
发布时间:2023-06-19 17:32:41 阅读:68 点赞:0




1、Traveler's checks will be replaced if lost or stolen, theoretically within 24 hos.

其实不用牺牲旅行舒服感,要故意到某些地方才能成为绿旅行者。 其实不管你是去大城市或者小乡村旅行,住小环保旅馆或者奢侈酒店,作为乐活旅行者仅仅要做只是:尽力去保护所到之处。

2、You don't need to sacfice create comforts or go off into the middle of nowhere to be a green traveler; you can visit big cities or all villages, and stay in all ecolodges or luxy hotels.


3、What about when you're traveling?

活到老,学到老; 人生是一次旅行,旅程才是目。

4、Live and learn, life is a joney and the joney is the destination.


5、They are going to to Eope.


6、Where is my suitcase, please.


7、No matter why one travels, the joney often offers the opportunity to visit a new museum.

夜复一夜, 我旅行。

8、Fm night to night, my joney.


9、After the first half tp, Hangzhou's travel agencies had benefited a lot form this Pmotion Council and many travel agencies had sied high pfit contracts.


10、We enjoyed the overseas travel.


11、Wands suggest joneys and changes.


12、The porter hoisted the valise up on the well.


13、What stops you fm traveling?


14、They have just retned fm their travels.


15、Smoking does harm to yo health.

16、This is an emergent task. 乘飞机旅行十分方便。


17、seeking, explong, traveling, understanding

18、 你飞行旅途愉快吗 did you enjoy yo flight。


19、Narrator:Sue is travelling by train.


20、He traveled Scotland last year.

21、===>clasates planed to go for a hike.同学计划徒步旅行.

22、Individuals who are ill should delay travel plans and retning travellers who fall ill should seek apppate medical care.患病者应当推迟旅行计划,旅行归来后患病者应适当就医。

23、He enjoys travel and hiking.时 ,他喜欢旅游及健行。

24、Hello, this is AZ Travel Agency.您好,这里是AZ旅行社。

25、I am hst while traveling.旅行时,我是最快乐。

英文句子26:,26、Have you r made a css-country sightseeing tp?你是否进行过越野观光旅行?

27、Listening to music, watching DVDs and traveling.听音乐,看碟,旅行。

28、Access to is neither easy, nor utine.太空旅行既不容易也非例行公事。

29、Smoking is harm for yo health.你想乘飞机去旅行吗?

30、After Holland and his abortive visit to England, Des Esseintes did not attempt another joney abad.经历荷兰之旅及“夭折”了英国之旅后,埃桑迪斯再没尝试过出国旅行。

31、The children can travel at half fare.小孩(旅行)可买半票。

32、Have you been hiking before?你以前徒步旅行过吗?

33、Take a tp thugh time.来此时空穿梭旅行吧!

34、In addition, to lines to India have been stopped.此外,各旅行社现也已叫停了前往印度各条旅游线。

35、She has joneyed all over the world.她旅行了全世界。

36、He wants to make a month-long css-country ad tp next summer, and he wants to do it on the cheap.他想在明年夏天进行一次长达一个月越野旅行,而且这一旅行不会花费很大。

37、This was my first outing.这是我第一次旅行。

38、She planned to travel und the world.她打算环球旅行。

39、He was responsible for choosing the train ute, buying tickets, finding hotels, renting a car and planning the itinerary.他负责选择铁路旅行线路,买车票,订旅馆,租车并安排行程。

40、Do you accept traveler’s checks?你这里接受旅行支票吗?

41、Sral times on recent tps Rushby found he hadn't opened his guidebook at all.在近期数次旅行中,罗施毕发现自己根就没翻开过自己旅行指南。

42、Is this the Youth Travel Agency?这是青年旅行社吗?

43、Although we'd anticipated the joney would be gruelling, by the end of the first day we better understood the Joni Mitchell phrase "pous with travel fr".尽管我们预计旅行会很艰苦,但是到了旅行开始第一天晚上,我们就更懂得了琼尼 米歇尔话——旅行热无处不在。

44、Fo Generations in One House is a traveling text and a text kept vaation while traveling.《四世同堂》是一个旅行文,也是一个在旅行中不断发生变异文。

45、It was a fascinating tp.那是一次迷人旅行。

46、A:I like hitchhiking.will you go with me?我喜欢搭便车旅行。

47、Ask the travel agent for any less toist oented information and check libraes and bookstores.应到旅行社打听其他各种有关旅行,并到图书馆和书店去查查。

48、The third example deals with a travel booking pcess that mas travel reservations for a customer.第三个示例处理旅行预订流程,该流程客户旅行预订情况。

49、And the fute of business travel?商务旅行前景如何?

50、A:Do you usually travel by bus?你总是坐汽车旅行吗?

经典英文句子51:旅行,51、Fellow travelers may expeence different soul places on the same tp.旅行者们在同一段旅程中会有不同心属之地。

52、How about this post-tp?这次业务旅行怎么样?。

53、Do you like travel by air?你喜欢坐飞机旅行吗?

54、essentially anywhere and rywhere.我基上可以到处去旅行。

55、The travellers were maddened with gry.旅行者们饿得发疯了。

56、The company, customers of which are mostly business travelers, has been pushing packaged tos aimed at high-income leise travelers.该公司一直在向高收入休闲游客户推出更多旅行方案。迄今为止,携程旅行网客户多为商旅人士。

57、The warning come in the 2009 Travel Trends Report, wtten with travel association Aa, which tes to be positive about holidays next year.这些警告都在由英国旅行商协会所编写xx年旅行趋势报告中,对于明年假期旅行市场该报告依然保持乐观。


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