
发布时间:2023-06-28 11:42:55 阅读:48 点赞:0

关于”感谢“英子40个,句子主体:Thank you。以下是关于感谢高考英子。

英文句子模板1:Thank you


1、She deserved his thanks for it.

(掌声) 我感谢新经济学院院长谢尔盖·古里埃夫(Sergei Gief)。

2、I want to thank Sergei Gief, Director of the New Economic School. (Applse.)


3、Thank you so much for being here.


4、To my wife, who's now back at work, I say thank you for giving me such a wonderful son.


5、Thank you for subscbing to o newsletter.

6、Thank you for appeang in my life. 感谢你出现在我生命里。


7、The dry ver-going to bed finds no thanks for its past.


8、Be thankful for each new challenge, dr dre headphones.

9、if you know you pain , thank goodness , you still alive.如果你还能感觉到痛,感谢上帝,你还活着。


10、We do pray you to show mercy.

同时,我特别地感谢犹太教律法家 Shmuley,感谢您xx年来在牛津所做工作。

11、I also want to express a special thanks to you Shmuley, who for

11 years served as Rabbi here at Oxford.


12、Thanks in advance for yo pmpt attention.


13、Ok, thank you so much! See you next Monday!


14、What you'll notice is--Thank you very much.


15、And I thanked the greens as I collected them in my colander: thank you for giving yo life to me.


16、For scang him half to death?


17、I would like to take this opporunity to thank you all for yo kindly over the past month.


18、Gratefulness for all that God has done.


19、And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my fends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. This award means a great deal to me.


20、I thank you fm the bottom of my heart.

21、Thank you for ing me to carry the bag.你感谢对方帮你拎包。

22、The men thanked John Henry for his .男工们感谢亨利帮助。

23、Thank you pay attention to PHONG Business!感谢您对方氏商业关注!

24、Thank VC version of the knowledge base moderator!感谢VC知识库各版版主!!!

25、Conswello: Thanks very much, Bob Eubanks.康丝韦洛:非常感谢你,鲍伯。

英文句子26:,26、Thanks for yo sincere cooperation with us.感谢您与我们真诚合作。

27、Give thanks to thors who have inspired us.感谢启发我们著作者。

28、Thank God, He harkened to my prayer.感谢神,祂垂听了我祷告。

29、感谢有你一直陪在我左右 Thanks for accompanying me all the time.

30、Thank you for yo support and effort.感谢你们支持与努力。

31、Thank you for pardoning me and forgiving my sins.感谢你赦免我罪。

32、"Oh, thank God, " says Van der Merwe.哦,感谢上帝,“凡德尔莫维说。

33、The thor would like to acknowledge Malvern Instruments.笔者要感谢马尔文仪器。

34、Many thanks go to Sams Publishing and the editors and staff who ed me publish this second edition.感谢萨姆斯出版社,感谢所有编辑,以及所有帮助过我出版书第二版人。

35、I do appreciate yo timely .我由衷感谢你及时帮助。

36、I wish to thank President Rudenstine.我感谢陆登庭校长邀请。

37、When this I still thanks is RED and other teammates, all have given many concerns and guidances , thanks.在此我还要感谢是RED和其他队友,大家给了很多关心和指导,谢谢。

38、Thanks for cang Danbrew- I've been trying.感谢照顾Danbrew-我正在尝试。

39、NGO. thank you for the explanation in chinese.宾果。感谢你中文说明…

40、Upon the receipt of such an unusual favor the officials did not know whether they should thank Cixi or rather the monkey for it.得到这殊荣之后,大家真不知道该感谢慈禧还是感谢那只猴子。

41、Here's a letter of thanks for you, Tom.这儿有你一封感谢信。

42、Li Tian: Thank you for yo offer again.李甜:再次感谢您聘用。

43、Thank you for yo attention to this company have any business advisory letter please call connected, thank you!感谢您对公司关注,有任何业务咨询请来电来函连接,谢谢!

44、Thank you for coming and comment!感谢您光临和不吝赐教!

45、All yo will be appreciated.Thanks for rything. 感谢您所做一切

46、Thank God let me enjoy in adversity.感谢上帝让 涐苦中作乐。

47、Thank you for staying in o hotel. 感谢您在我们饭店下榻。

48、Thanks for a nation of finks.感谢一个全是告密者国度。

49、I give thanks to Aana for shang it.我感谢阿瑞娜分享。

50、if you know you pain , thank goodness , you still alive.如果你还能感觉到痛,感谢上帝,你还活着。

经典英文句子51:感谢,51、Cathy: Really? Thank you so much, sir.凯茜:真之吗?太感谢您了。

52、Thank you in advance for all submittals!感谢所有提交资料提前你!

53、Thank Heavens you’re not in rags.感谢上帝,你没有衣衫褴褛。

54、Thanks to Crack Two for the assist.感谢呯呯二人组协助。

55、Pple coagulation sent a thank you card and bracelets are tigers tong must .紫凝送了一张感谢卡和手链答谢妁彤帮忙。 。

56、thank you for staying in o hotel. 感谢您在我们饭店下榻。

57、感谢篇 acknowledgement yo kindness means so much. 你关心铭记在心。

58、thank you for yo advice (information, ). 感谢您忠告(、帮助)。

59、We will appreciate any of yo .我们会非常感谢您帮助。

60、感谢篇 Acknowledgement Yo kindness means so much. 你关心铭记在心。

61、We are very thankful to o coach. 我们非常感谢我们教练。

62、PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you so much. Agatou .中文欧巴马总统:十分感谢。

63、Thank you for visiting WorldSciNet.感谢您访问“世界科技期刊网”。

、Fol: We thank you for yo blatant honesty.我们感谢你,对你诚实。

65、Yo thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.非常感谢你无所不至关怀。

66、Thank you for joining this conference.感谢各位出席今天会议。

67、Emper grateful, thank to face Poseidon.始皇感激不尽,要面谢海神。

68、Thank you for not siing homework this holiday season.感谢您没有假期作业。

69、Dear guest, Thank you for staying at Poly Plaza.感谢下榻保利大厦。

70、I heartily appreciate yo great kindness to me.衷心感谢您一片盛意。

71、You again for supports and pats .感谢你再次支持和光顾。

72、She kept thanking me for my kindness.她不停地感谢我好心。

73、Thanks Tao Wang for yo comments on mine.感谢王韬回复我评论。

74、Whatr thank for the Davids.无论怎样,还是感谢大卫一家。

75、Thank you for yo attention!感谢对江西财经大学关注!

英文句子模板76:Thank you,76、Well, thank you, Nate, for that kind intduction.纳特,感谢你热情介绍。

77、I want to thank my teammates who ed me to score and to Luciano Spalletti for his faith in me.我想感谢我队友,是他们帮助我进球,我还要感谢斯帕莱蒂对我信任。

78、Thank you in advance for yo arval!笑果再次感谢您到来!

79、Thank goodness! We were all so wored.感谢上帝,我们都快急了。

80、Thank God for bestowing food on us .感谢上帝赐于我们食物。

标签: 女孩英文名 

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