。

70、HD World Cup in the… 高清史上最强世界杯足…

71、世界上最远距离 The most distant way in the world

72、Mandlls are the world's largest monkeys. 山魈是世界上最大猴子。

73、He also traveled to Italy earlier this year where he met He Pining of China, who was the world's shor man until his death in March. 今年早些时候他也前往意大利,他遇见在xx月去世世界上最短人,人何平平。

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