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关于”好听短句“英子41个,句子主体:nice short sentences。以下是关于好听短句专业英子。

英文句子模板1:nice short sentences


1、I heard him, but I was concentrating on my spin kicks, so I put it on the back bner of my mind.


2、They also stand in the shadow or the street corner conversations overheard passers-by and use to hear the first sentence Bosuan their next year's good or bad fortune.


3、Its ears and long, one short, as you sometimes would not listen to my words.


4、Is the fend or the spouse?


5、The students' ditory reaction time of the physical education department was shortened siificantly(P<0.01).


6、He wte this terfic book of short stoes, The Secret Goldfish, in case you nr heard of him.


7、You don't see me complaining about getting up in the middle of the night to bp him.


8、But becse the way sound waves operate, we have these low sound waves taking a very long time to clear.


9、C-Note gts his teeth and alerts Michael to the fact that Tweener is sitting nearby, heang ry word.


10、Yi Rui el hear it, claiming to be only for a short peod of temporary, and will pay the rent to Rui Rui e, e immediately.


11、Keep calm in favorable circumstances. Keep composed in adverse situation.

“十一毫秒延迟很短暂,但这意味着,如果一个患自闭症谱系障碍孩子在听到‘大象’这个词时刚听到‘大’字,其他孩子已经听到‘象’了。” 他说。

12、"An 11-millisecond delay is bef, but it means, for instance, that a child with ASD, on heang the word ‘elephant’ is still pcessing the ‘el’ sound while other children have moved on, " he said.


13、Having made this well-tned speech, Villefort looked carefully aund to mark the effect of his oratory , much as he would have done had he been addressing the bench in open cot .


14、That was how I recently happened to hear o Chinese expressions that I found most interesting.


15、But if that's not enough, you might make them repeat key words or phrases out loud, which is annoying in the same sense as forcing a louder "good morning" out of people is annoying.


16、III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the ght answers to Question11-15.

11 – 15小题。


17、Life is no dress rehearsal, ry day is badcast live.

只听得丽迪雅大声说道:“且想想看,我已经走了三个月了! 好象还只有两个星期呢;可是时间虽短,却发生了多少事情。

18、"Only think of its being three months, " she ced, "since I went away; it seems but a fortnight I declare; and yet there have been things enough happened in the time.


19、III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the ght answers to Question16-20.

16 – 20小题。


20、I ve heard this many times at neorking nts. You lose credibility and yo ego and confidence gets deflated doesn tit?!

21、The last words I hear fm you were forwarded to me by another person: "Tell him I wish him good luck!"最后一次听到你声音,是别人转述给我一句话:“代我祝福他吉星高照!”

22、There's a very snooty phrase that-- I don't know if you r heard it before.有一个听上去很傲慢短语,不知你们之前是否已经有所耳闻

23、The 15-year-old son spends a vast amount of time text messaging, listening to music or watching TV.而她xx岁大儿子大量时间都花在发短,听音乐和看电视上。

24、How do you spell it, Joe? (Joe) Well, I think it would be better if you just decided on a phonetically similar, nice-sounding phrase.像一辆不同汽车!(C)你怎么拼写它,Joe?(Joe)我想如果你决定选一个语音相似,听起来不错短语,那会更好。

25、I could hardly keep fm lghing when some of the cadenzas imitated the warbling of birds.当我听到那些唱乐曲终了华彩句歌手,模仿着鸟啭鸣时,我就禁不住要笑。

英文句子26:,26、For the first time that day, I thought o lives might be spared.听到他这句话,我当时觉得那是那天中首次觉得我们可能捡回了我们小命。

27、We took bef, restless naps, struggled to understand the intermittent badcasting of Radio Prague.我们短暂而又不安地睡了几个小觉,竭力想听懂布拉格电台断断续续广播。

28、I once read, a while back, that God is there to listen no matter what.我看过一句话,只要回过头,就会发现上帝在那等着听你倾诉。

29、The youth of today send messages, sf on the net, listen to music and n take photos by using the mobile phone.现在年青人喜欢用手机发短信、上因特网、听音乐、甚至照像。

30、God:Yes, you've heard it before. In fact, I've n put it on a bumper sticker for you.神:是,你之前有听到过了这句话。事实上,我甚至将它变成汽车保险杆上标语。

31、The crucial part of Bigham's innovation is the quick load time beeen the moment a user requests to hear a certain page element and when the dio actually starts to play.比格姆发明关键部分是上载时间短,即用户提出要听读网页某项内容要求后,很快便可以听到阅读。

32、In other words, dogs with raised ears hear just as well as dogs with long, floppy ears.用另一句话说,竖耳朵狗听觉与长耳朵狗、耷拉耳朵狗毫无区别。

33、If you would hear me without being angry, I might offer some advice that would make you hr.如果你能听我说而不生气,我可以奉劝你几句使你比较快乐些。

34、If I had a single flower for ry time I think about you, I could walk forr in my garden.假如每次想

35、I usually associate the new words and phrases with episodes where I have heard them.我通常把新词及短语同我听过有这些词片段联系起来。

36、"If you're in a pduct review with Bill, you'll hear him say, 'This is the stupidest idea I've r heard, '" Gle says. "I didn't hear that comment, so it was a very positive outcome.格勒表示:“在产品评论会中,比尔经常会说‘这是我听过最愚蠢想法’,他没对我说这句话,所以结果算是很好了。”

37、Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the ght answers to Question 16-20.听一篇较长对话和一篇短文, 选择正确答案作答16-20 小题。听两遍。

38、I heard her beating the shoes against each other and shaking out my pants and sweater.我听到她拿着那双鞋相互击打和抖动我短裤和毛衣声音。

39、Everything has its bety, but not ryone sees it.万物皆有动人之处,然非众人皆能洞悉。

40、III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the ght answers to questions 11-16.听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,选择正确答案作答听两遍。

11 – 16小题。

41、The students' ditory reaction time of the physical education department was shortened siificantly(P<0.体育系学生左右耳听觉反应时明显短于普通系学生(P。

42、One man said it was getting towards the long days and the short nights now.只听见有一个人在说,现今是快到长夜短时刻了。

43、回忆 in a breeze 轻而易举 be passionate about 对。

44、Some researchers present that shorthand strate can act as short-term memory in English listening comprehension.一些研究者认为,听力理解中,速记策略可起到短时记忆效。

45、After listening to pigs, feel aggd: I just look at messages, I move Sheire Who?猪听了,觉得很委屈:我只是在看短信,我招谁惹谁了?。

46、Every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗之中縂有一线光明

47、take it or leave it 要麽接受要麽放弃,不容讨价还价

48、My heart is so cold, it is to listen to have feeling.我心好冷, 真是越听越有感觉。

49、If I found the export, I could lead you to walk together如果我找到出口,我会带你一起走

50、III. Listen to the dialogues or passages and choose the ght answers to Question 16—25.听较长对话或短文,选择正确答案作答

16 – 25小题。

经典英文句子51:好听短句,51、After a while, the mother imitated the voice of the dog, when the cat heard, he ran away as can as possible.在短暂沉默后,鼠模仿狗叫声,猫听到后飞快地逃跑了。

52、We’ve all heard the cliche before, actions speak louder than words; but it has real truth in business.我们都听过这句“陈词滥调”——行动胜于言语,但在商业中是有它道理。

53、People be heang the phrase by the gvine to descbe false as well as true reports fm the battlefield.人们开始听到用by the gvine(来自前方电报)这句话描述或真或假战报。

54、Could you excuse me? My cat gets lonely if he doesn’t hear my voice on the answeng machine ry ho.稍等我一下,我猫每小时听不到我在答录机上跟他说几句话会寂寞··

55、III. Listen to a long dialogue and a passage, then choose the ght answers to questions 16-20.听一篇较长对话和一篇短文,选择正确答案作答听两遍。

16 –

20 小题。

56、No one can bargain with life. You must endeavor as long as you are alive.没有人可以和生活讨价还价,所以只要活着,就一定要努力。

57、After listening to pigs, feel aggd: I just look at messages, I move Sh EIre Who?猪听了,觉得很委屈:我只是在看短信,我招谁惹谁了?

58、In the bef instant of darkness there was a crash, then a flare of incandescence as the glass beakers shattered into flame.短短一瞬间黑暗中,听到一声撞击,随之,这两只玻璃杯粉碎成了火焰,燃起炽热火光。

59、It sounds like a platitude that fiction is the realm of imagination, fact the realm of knowledge.小说是想象领地而现实是知识领地,这句话听起来有点陈词滥调了。

60、Reduced vowels are often undetected if you're not accustomed to listening for short vowel sounds.如果你不习惯听短元音话,那些已弱化元音是不容易被察觉。

61、So did I send one?Of cose not! Rules are there for a reason. I did see him though and he apologised for not replying; his excuse, "It was the most suggestive text he had r received".规则存在有其原因虽然我确实见到了他也听到他道歉他辩解是这是他收到最让人琢磨不透短信好!

62、A person, a city, the life is gd 一个人,一座城,一生心痛


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